Category: Blog Post
Managing Wales’ flood risk – NRW launches new mini podcast series
How could art and science work together to both show the importance of rivers to human health and wellbeing and enable rivers to find a voice?

Nuala Anne Dunn is in the early days of PhD research at Aberystwyth University School of Art. She is looking at ways in which art and science could work together to both show the importance of rivers to human health and well being and enable rivers to find a voice.She is keen to find a partnership with a scientist or an organisation that would be mutually beneficial, exploring ways that understanding of issues can be expressed and disseminated/shared.
EPW Newsletter | Out now

Read our Newsletter at: It has been a busy couple of months for us, culminating in the Better Water Quality for Wales Conference in June 2023. This newsletter will highlight our achievements over the last few months and share updates for the 2023-24 period.
Environmental Opportunities

Environment Platform Wales have a range of upcoming opportunities and events for our university partners (including undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, academics). Careers Fairs If you are studying at one of our Welsh partner universities, you will be able to find the Environment Platform Wales stand at your upcoming careers day from…
Better Water Quality for Wales Conference 2023: Recordings now available to view
British Ecological Society-Natural Resources Wales Policy Fellowship
Welsh Government University Program – Planet
Wales as a global leader for road safety and sustainable transport

UN Global Road Safety Week 2023 The theme of this years UN Global Road Safety week is Sustainable Transport. When safe, walking and cycling can contribute to making people healthier, cities sustainable and societies equitable. Did you know that of the 1.3 million people killed on the road each year,…
Reservoir Research Event

From 18th – 20th April, Environment Platform Wales welcomed #ReservoirResearch academics and professionals from across Wales, the UK and Europe to exchange knowledge and ideas on reservoir water management. The event was a great success with informative and interesting presentations, a field trip to Llandegfedd Reservoir including a boat trip…
Spring 2023 Newsletter out now!
Transforming Land use for Net Zero, Nature and People (LUNZ)

UK Research and Innovation, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and the Devolved Administrations announced yesterday the launch of a new, interdisciplinary and co-developed research programme entitled ‘Transforming Land use for Net Zero, Nature and People (LUNZ)’. Apply for funding to establish…
Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment – Scientific Expert Member Vacancy
Natural Resources Wales Ecology Data Specialist Vacancy

Natural Resources Wales are recruiting an Ecology Data Specialist. The closing date for applications is 11 April 2023. We are looking for someone to manage the data we collect for ecological work in NRW. In this technical specialist role, you will manage and develop the administration of terrestrial and marine…
Marine and Coastal Evidence Needs

Natural Resources Wales are seeking evidence for a series of high priority Marine and Coastal questions. By aligning your research interests with the evidence needs of NRW, you could provide important evidence to support those regulating and managing the Welsh coastal and marine environment. Environment Platform Wales are looking to…
Find Your Future in an Environmental Career

Many thanks to our panelists for an excellent and inspiring panel discussion. A recording of this event is now available on our student careers hub. Join us on Thursday 9th March for our second ‘Find Your Future in an Environmental Career’ event, in partnership with Cardiff University Student Futures. This…
Better Water Quality for Wales Conference – Call for Presentations
Join us for Professional Institute Talks

Join us for a series of talks about environmental professional institutes. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out how membership to a professional institute could help shape your career. Through February and March, we will be joined by representatives from CIWEM, the ICF and IFM. Our panelists will talk…
Join us for Planet Labs – Satellite Sessions
Pontio Teg tuag at Sero Net Cymru: Cais am DystioLaeth / Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence
Insights Wales-Cipolwg Cymru- proving a hit!
Environment Platform Wales at the All Wales Career Fair 2021

Environment Platform Wales will once again partner with all Welsh Universities and a host of other private and public sector organisations at the All Wales Careers Fair 2021. Hosted in tandem with GTI and Target Connect, it’s an opportunity for Welsh graduates and students to meet with employers, receive career-boosting advice and ideas for potential new and unexpected career paths. Join us!
EP Wales September 2021 News Update
New Environment Platform Wales Director: Andrew Schofield

Meet the new Director of Environment Platform Wales: Andy Schofield who joins the team following a career in fisheries, conservation, land management and water quality. His appointment follows two years managing the GW4 Water Security Alliance. Read more about him here, including his hopes for the platform, his passion for Bridgend Hockey Club…and Finn, his rather energetic Labrador!
Guest blog – Amber Rochette, Sustainable Fashion Week: “New fashion habits that don’t harm people or planet”
New role at National Museum Wales for EP Wales Director Dr. Jenny Geroni

EP Wales Director Dr Jennifer Geroni has this month served her last week as EPW Director, after almost three years leading the platform and its membership community. Jenny helped to formulate and deliver EP Wales’ thematic conferences and supported community members to collaborate on funding bids and a number of workshops, consultation events and sandpits at membership institutions….
Green pastures and new adventures for Prof. Kathryn Monk
Happy International Women’s Day 2021 | Environmental voices, emerging talent and HERstories
Interview with Brian Royson Mayne, CIWM

EP Wales caught up with Brian Royson Mayne, Chair of the Chartered Institute for Wastes Management, Wales ahead of his appearance at the All Wales Virtual Careers Fair. Brian reveals all about the CIWM, his ‘plan B’ dream career, what’s helped him through lockdown this last year…and his enthusiasm for extremely spicy chili peppers.
EP Wales speakers at All Wales Virtual Careers Fair: ‘never stop learning’

Speaking ahead of the first ‘All Wales Virtual Careers Fair’ on Monday March 1st, science communicator/presenter Huw James and Forbes Under 30 finalist Jessica Leigh Jones MBE have underlined how students emerging into the job market can gain a competative advantage by blending career passions, being agile and viewing their future careers as ‘jungle gyms’ rather than traditional career ladders.
EP Wales February 2021 News update

All Wales Virtual Careers Fair – exhibitors and grads/students wanted! Environment Platform Wales has been working with other Welsh University Careers Services and UK’s student employability experts GTi group to deliver an ‘All Wales Virtual Careers Fair’ on March 1st (10am-3pm) and bookings for this event are open for employers and students. It’s a great way…
Green shoots and new horizons at the All-Wales Virtual Careers Fair

Large-scale Welsh businesses, micro-employers and organisations are being encouraged to join the first pan-Wales careers fair which is being co-produced by all Welsh universities and HEIs. Working together for the first time in partnership with GTI, the virtual fair will promote a range of opportunities, graduate schemes and pathways into employment open to students and graduates.
EP Wales December 2020 News Update
#WelshUplands2020 washup: post-conference feedback report
Environment Platform Wales unveils new ‘Curious Minds’ Careers-focused podcast

As part of our work to support the next generation of environmental professionals in Wales, Environment Platform Wales (EP Wales) is producing a series of bite-sized talks focused on careers and skills development. The guest podcast series feature early career environmental professionals from across the public, private and third sectors. Review the shows and enter a draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher in time for Christmas.
Nick Thomas: A Tale of Three Moors
Barbara Jones: In search of the Snowdon Lily

As part of our Upland Voices project, we meet Barbara Jones, who has dedicated her life to monitoring and protecting the elusive Snowdon Lily. Only found on the steepest, most remote rocky outlets in Snowdonia – the alpine plant grows in only six locations. Facing freezing conditions, icy fingers and bruises is just part of the territory for Barabra, who leads the charge to montitor the plants at a number of microsites in Snowdonia. Despite being retired and the restrictions of Covid-19 on progress this year, Barabra is more determined than ever to bridge the communication gap between conservation and recreation.
UPLAND VOICES: A farmer’s tale of life on the Uplands

As part of our Upland voices project, Mid Wales beef and sheep farmer Hywel Morgan shares the story of his family farm ar Esgairllaethdy at the foot of the Black Mountains. In this article, he outlines his concerns and worries for the future of farming and what it’s like to be a farmer in Wales in 2020. In the run-up to our Resilience in the Welsh Uplands confererence in September, we’re shining a light on seldom-heard voices currently living and working in the Welsh Uplands. Why not get involved and share your story, too?
News update – summer news from Environment Platform Wales, August 2020
Rhondda-made: A tale of whinberries, huckleberries and Granny’s long lost chutney recipe
UPLAND VOICES: Powys Moorland Partnership
Environment Evidence 2020: Rapporteurs wanted
What’s New? | June 2020 News
Upland Voices – sharing the stories of Wales’ upland communities
Welsh Uplands Photography Competition – winners announced!
What’s new? | May news update

Read more for our May news update from the team at Environment Platform Wales to find out about our fully digital conference exerience for Environment Evidence 2020 (Resilience in the Welsh uplands), how you submit a late abstract and get involved in the online event, about our Welsh Uplands photography competition & prizes as well as all latest news, information and opportunities for members and subscribers.
The art of pivoting during a crisis: communicating in a pandemic
What’s new? | February News Update
What’s new | December news update
Living Wales: The satellite maps which could predict our future

We meet the Aberystwyth University research chair on a mission to change the way we see, understand and react to landscape-based data. The digital data bank could change the way we legislate for, build on and use the land around us. Environment Platform Wales caught up with the professor during a flying visit to Cardiff with his research team.
What’s new? EP Wales October news update
That’s a wrap! Looking back at the Marine Evidence Wales Conference 2019
Passionate about Marine: Kat Route-Stephens

As part of Environment Platform Wales’ first national conference specialising in Marine Evidence, we catch up with Kat Route-Stephens, Specialist Advisor to Natural Resources Wales on Marine Industries and Energy. We meet Kat to see what makes her tick and what she’ll be discussing at her session at the Marine Evidence (Wales) conference.
Interview with Dr Emma McKinley
What’s new? EP Wales August news update
Up close and personal with BBC’s Will Millard
Elizabeth Woodcock: A wild new way we can transform the way we manage our health – and the environment
Early career researcher support: Engaging with Policy Makers by Donna Szarun

UK Parliament and Welsh Government both use research and academic knowledge to inform scrutiny and legislation. Academics can help to ensure that the decisions that affect people’s lives are taken with the best available evidence, but it helps to know the way in. In June 2019, I supported Environment Platform…
10 things we’re looking forward to: Environment Evidence 2019
Biodiversity and ecosystem funding available
What makes me tick: Prof Iain Stewart

10 things that matter to the global speaker, UNESCO Geoscience Chair and BBC Presenter: making science documentaries, being an earth science champion and Scotland beating Wales (just once!) at the rugby. Chair of Geoscience communication – that’s not a title you hear every day. Is this what you set out…
We’re officially launching – come and join us!
It’s been a rollercoaster in terms of environmental news and developments over the last few weeks. In addition to building our small but fabulous team here at EPWales, we’ve had one eye on the news, too.