Environmental Researcher Listing

Name   Dr  Adrian Healy                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Urban water, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Resilience of people and places; urban water resilience in sub-Saharan Africa; urban groundwater

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/155224-healy-adrian

Name   Prof.  Alan Kwan                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Informatics, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Sustainable Informatics – Telemetry, control systems, optimisation, predictive simulation, networks, web-based real-time decision support systems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364407-kwan-alan

Name   Dr  Alberto Roldan Martinez                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry, Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

My research is based on computer simulation linking materials composition and atomic structure to the reactivity of relevance to chemistry and sustainable industry. Particularly we are interested in:Recovery and utilisation of chemicals in wastewatersHeterogeneous catalysts structure-activity-durability relationship. (www.roldan-group.com)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/102465-roldan-martinez-alberto

Name   Prof.  Andy Weightman                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Informatics, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Microbiomes, microbes and informatics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81310-weightman-andy

Name   Dr  Anna Paziewska-Harris                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Pathogens, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Cryptosporidium; waterbourne pathogens

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anna-Paziewska-Harris

Name   Dr  Ben Ward                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry, Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

The catalytic applications of main group and early transition metal organometallic and coordination complexes. The group has a particular interest in the development of new chiral catalysts based upon the alkaline earth, lanthanide, and early transition metals. Our research involves a significant amount of organic and inorganic syntheses, catalyst testing and optimisation, and mechanistic determination using state-of-the-art spectroscopic techniques and computational modelling methods.The Ward group is concerned with the catalytic applications of main group and early transition metal organometallic and coordination complexes. Our research specifically concentrates on the Alkaline Earth metals (magnesium, calcium and strontium) and the lanthanide metals.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38527-ward-benjamin

Name   Prof.  Calvin Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Economics / finance, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Environmental impact of economic activity, particularly ‘non-traditional’ activities such as tourism and sport

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/609409-jones-calvin

Name   Dr  Catherine Wilson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Computing / AI, Ecosystem services, Fish / fisheries, Flooding, Hydrodynamics, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

Environmental Hydraulics(i) Flooding – representation of the flow processes, including Natural Flood Management methods as well as Traditional Hard Engineering methods (ii) Fish swimming hydrodynamics – including fish-friendly altered flows (iii) Sediment transport dynamics – including the hydropower turbines on mobile bed systems (iv) Vegetation-flow interactions

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364497-wilson-catherine

Name   Dr  Catrin Williams                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Microbiology, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Interactions between microwave fields and biological systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2546438-williams-catrin

Name   Dr  Cedric Berger                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Informatics, Microbiology, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Primary Research Area A senior lecturer within the Microbiomes, Microbes and Informatics (MMI) group within the Cardiff School of Biosciences. Studying the interaction between enteric pathogens and their hosts with a specific emphasis on Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC), Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Diffusely adherent Escherichia coli (DAEC). Research covers the biology, immunology and the prevention of enteric diseases.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1269877-berger-cedric

Name     Christina Demski                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 


Special Interest Areas :      

Summary of Research : 

Risk perception and communication; public responses to emerging and complex socio-technical issues; public attitudes and acceptability towards environmental and energy issues.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  Christina Demski

Name   Dr  Christopher Bear                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Invertebrates, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Social science

Summary of Research : 

The relationships between humans, animals and technologies; recreational fisheries; aquatic geographies; insects as food and feed.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/123317-bear-christopher

Name   Dr  Claire Earlie                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion, Data Management, Extreme events, Flooding, Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Coastal geomorphology; Nearshore hydrodynamics; Rocky coasts; Coastal cliff erosion; Natural Hazards; in situ and remote sensing data.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/539374-earlie-claire

Name     Daniel Hobley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 


Special Interest Areas :      

Summary of Research : 

Numerical modelling of earth surface processes; Landlab; Surface processes in rivers, hillslopes, floods, glacial & icy landscapes, sediment fans, river deltas, extraterrestrial environments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  Daniel Hobley

Name   Dr  Daniel Slocombe                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Microwave activation of catalytic processes, synthesis of functional oxides, dielectric spectroscopy and new methods using magnetic resonance phenomena

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364470-slocombe-daniel

Name   Dr  Devin Sapsford                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Circular economy, Contaminants / pollutants, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Minewater treatment technologies; recovery of metals from waste; biogeochemistry

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364465-sapsford-devin

Name   Dr  Elizabeth Bagshaw                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Chemistry, Freshwater, Geochemistry, Polar / glaciology, Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

GlaciologyBiogeochemistryGeomicrobiologySensorsEnvironmental Monitoringparticular interest in biogeochemical processes in the cryosphere, and in the development and testing of new technologies to monitor them. She has conducted over ten seasons of fieldwork in Antarctica and Greenland, monitoring the impact of physical processes on microbial communities through geochemical changes in meltwater.Communicating data through ice is a real challenge, so our EPSRC funded research is exploring ways to return data from meltwater underneath glaciers. new methods for measuring aquatic biogeochemistry in glacial environments, in order to interpret processes and changes occurring in extreme ecosystems. Current projects include: testing of new generation sensors for pH and H2S in glacial runoff; development of wireless sensors for measuring simple parameters in UK rivers and subglacial melt channels; microsensor monitoring of carbon exchange in glacier surface ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/78700-bagshaw-elizabeth

Name   Dr  Elizabeth Chadwick                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Freshwater, Herptiles, Mammals, Pathogens, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Freshwater aquatic systems, particularly the Eurasian otter and British amphibians; spatial ecology; contaminants; populations; pathology; Otter Project

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81137-chadwick-elizabeth

Name   Dr  Emma McKinley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Coastal ecology, Community Engagement, Economics / finance, Human behaviour, Marine, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Marine social sciences, public perceptions of marine and coastal systems, social and cultural values and their role in marine and coastal governance, marine planning, blue growth and coastal communities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/353000-mckinley-emma

Name   Prof.  Eshwar Mahenthiralingam                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Contaminants / pollutants, Microbiology, Pathogens, Pollutants, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Pathogenesis and ecology of antibiotic resistant Gram-negative bacterial opportunistic pathogens• Bacteria which cause industrial contamination and are prevalent in water (Pseudomonas and Burkholderia)• Antibiotic producing bacteria• Genomics and population biology of the above bacteria

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81224-mahenthiralingam-eshwar

Name   Dr  Frank Hailer                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Molecular dynamics

Summary of Research : 

An evolutionary biologist working at the interface of genomics, molecular ecology and conservation biology.I am part of the Cardiff University Otter Project, where we study otters in the UK and beyond. We are using a diversity of scientific approaches, for example studying their exposure to environmental contaminants, antimicrobial resistance and their population structuring.Research interests are broad, focussing on surveying genetic variation within and among species to infer key processes in ecology and evolution, such as speciation, adaptation, introgression and population structuring. I am also interested in the causes and consequences of dispersal, mechanisms of loss or maintenance of genetic diversity, and disease ecology.Understanding these processes often requires knowledge about population structure and phylogeographic history. Hence, my research traces the origin and fate of genetic variation within individuals to their populations and species, and continues deeper into phylogenetic time scales. In this context I find it particularly fascinating to see how independently inherited parts of the genome reflect different aspects of present and past processes.In my research I have studied a wide range of taxa, including bears, eagles, various species of tropical seabirds, wolves, coyotes and dogs, turtles, fruit flies, lynxes, elephants etc., spanning arctic to tropical habitats.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81183-hailer-frank

Name   Prof.  Gillian Bristow                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Economics / finance

Summary of Research : 

Regional economic development; regional economic resilience; groundwater resilience; local and regional competitiveness; and regional policy.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/116935-bristow-gillian

Name   Dr  Hefin Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Freshwater, Parasitology, Plants, Soils

Summary of Research : 

Trophic interactions in terrestrial and aquatic environments (and the effect of climate change on these); soil biodiversity; population and community ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81206-jones-hefin

Name   Dr  Hannah Pitt                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Human behaviour, Plants, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Community use of blue-greenspaces, their benefits and what prevents people accessing them; current project work with Canal and River Trust

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/475490-pitt-hannah

Name   Prof.  Ian Hall                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Marine, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

I am happy to share stable isotope capability across the network (inc. cavity ring-down spectroscopy – Picarro – water isotope analysis System).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/78699-hall-ian

Name   Dr  Ian Vaughan                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Data Management, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Invertebrates, Landscape processes, Modelling, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Community ecology; long term ecological changes in British river systems; data analysis and modelling; multiple stressors; land use, climate, hydromorphology and river organisms; trophic interactions.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81302-vaughan-ian

Name   Prof.  Isabelle Durance                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Biodiversity, Catchments, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Freshwater, Plants, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Uplands, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Freshwater ecosystems; biodiversity; ecosystem services; climate change; environmental change, landscape ecology; catchment science.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81153-durance-isabelle

Name   Prof.  Jon Anderson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Recreation, Tourism, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Water Worlds and Surfing Places; Geography, Place & Culture; Literary Geographies

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/123316-anderson-jon

Name   Dr  Jonathan Bartley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry

Summary of Research : 

Heterogeneous catalysis. Design and synthesis of mixed oxide materials for use as catalysts and supports for different reactions. Research is mainly focussed on oxidation reactions including developing microwave catalysis to remove pollutants from water.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38550-bartley-jonathan

Name   Dr  Katerina Kaouri                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Groundwater, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Deterministic and stochastic modelling; Fluid Mechanics; Mathematical Biology; Asymptotic methods; Aquifer and water resource management modelling

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1048719-kaouri-katerina

Name   Dr  Kirstin Strokorb                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling

Summary of Research : 

research focus lies on multivariate, spatial and temporal dependence phenomena in extreme value theory. The latter is a branch of probability and statistics that provides theoretically sound procedures for the quantitative assessment or rare and typically hazardous events (as good as possible, knowing the limitations is also an important issue). Its methods are genuinely relevant for institutions that are exposed to high risks, for instance, financial services and insurance companies or environmental engineering institutions.Since 2017 I am a member of the editorial board of the journal Extremes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/542989-Dr-Kirstin-Strokorb

Name   Dr  Laura Purvis                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Economics / finance

Summary of Research : 

Supply chain management strategies; agile and resilient supply networks; flexible supply systems; supply networks design

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/598314-purvis-laura

Name   Dr  Marie Ekstrom                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Data Management, Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Modelling, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Regional climate modelling; climate extremes; climate projection development (regional rainfall patterns and impacts on hydrological regimes); adaptation planning

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/539374-earlie-claire

Name     Mark Cuthbert                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 


Special Interest Areas :      

Summary of Research : 

Groundwater recharge; Surface water-groundwater interactions; Groundwater flow and transport processes; Climate-Groundwater Interactions and Paleohydrology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  Mark Cuthbert

Name   Prof.  Max Munday                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance, Energy, Fish / fisheries, Recreation, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Economics of recreational angling, ecosystem services, hydropower; Welsh economy; inward investment; tourism economics; regional economics and policy; corporate restructuring

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/609570-munday-max

Name   Dr  Michael Harbottle                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Groundwater, Microbiology, Plants, Soils

Summary of Research : 

Biotechnology in contaminated land remediation; Electrical properties of soil and groundwater; Resource recovery from waste; Biogeotechnics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364380-harbottle-michael

Name   Dr  Michael Prior-Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Polar / glaciology, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

An electronic engineer with research interests relating to the development of new instruments for field data collection particularly in glaciology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1439317-prior-jones-michael

Name   Dr  Michael Singer                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Drought, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Flooding, Hydrology, Soils /sediments, Water resources, Water supply, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Ecohydrology; Drought and water scarcity; Forest health; Stochastic hydrology; Climate change; Floods; Sediment transport; Hydrology and geomorphology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/808751-singer-michael

Name   Prof.  Nicholas Pidgeon                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Community Engagement, Energy, Renewables, Risk assessment, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Risk Perception and Communication; the Environment; Science, Technology and Public Policy; and Sustainability; Perceptions of climate change and energy futures

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/65350-pidgeon-nick

Name   Dr  Pablo Ouro Barba                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Freshwater, Hydrodynamics, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

My main area of expertise relates to the computational modelling in Offshore renewable energy (tidal stream turbines and wind turbine farms); Turbulence in environmental flows and hydraulics; or multi-phase flows: Eulerian-Eulerian (free-surface) and Eulerian-Lagrangian (sediments). I also work on the development of river turbine arrays for developing countries.Additional areas I am keen on are microplastic transport processes and mixing in freshwater ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2498277-ouro-barba-pablo

Name   Prof.  Owen Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Sustainable behaviours, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Operational research; stochastic modelling and simulation; hillslope surface runoff; Quantifying the impacts of climate change; Sustainable water usage

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/556930-jones-owen

Name   Dr  Pablo Orozco-terWengel                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Aquaculture, Conservation / Wildlife, Genetics and genomics, Informatics, Landscape processes

Summary of Research : 

Population genetics; genomics; bioinformatics; statistics; landscape genetics; phylogenetics; conservation; agriculture; aquaculture; wildlife

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81245-orozco-terwengel-pablo

Name   Prof.  Peter Kille                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Genetics and genomics, Microbiology, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Omics – genomics, proteomics, metabolomics; heavy metals in biological systems.Diatom assay for WQ Analysis adopted in England for WFD by EA.Reservoir ecology and cyanobacteria population structureNutrients.Ecology of sand filters and chemical breakdown.eDNA as approach for water quality assessment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81212-kille-peter

Name   Prof.  Philip Davies                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry, Geochemistry, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

primary interest is understanding how a surface can modifies or direct a chemical reaction. The primary driver for our work has been heterogeneous catalysis where the surface has long been recognised critical in determining activity, selectivity and lifetime, but surface chemistry is an integral part of almost every heterogeneous system and thus our work is also relevant to aspects of adhesion, corrosion and biological activity. The core of our work has been concerned with understanding the reactions of molecules at surfaces characterised both chemically and structurally at the atomic level: the figure below for example, shows an atomically resolved image of a copper surface after reaction with phenyl iodide. The accompanying chart maps the changes in chemical composition as more of the reactant is adsorbed and reveals how high surface concentrations drive the formation and desorption of a biphenyl molecule leaving the surface covered in iodine. Other aspects of our work include studying the mechanism of photocatalysis, and in particular water splitting; characterising the decomposition pathways for archaeological iron (collaboration with the School of Conservation); investigating novel polymeric based sensors (collaboration with the School of Pharmacy) and exploring the anti-bacterial properties of nano-particulate silver (collaboration with the School of Pharmacy)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38531-davies-philip

Name   Dr  Peter Randerson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Pollutants, Renewables, Uplands, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Pollutant removal and nutrient recovery from effluents and waste water (biofiltration), using constructed wetland systems; production of biomass crops Pollutant removal and nutrient recovery from effluents and waste water (biofiltration), using constructed wetland systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81259-randerson-peter

Name   Dr  Rhys Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Evolution, Herptiles, Parasitology, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Herpetology; parasitology; evolutionary biology; science communication

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81208-jones-rhys

Name   Dr  Rupert Perkins                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Catchments, Chemistry, Freshwater, Microbiology, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Algal photophysiology and productivity; taste and odour compounds in reservoirs; catchment management; variable chlorophyll floursecence; sediment/water column biogeochemistry

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81703-perkins-rupert

Name   Dr  Shailen Nandy                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Teaches on a number of undergraduate and post-graduate Social Science modules, and convene modules on International and Comparative Social and Public Policy.Research has focused on different aspects of international development, and on poverty analysis and anti-poverty strategies. Interested in social policy and its role in national development strategies in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals.Currently Principal Investigator on an ESRC-GRCF-SDAI research project, collaborating with UNICEF Nigeria, looking at the problem of multiple malnutrition in young children in West and Central Africa.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/489293-nandy-shailen

Name   Prof.  Shunqi Pan                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal erosion, Energy, Extreme events, Modelling, Renewables

Summary of Research : 

Physical and numerical modelling of coastal & estuarine processes; prediction of large-scale extreme waves and surge; climate change impacts to the marine environment; coastal defences and flooding; marine renewable energy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364442-pan-shunqi

Name   Dr  Siân Griffiths                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Fish / fisheries, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Behavioural ecology and the evolution of fish schooling; Consequences of climate change for fish behaviour and river ecology; Ecosystem quality and the distribution of fish in rivers

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81178-griffiths-sianSiân%20Griffiths

Name   Prof.  Steve Ormerod                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biogeochemistry, Birds, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Water resources, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Global change effects on freshwater organisms and ecosystems; River biodiversity and ecosystem services; The ecology of river and wetland birds

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81244-ormerod-steve

Name   Dr  Stuart Capstick                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Cross-cultural understanding of climate change and environmentally-significant behaviours

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1156602-capstick-stuart

Name   Prof.  Thomas Connor                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Epidemiology, Genetics and genomics, Human health, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Pathogen evolution; bioinformatic; computational biology; sequening; phylogenetics; population genomics; public health

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81141-connor-thomas

Name   Dr  Thomas Woolley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Mathematical biology, Ecology, Morphogenesis, Reaction-diffusion theory, Cellular motion, Stochastic dynamics, Neurobiology, Oncology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/783107-woolley-thomas

Name   Dr  Timothy Easun                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry

Summary of Research : 

My research targets the use of photochemistry to control the behaviour of ultramicroporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) from changing their overall porosity, to directing molecular flow in order to make functional nanofluidic devices. This involves functionalisation of crystalline porous materials, specifically using photochemically active components to direct guest uptake and release. We make MOFs that selectively trap gaseous species and are translating that work into the liquid state in order to purify water of molecular and ionic contaminants, including the removal of harmful pharmaceutical molecules.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/69904-easun-tim

Name   Dr  Tom Beach                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Data Management

Summary of Research : 

Monitoring and sensing of built environment assets- Data science applied to the built environment ( including optimisation and artificial intelligence); -Management and integration of disparate built environment data sources

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364326-beach-tom

Name   Dr  Tristam Hales                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Landscape processes, Rivers and streams, Soils, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Geomorphology; Hillslope processes; Vegetation-landscape interactions; Landscape evolution; Permafrost; Landslide hazards

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81687-hales-t-c

Name   Dr  Victoria Garcia Rocha                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Materials science, chemistry and engineering of carbon-based composite materials and ceramics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/542257-garcia-rocha-victoria

Name   Prof.  William Symondson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

Predator-prey interactions; molecular analysis of diet; herbivory; food webs; prey choice

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81292-symondson-william-o.c.

Name   Prof.  Wouter Poortinga                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Extreme events, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

An environmental psychologist, based in the Welsh School of Architecture and the School of Psychology. Expertise in psychological and behavioural aspects of single-use plastics. Other research interests are in human-environment interactions, including:environmental risk perceptionsustainable behaviours and lifestyleshousing, neighbourhoods and health.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1156540-poortinga-wouter

Name   Prof.  Yacine Rezgui                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Data Management, Energy, Extreme events

Summary of Research : 

Modelling, data analytics, informatics (semantics), knowledge management; catchment and urban water management; resilience of the built environment to natural disasters; smart cities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364461-rezgui-yacine

Name   Dr  Zhihua Xie                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Fluid mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modelling, interfacial and multiphase flows, water wave mechanics, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, marine renewable energy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/547992-xie-zhihua

Name   Dr  David Lee                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Modelling, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Wildlife ecology; Biodiversity survey techniques and technologies; Conservation biology; Ecology and conservation of tropical forest and upland landscapes; Ecosystem restoration; Endangered species, particularly birds and mammals.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/david-lee(821accb9-31a5-4adc-8a5c-f273ae038b86).html

Name   Professor  John Healey                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Plants, Uplands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Ecology, management and ecosystem services of forests and agroforestry systems, with particular emphasis on tropical and upland environments. Biodiversity conservation in protection and production forests; invasive woody species. Forest restoration and remediation of degraded and post-industrial land. Sustainable forest management and policy including: climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration; Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation; reduced impact logging; silviculture; secondary and buffer-zone forest management; community participation; monitoring. Forest ecology including: natural regeneration; resistance and resilience of forests to disturbance (including pathogens and herbivores); succession; landscap

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/staff/john-healey/en#research-interests

Name   Prof  Jo Cable                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Epidemiology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Human health, Pathogens, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Aquatic Health; Ecological Parasitology; fish pathogens; One Health; Aquatic Invasive Non-native Species; host-parasite interactions under multiple stressors

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81131-cable-joanne

Name   Mr  Robbie James                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production systems, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Sustainable agriculture, agroecology, agronomy, soil science

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbie-james-87418116b/

Name   Dr  Miguel Lurgi                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

complex ecological networks; microbial ecology; biogeography; evolutionary ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/lurgi-m/

Name   Dr  Konstans Wells                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Epidemiology, Evolution, Mammals, Modelling, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

I am an ecologist and modeller, focusing on the consequences of environmental change on biodiversity, wildlife, invasive species and host-parasite interactions. My interests include questions of how insights from demographic and epidemiological dynamics, species range dynamics and bio-geographic patterns can be used to identify key processes for optimizing conservation and pest control efforts and the prevention of disease spread under different environmental scenarios and policy schemes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/wells-k-l/

Name   Dr  Tamsyn Uren Webster                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production systems, Animal physiology, Antimicrobial resistance, Aquaculture, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Epidemiology, Evolution, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Genetics and genomics, Marine, Microbiology, Pathogens, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Ecotoxicology, Sustainable aquaculture, Molecular ecology, Microbiome, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenetics,

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Will Allen                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production systems, Animal physiology, Birds, Ecology, Evolution, Herptiles, Mammals, Renewables

Summary of Research : 

applied animal visual ecology – crop pests & beneficials, renewable energy, invasive species

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/allen-w-l/

Name   Dr  Susan Liggett                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Susan’s expertise is in the field of fine art practice; specifically painting. Her research is primarily qualitative inquiry into ‘how’ artistic practice can inform bodies of knowledge and ‘what’ it can contribute to different fields of academia.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/susan-liggett/

Name   Prof.  Alex Shepley                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Alec’s broader research project contextualizes the continued value of emotion, travel, ruin, satire and ad hocism, to re-examine the status and situation of being human and questions our notions of value and commodity.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/alec-shepley/

Name   Dr  David Sprake                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Freshwater, Human health, Renewables

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/david-sprake/

Name   Dr  Aaron Yankholmes                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Economics / finance, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://southwales.academia.edu/AaronYankholmes

Name   Dr  Jenny Maher                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Environmental Crime, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/jenny-maher

Name   Prof.  Steve Gill                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Human health

Summary of Research : 

an applied researcher. As well as heading UCD-R (see above), he works closely with Prof. Judith Hall from Cardiff University Medical School and Dr. Clara Watkins on the development of low cost life-saving medical products. Steve is a founder member and Operational Chair of the Wales Institute of Research in Art & Design (WIRAD). Over the years his research interests have become diverse, leading him to supervise PhDs in areas as diverse as Re-configurable tooling, Thermography, Design, Experiential Vision and Ceramics. His core interests lie in human-centred design, life critical product design, physicality, rapid prototyping of computer embedded products and interaction design. A common theme in them all is a desire to place people at the h

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/artanddesign/staff/Pages/stevegill.aspx

Name   Dr  Chantelle Haughton                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Social science, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Research Interests: • Forest School • Outdoor Play and Learning • Emotional Literacy • Inclusion for families and children • Holistic child development

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/education/staff/Pages/Chantelle-Haughton.aspx

Name   Dr  Jeanette Reis                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Mammals, Marine, Risk assessment, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

sustainable marine wildlife tourism, codes of conduct, climate change, marine energy, green economy, blue economy, marine risk assessment

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jeanette-reis-97b61825

Name   Miss  Sarah du Plessis                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Mammals, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Conservation genetics and genomics, evolutionary history, and Eurasian otters.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1713915-

Name   Dr  Muhammed Naveed Arshad                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Plants, Renewables, Social science

Summary of Research : 

His current position focuses on the agricultural productivity potential of Wales and potential resources for bioenergy in UK. He has vast experience of Climate Change Studies using Crop Modeling and Remote Sensing/GIS and land assessment/crop suitability mapping. He is very passionate about research on environmental issues, sustainability and socio-ecological resilience.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/mna/

Name   Dr  Pete Bunting                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Data Management, Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Dr Bunting’s research is concerned with the computational processing of spatial data, primarily for the mapping of land surfaces & biophysical attributes both in terms of their current state & as they change through time using remotely sensed (terrestrial, airborne & spaceborne) & ancillary GIS data, to inform policy & understand the processes of change. In particular, his research involves the development of new & automated techniques for information retrieval from image & 3D point cloud datasets.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/pfb/

Name   Prof.  Michael Christie                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Economics / finance, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Research specialises in the economic and social valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services using a wide range of non-market valuation methods including choice experiments, contingent valuation, contingent behaviour and travel cost method. These studies have addressed a wide range of natural resource and environmental issues including, both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, water quality, biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes, recreation and tourism. Future research focusing on the human welfare impacts of biodiversity loss in developing countries.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/abs/staff-profiles/listing/profile/mec/

Name   Prof.  Iain Donnison                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Head of the Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS). He is a plant and environmental scientist with expertise in temperate and tropical grasses. His work focuses on environmental stress, and strategies for adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/isd/

Name   Dr  Ally Evans                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

An applied marine ecologist with a primary interest in conservation management, biodiversity restoration and enhancement. Recent research focusses on enhancing the biodiversity of marine artificial structures for the Ecostructure project www.ecostructureproject.eu, but has worked on coral reef, seagrass, mangrove and kelp systems previously. Works at the interface between research, policy and practice to try to drive evidence-based implementation of biodiversity enhancements in marine planning.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/aje12/

Name   Prof.  Mariecia Fraser                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Animal behaviour, Ecology, Energy, Plants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Head of the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre. Background in animal science and grazing ecology and specialise in developing and testing management strategies for upland systems. My research interests include: species and breed differences in diet selection and ingestive behaviour, conservation grazing, nutrient supply from forages, greenhouse gas emissions from grazing animals, and the bio-energy potential of semi-natural grasslands.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/mdf/

Name   Dr  Survana Punalekar                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Landscape processes, Modelling, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Working on the EU funded Living Wales project Survana is particularly interested in testing already available remote sensing based environmental variable products (such as Leaf Area Index, Canopy Cover and Height) for monitoring changes and further implement tested algorithms on the fine resolution datasets such as Cubesat, Rapideye, Sentinel 2 for achieving improved temporal frequency as well as spatial resolution.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/smp15/

Name   Prof.  Helen Roberts                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes, Soils

Summary of Research : 

Her research focuses on the development and application of luminescence methods for dating Quaternary sediments, with particular interest in rates of geomorphic change, coastal change, and long terrestrial records of climatic and environmental change. Helen’s current research includes deciphering the record of past environmental change preserved in lake sediments in Africa, and the links to human evolution, innovation, and dispersal of our human ancestors. She is also interested in the wind-blown dust deposits known as ‘loess’; these deposits contain important information about past levels of dust in the atmosphere, which can be used in climate models to study the impact of dust on the climate system, and to improve our understanding of the

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/hmr/

Name   Miss  Luned Roberts                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Conservation / Wildlife, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/luned-roberts(3a9dda7b-c11f-4c95-a62b-3319f7b1d6c5).html

Name   Dr  Patrick Robson                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes, Heritage, History

Summary of Research : 

Research interests include working on the Chew Bahir Project exploring links between climate change and human evolution in East Africa. In the summer of 2017 Patrick was appointed as a PDRA on the CHERISH project, which aims to study climate change and its impact on the heritage on the Welsh and Irish coasts.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/pjr/

Name   Prof.  Andrew Thomas                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Landscape processes, Microbiology, Soils

Summary of Research : 

Andrew’s expertise is in dryland environments, particularly in the Kalahari of southern Africa. He is interested in predicting the effects of climatic and land use change on soils and the carbon cycle. Much of his work has focused on biological soil crusts and their influence over soil erodibility, moisture and nutrient content in drylands. His current research is quantifying spatial differences in soil respiration and microbial activity in the Kalahari, and determining the relative roles of fungi and bacteria in carbon cycles.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/ant23/

Name   Prof.  Stephen Tooth                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Climate Change, Drought, Flooding, Rivers and streams, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Geomorphology and sedimentology, especially in the drylands of Australia and southern Africa. Particular research themes include: anabranching rivers; floodplains and floodouts; wetlands in drylands; channel-vegetation interactions; bedrock-influenced rivers; controls on gully erosion; long-term fluvial landscape development; palaeoenvironmental change; global climate change and the Anthropocene; and the use of drylands on Earth as analogues for Martian surface environments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/set/

Name   Prof.  Peter Merriman                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science, Transport

Summary of Research : 

Main research interest is in social science and humanities approaches to mobility and transport.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/prm/

Name   Prof.  Paul Brewer                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Hydromorphology, Rivers and streams, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Geomorphology, fluvial processes, channel pattern change, siltation and sedimentation problems, impacts of tailings dam failures and metal mining activity on fluvial systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/pqb/

Name   Prof.  Andrew Mitchell                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Groundwater, Polar / glaciology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Microbe-metal-sediment interaction, transport and deposition Biogeochemistry in glacierised and snow covered environments Environmental engineering – Bioremediation in surface and groundwater; Subsurface geologic carbon sequestration, enhanced oil recovery

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/nem/

Name   Miss  Heather Kay                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Landscape processes, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Her research investigates the drivers of variation in forest structure across the globe. In the UK she has a keen interest in natural regeneration, rewilding and landscape ecology. She is also part of an international team assisting with contributions to the AFOLU sector of the UNFCCC Secretariat.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/hek4/

Name   Mrs  Hannah Vallin                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Genetics and genomics, Microbiology, Plants, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

DNA metabarcoding, herbivore diet analysis, diet selection, foraging strategies, conservation grazing, upland agroecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/hev1/

Name   Dr  Aisha Della-Bambatta                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Working mainly on the Dwr Uisce project https://www.dwr-uisce.eu/ where I’m looking into the energy performance of key water demands in the built environment. My projects include: Citizen science project on water-energ use in Irish households Climate action hackathon in schools in Ireland and Wales Benchmarking water-energy efficiency in leisure centres.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/aisha-bellodambatta(ffd16b73-3604-4f37-a45c-5c04d6249ec9).html

Name   Ms  Theresa Bodner                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Landscape processes, Uplands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

interested in forestry, land use and environmental complexity – including the relationship of land use with today’s complex social, political and economical demands. At Bangor university I have the opportunity to deepen my understanding of and contribute to the research on these land use issues, with a PhD studentship funded by the Sir William Roberts Centre for Sustainable Land Use. The current title of my PhD project is ‘Emerging spaces for native woodland growth in Britain’s crowded future landscapes’. So far, I have researched the drivers and legacies of British forestry history in the last 100 years (1919-2019), both in terms of historical accounts and by investigating archives of planting data over the course of the century. Working

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/natural-sciences/theresa-bodner-109098/en#research-interests

Name   Dr  Adam Charlton                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Microbiology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/adam-charlton(53d517ce-4ddc-46ae-ad31-bca1c0f4db58).html

Name   Mr  Matt Cooper                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Flooding, Marine, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/matt-cooper(8886e474-9458-421e-91d4-6c59a6adf2a5).html

Name   Ms  Elinor Elis-Williams                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/elinor-eliswilliams(52afa033-7211-4cf6-8f82-ea251b2b805b).html

Name   Dr  Amy Ellison                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Parasitology, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

molecular parasitologist broadly interested in all aspects of host-pathogen interactions and co-evolution. I have a particular interest in how chronoparasitology – the study of circadian rhythms of hosts and parasites – can be used to improve our understanding of disease dynamics in captive and wild animal populations. In addition, I am interested in how next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies can be used in the study of biotic and abiotic factors influencing species-specific differences in responses to shared pathogens.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/amy-ellison(8186fc85-bf3a-42fb-abcb-a83b9fa42328)/researchoutputs.html?pageSize=50&page=0&ordering=researchOutputOrderByType&descending=true

Name   Ms  Elidh Forster                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

researching the environmental sustainability of forestry value chains using a combination of carbon modelling and life cycle assessment (LCA). I am evaluating different forest management systems and different downstream timber product uses, with a particular focus on the construction sector. Initially I am looking at the greenhouse gas emissions impact of different value chains but hope to expand the scope to consider other impact categories as well (such as water quality), through collaboration with other researchers. I am interested in the emerging circular bio-economy and may also evaluate some more novel wood-based products later in my PhD if time permits.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/research/environment-natural-resources-and-geography/students/eilidh-forster.php.en

Name   Dr  James Gibbons                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Data Management, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling

Summary of Research : 

A statistician and modeller with a particular focus on modelling farm management, the analysis of environmental data and modelling the interaction between policy, land use and the environment. I have developed innovative statistical methods to model and visualise data and problems in temperate and tropical systems covering the terrestrial and marine environment. I have wide experience of contributing modelling and analysis for funded research (funded by Defra, NERC, BBSRC & Natural Resources Wales) and managing and delivering projects

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/james-gibbons(a7aa83a2-aee0-422f-9fd2-54288569a106).html

Name   Dr  Ashley Hardaker                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Economics / finance, Ecosystem services, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

an interdisciplinary researcher interested in decision analysis in relation to land use, forestry, agroforestry and agricultural systems. I am particularly interested in research to inform decision making surrounding the adoption of agroforestry and woodland creation in upland agricultural systems and how these interventions can be designed to deliver public and private economic benefits. I engage with a range of research disciplines including ecosystem services, GIS, economics and operations research.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/ashley-hardaker(910c56b3-f450-4c76-a3e3-34cff9e9111f).html

Name   Dr  Natalie Hold                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Post-doctoral research at Bangor University (2012-2015 and 2019- present) has focused on inshore, data poor, shellfish fisheries across Wales, requiring active engagement with the fishing industry for collaborative data collection. All research aims are closely aligned with fisheries management and policy evidence requirements in order to deliver meaningful research to impact sustainable fisheries management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/natalie-hold-015107/en

Name   Mr  Sam Hollick                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Landscape processes, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

interested in issues of agricultural sustainability and in particular the role of agroforestry in delivering towards social agendas including sustainable intensification and rural economic development. The current title of my PhD work is “Optimising landscape shelterbelts to sustainably increase farm livestock productivity.” My PhD research is funded by KESS2 East in partnership with the Woodland Trust.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/research-students/sam-hollick-9581e6a5-6ef7-4124-9be1-25ef7f863a07/en#research-interests

Name   Dr  Kirsy MacLeod                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

A behavioural and evolutionary ecologist with broad interests in maternal investment, maternal effects, mating systems, and co-operation.Investigating the effects of maternal predator stress on offspring in eastern fence lizards – in particular the stress associated with invasive fire ants – and snowshoe hares.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/kirsty-macleod(695dbfdc-9ad0-48c2-98bb-35cd63ed3d2c).html

Name   Dr  David Mills                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

SEACAMS Knowledge Systems Director

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.cams.bangor.ac.uk/staff/david-mills

Name   Prof.  Simon Neill                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Professor in physical oceanography, specializing in ocean renewable energy: characterizing the wave and tidal energy resource, understanding wave-tide interaction, optimizing grid integration of arrays of marine renewable energy devices, and quantifying the environmental impacts of extracting energy from the oceans.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/simon-neill(857c6ab3-81d6-4f14-81fc-c4a39f4f0fe0)/researchoutputs.html?pageSize=250&page=0

Name   Dr  Tim Pagella                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Ecosystem services, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

a system scientist primarily interested in agroforestry systems. In particular my research focuses on the capacity of trees outside woodland to deliver ecosystem services, resilience and sustainable intensification. I am interested in how livelihood and wellbeing benefits from these systems are distributed across scales (in both tropical and temperate systems).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/tim-pagella-000553/en

Name   Dr  Sopin Patil                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Hydrology, Landscape processes, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

research interests are along two broad themes: (1) to understand how climate and land-use change will affect the hydrological behaviour of landscapes across multiple observation scales, and (2) to quantify the resilience of linked ecosystem services to hydrological changes in the region. I am especially interested in investigating the spatial and temporal patterns of environmental change through model-based evaluations across numerous river basins.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/sopan-patil-096948/en

Name   Dr  Martin Skov                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Marine, Plants, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

an experimental ecologist with particular interests in the ecological functioning and ecosystem services of coastal salt marshes, mangroves and seagrasses. My research focuses particularly on regulators of landscape-scale functioning, such as examining what determines the delivery of natural coastal protection and carbon sequestration by marshes and mangroves, and explaining and predicting long- and medium-term changes in marsh and mangrove area cover. I have a strong interest in the human interactions with coastal wetlands, including wellbeing associations and how ecosystem management impacts on ecosystem service delivery.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/martin-skov(5092a23f-06fc-4bec-80b7-179ee12974ea)/researchoutputs.html?ordering=researchOutputOrderByType&descending=true&pageSize=25&page=0

Name   Dr  Eifiona Thomas Lane                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Culture, Economics / finance, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

interests acknowledge the widest value of natural and cultural heritage, and in working towards sustainably managing these rich environments for improving local resilience and community well-being, whilst contributing to international visions for equitable development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/eifiona-lane-008222/en

Name   Ms  Gemma Veneruso                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Energy, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

research focusses on applying cetacean ecology and behavioural studies to anthropogenic impacts. In recent years, I have specifically studied small cetacean density, distribution and behaviour at sites proposed for tidal energy development in Wales. We seek to understand animal usage in high current areas and develop innovative tools to study dolphin and porpoise response to operating turbines, to inform collision risk.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://cao.bangor.ac.uk/staff/gemma-veneruso

Name   Dr  Sophie Ward                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Climate Change, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

a physical oceanographer with special interest in ocean modelling. I have experience of applying models to a broad range of research topics including marine renewable energy, past climate conditions, marine biosecurity and the aquaculture industry.Particular areas of research interest include: numerical modelling (physical, biophysical and biogeochemical/ecosystem), sediment dynamics, sea-level rise and climate change, marine renewable energy.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/sophie-ward-058396/en

Name   Dr  Eleanor Warren-Thomas                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services

Summary of Research : 

conservation scientist, working across disciplines to understand the difficult trade-offs we negotiate in biodiversity and environmental conservation, with the aim of finding solutions that offer benefits for people, biodiversity and the wider environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/eleanor-warren-thomas-193898/en

Name   Ms  Lucia Watts                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Environmental Sciences PhD student with a demonstrated history of working in the nature conservation industry. Skilled in Biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Report Writing. Key interests include how to most accurately predict species movement with climate change and the role of protected areas in ensuring species resilience.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/eleanor-warren-thomas-193898/en

Name   Dr  Jennifer Allan                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Contaminants / pollutants, Social science, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

research explores environmental and social movements, and how global rules are made and remade. My recent work focuses on the politics of sustainable post-COVID recoveries, including green stimulus packages in the UK and the emergence of the green recovery norm globally. I engage with a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity, forest protection, and chemical and wastes management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1422735-allan-jennifer

Name   Dr  Richard Caddell                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Fish / fisheries, Law / Legislation, Marine, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

primary research interests lie in the law of the sea and international environmental law, with a particular emphasis on wildlife conservation law, fisheries management, marine mammals, Polar law and marine environmental law at the international, EU, UK and devolved levels, as well as the exercise of free speech and protest rights.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/478838-caddell-richard

Name   Dr  Sarah Christofides                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Freshwater, Fungi, Informatics, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Plants

Summary of Research : 

research interests focus on (microbial) community ecology, and particularly the application of multivariate statistics to large datasets. I have a diverse research background, spanning fungal interactions, plant stress responses and freshwater ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1455938-christofides-sarah

Name   Dr  Andrea Collins                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Human behaviour, Recreation, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

research interests cover the contribution of environmental indicators in assessing resource use impacts, specifically the ecological footprint as a policy and education tool. Her current work focuses on assessing the environmental impacts of major sport and cultural events, and developing decision-making tools for event organisers and policy makers. Projects have included FA Cup Final, Rugby 6 Nations, Tour de France, UEFA Champions League Final, Hay Literature Festival, Swn Festival, National Eisteddfod and Cardiff Half Marathon.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/87816-collins-andrea

Name   Ms  Inge Elferich                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

I work with an interdisciplinary team of supervisors from Cardiff and Bristol University and I am working together with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to apply my research to the real world directly. I’m investigating which in situ sensors and frequency of measurement is required in a real-time monitoring program to predict issues with taste and odour compounds in drinking water reservoirs.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cy/people/research-students/view/2489031-elfferich-inge

Name   Dr  Rachel Hale                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

I am a Research Associate on the ALCHIMIA project which is exploring the insertion of a particular Artificial Intelligence technology incorporating ‘federated learning’ within the European steel industry for the more efficient operation of Electric Arc Furnace steel production. I am also the co-PI on a UKERC funded study: Facilitating participation in air quality citizen science (EXPO-ENGAGE). I am a sociologist fascinated by the societal and ethical issues around science and technology. I have expertise in qualitative research methods and sociology/Science and Technology Studies theoretical approaches; as well as in, quantitative, mixed and systematic review methods. I have experience of research and teaching at several universities and I am currently teaching on the MSc in Social Science Research Methods.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1767200-hale-rachel

Name   Mr  Richard Hanousek                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

currently doing a PhD with the WISE Centre for Doctoral Traning (funded by the EPSRC, grant no EP/L016214/1), with Dr Reza Ahmadian and Prof Roger Falconer, numerically modelling the near and far field effects of marine renewable energy schemes. My work with design optimisation at a conceptual stage using 0D models, determining numbers of turbines and sluices along with how and when to generate energy with the aim of ensuring that a design is at its most viable. I have also carried out studies of developed designs using 2D large domain numerical models to assess the potential environmental impacts of a tidal range energy scheme once operational. I have also conducted research into using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to model a vertical axis turbine.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/engineering/1425950-hanousek-nicolas

Name   Dr  Pan He                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Climate Change, Human behaviour, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

interested in exploring how human behavior affects the natural environment, and in examining how policy can lead to consumer behavior change that improves sustainability. Currently, I focus on investigating how the food consumption patterns result in specific interconnected environmental and health impacts and what are the opportunities and challenges in realizing dietary sustainability. My other branch of studies concerns empirically examining the effect of climate change and air pollution on human activities such as driving and tourism, as well as the effectiveness of environmental and energy policies at the micro-level.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2425263-he-pan

Name   Dr  Kersty Hobson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Human / Public health, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

research interests focus on issues of social and environmental transformation, particularly in the fields of sustainable production and consumption, and multi-level environmental governance.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/363246-hobson-kersty

Name   Dr  Hannah Hughes                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

working in collaboration with Dr Alice Vadrot at the University of Vienna exploring the importance of methodological innovation in the study of global environmental negotiations and the knowledge bodies that inform these, such as the IPCC and IPBES. We have a forthcoming edited volume that will be published by Cambridge University Press. The book offers agreement-making as a new framework for conducting research of the actors, sites, processes and order-making that constitute environmental negotiations and the outcomes they produce.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/330670-hughes-hannah

Name   Ms  Fiona Joyce                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Drought, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Flooding, Rivers and streams, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1322399-

Name   Dr  William Kay                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Coastal ecology, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

ecological research interests lie in quantifying the drivers of individual- and population-level animal movement, behaviour, and energetics in order to predict the impact of anthropogenic disturbance and environmental change on animals and thus to derive recommendations for policy and conservation management. I have focused in particular on the study of marine megafauna but I am keen to apply my research across all taxa. My most recent work (towards my PhD thesis) has examined the movements and behaviour of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in tidal stream environments, and their potential interactions with marine renewable energy developments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2534906-kay-william

Name   Dr  Lam Man Yue                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Contaminants / pollutants, Flooding, Science communication, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Mechanistic model assumptions in coastal waters: There is no general consensus concerning the turbulence and bacteria decay models suitable for coastal waters. While the suitability of these models are site and bacteria dependent, factors governing the use of such models require clarification. AI models: AI models require less computational power and obtain water quality predictions quicker than mechanistic models. Nonlinear AI models are being developed to better predict bathing water quality, especially faecal indicator bacteria concentrations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1723963-yue-lam-man-arthur

Name   Dr  Eshrar Latif                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy

Summary of Research : 

research interests include: Hygrothermal performance of bio-based thermal insulation materials Hygrothermal performance of hemp-lime Energy performance monitoring of buildings and test cells Laboratory-based experiments related to building physics Innovative construction materials Low energy building design Simulation of heat and mass transfer.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1254519-latif-eshrar

Name   Dr  Feng Mao                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Hydrodynamics, Informatics, Risk assessment, Science communication, Sensors, Social science

Summary of Research : 

research interests lie in the intersection of water, ecosystems, society and technologies, focusing on three main themes: (i) hydro-socio-ecological systems under change, (ii) resilience and environmental risk, and (iii) innovative data technologies for the environment and development, including low-cost sensor networks and visualisation applications.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2131758-mao-feng

Name   Dr  Numair Masud                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Fish welfare with an emphasis on host-pathogen dynamics. Understanding and potentially improving fish welfare has been a slow endeavour, with the knowledge that fish can neurologically respond to pain only being discovered in 2003. This neglect of fish welfare has contributed to the ‘silent extinction’ of many fish species, with freshwater species in particular facing higher extinction rates than any other group of vertebrates on the planet. Pathogens are one of the key factors implicated in the demise of wild fish populations and also the major factor preventing the sustainable expansion of aquaculture. Therefore, my research has relevance to ecosystems and the fish trade.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2508790-masud-numair

Name   Ms  Lucy Maybury                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Energy, Transport

Summary of Research : 

a PhD student in the School of Computer Science and Informatics working on an interdisciplinary project with the School of Mathematics and the School of Engineering. My project involves mathematical modelling surrounding the UK’s transition from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2501261-maybury-lucy

Name   Ms  Gemma Muller                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Rivers are major conduits of plastic pollution to the marine environemnt. I’m investigating the sources of microplastic to the freshwater river environment at a catchment scale, understanding the abundance, polymer type, fate, and transfer through the food web, with further focus on tyre wear particles, highly abundant and poorly understood.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2522906-

Name   Dr  Simon Brooks                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance, Human / Public health, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Corporate social responsibility and small to medium sized enterprises. Strategic agility and corporate sustainability. Strategic agility and value-based healthcare. Creating shared value and value-based healthcare.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/som/busman/brooks-s-b/

Name   Dr  Aaron Brown                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

oined Unicef UK as a Youth Justice Specialist, where, over the past year, he has utilised his existing academic knowledge, to help lead on, and produce, a youth justice report that looks at the devolved and non-devolved policy contexts, in which youth justice functions in each of the four UK nations from a children’s rights perspective.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/som/busman/brooks-s-b/

Name   Dr  Ruth Callaway                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Estuaries, Invertebrates, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Marine ecology Marine invertebrates Infauna and epibenthos Marine renewable energy Estuaries Bioengineering Swansea Bay North Sea

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/callaway-r-m/

Name   Prof.  Sophia Consuegra del Olmo                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Evolution, Fish / fisheries, Genetics and genomics, Invasives

Summary of Research : 

Evolutionary ecology Conservation genetics/omics Fisheries and aquaculture Invasive species

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/consuegra-s/

Name   Prof.  Dan Eastwood                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Fungi, Genetics and genomics, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

am interested in understanding how higher fungi grow, exploit resources in their environment and make mushrooms. I mainly employ molecular tools (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics) in my research combined with traditional microbiological and biochemical analysis.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/eastwood-d-c/

Name   Dr  Elaine Forde                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Social science

Summary of Research : 

Her research explores the ethnography of energy, with a particular focus on how new political and technological regimes are changing the relationship between energy and societies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://hyena-net.org/elaine-forde/

Name   Prof.  Simon Willcock                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Landscape processes

Summary of Research : 

an interdisciplinary scientist, keen on producing real-world outputs that can be applied in numerous policy and business contexts. My particular interests focus on the interactions between people and nature, particularly within the tropics. Key subject areas include: Adaptation Climate Change Ecosystem Services Land use/cover change Migration Resilience Tipping points My projects focus on ecosystems services (the benefits humans derive from nature) in rural and urban areas, using innovative methods (e.g. smartphones; https://msds.tools/).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/simon-willcock-123839/en

Name   Dr  Prysor Willams                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Mammals, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

interested in many areas at the interface between agriculture and the environment. These include, but are not limited to: soil and nutrient management sustainable intensification of livestock systems land use and the delivery of ecosystem services antibiotic resistance

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/prysor-williams-011121/en

Name   Dr  Noel Bristow                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Computing / AI, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

interests are on the applied side of engineering – how can we use technology to solve the problems that society faces. I am a passionate advocate for all forms of renewable energy. As a data analyst / computer programmer I am interested in the use of modern data analysis and visualisation techniques when applied to large datasets, especially those coming from the ever growing number of IoT sensors. My practical research interests are in the fields of applied photovoltaics, embedded microelectronics and wireless sensor networks, and I am particularly interested in the use of organic photovoltaics for solar energy harvesting.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/noel-bristow(c8abbe2d-7196-48a5-8b6c-be99407e5b0b).html

Name   Dr  Graeme Shannon                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

interested in exploring the effects of human activity on the ecology and behaviour of wildlife. More specifically, this includes projects: 1) Exploring how large herbivores adapt to human transformed habitats. 2) Understanding the habitat and ecosystem-level effects of expanding large herbivore populations. 3) Investigating the impacts of anthropogenic noise and artificial light at night on animal behaviour using lab and field-based studies. 4) Exploring the behavioural ecology of African elephants with a focus on movement ecology and cognition. More details at http://www.wildliferesearch.co.uk/Wildlife_Research/Research.html

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/graeme-shannon-113103/en

Name   Dr  Anita Malhotra                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Herptiles, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

research interests focus on the role of natural selection in population adaptation and divergence, to which I apply a wide range of methods including multivariate morphometrics, statistical hypothesis-testing, innovative field experiments and genome analysis. I have two main areas of research on disparate organisms in different geographical regions (Anolis lizards in the Caribbean and Asian pit vipers), which are unified by being essentially focussed on the interface between evolution and ecology, and with an emphasis on the integration of genetic and phenetic data. More recently, my research has moved into the field of ecological and evolutionary genomics to evaluate the evolution of genes affecting complex traits directly and relies on the availability of a well-supported and complete organismal phylogeny of Asian pitvipers

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/anita-malhotra-009176/en

Name   Dr  Ewa Krzyszczyk                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

experience in multidisciplinary research with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Developing curriculum, Analytical Skills, Databases, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Marine Biology. Strong research professional with emphasis on developing excellent communication skills.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/ewa-krzyszczyk(a5d5c546-f1b4-4d97-b82e-66b56c62715c).html

Name   Prof.  Barrie Johnson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Biogeochemistry, Chemistry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/barrie-johnson(0a2e50d9-d3e4-4564-aa2e-d619683dadb5).html

Name   Dr  Isabelle Winder                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Climate Change, Ecology, Human behaviour, Mammals, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

1. Biogeography, ecological modelling and community responses to climate change. I usually do this for non-human primates, but my interests are broad enough to cover other taxa as well. Core question: how will anthropogenic habitat and climate change affect animals? 2. Human evolution, in the broad sense (incuding ecology, interactions with the environment, behaviour, anatomy…). These projects are flexible, and can be comparative, fossil-focused or more question-driven: I have particular interests in reticulate and mosaic evolution. 3. Extended Synthesis perspectives on evolution, and how science is done (including science communication, vsiualisation, data science and the anthropology of science). This strand could be stand-alone or incorporated into one of the two above, as a component part.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/barrie-johnson(0a2e50d9-d3e4-4564-aa2e-d619683dadb5).html

Name   Dr  Kara Marsden                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Microbiology, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Plants, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

esearch interests include sustainable food production in a changing climate, nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems, gaseous emissions from soil (particularly N2O and N2), methods and techniques for monitoring gaseous emissions from soil and assessing spatial and temporal variability in emissions, rhizosphere processes and plant-soil-microbe interactions. She has 22 peer-reviewed publications, a h-index of 12 and 615 citations (Google Scholar).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/karina-marsden-062476/en

Name   Prof.  Simon Creer                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

Molecular ecology, environmental DNA, biodiversity and ecosystem processes, function and health.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/simon-creer-008526/en#postgraduate-opportunities

Name   DrHEnk  Henk Braid                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Criminology / Forensics, Invertebrates, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

genomics of mites and lice, dsRNA viruses, forensic acarology, molecular parasitology, predatory publishing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/henk-braig-007286/en

Name   Dr  sophie Wynne-Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Communication / marketing, Economics / finance / business, Ecosystem services

Summary of Research : 

1) Human-nature relations and environmental governance: e.g. rewilding, payments for ecosystem services, community-led and participatory management. 2) Farming and agricultural change: farmer decision-making, learning and practise; impacts of policy transitions (e.g. Brexit); adoption of environmental management; co-operative behaviours. 3) Knowledge controversies: understanding different knowledge systems and how stakeholders interact.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/sophie-wynne-jones-109476/en

Name   Dr  Matt Lewis                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Computing / AI, Flooding, Informatics, Modelling, Risk assessment, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

a physical oceanographer who develops and applies computer models of rivers-waves-tides-surges, to map risk and resource for blue economy industries and coastal flood risk. My interests include how to communicate science (how good is the shipping forecast!); and how to translate oral histories into environmental science and the application of data science (especially digital and IoT data) into environmental science. I have consultant and academic background in marine processes, including how these processes interact and how they may change in the future

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/matthew-lewis(d3fe6c55-5611-4be6-a2cc-c1a7f08e1690).html

Name   Dr  David Assinder                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Marine chemistry, Marine pollution

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/david-assinder-007766/en

Name   Dr  Jaco Baas                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Geochemistry, Marine, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Geology: sedimentary processes in fluvial, shallow-marine and deep-marine environments. Physical geography: bedform dynamics. Hydraulic engineering: cohesive sediment transport. Petroleum geoscience: hydrocarbon exploration, cores and well logs.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/jaco-baas-009331/en

Name   Mr  Tomos Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Invasives, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Forestry. Invasives and their impacts

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomosjones00/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Katrien Van Landeghem                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Marine, Polar / glaciology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

seabed dynamics; bedform formation; sediment transport; glacial geomorphology; habitat mapping

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/katrien-van-landeghem-015216/en

Name   Mr  Craig Robertson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Studying for a Ph.D in ‘The functioning of deep-sea canyons on the US East Coast’.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/oceansciences/pgrad/profiles/craig_robertson.php.en

Name   Dr  Rolf Kraehenbuehl                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

New Option

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Campbell Skinner                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/campbell-skinner(da3db7f0-5c10-417a-b18a-10d30f3f6399).html

Name   Prof.  Dave Chadwick                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Contaminants / pollutants, Freshwater, Mammals, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Pollutants, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

interests are in the management of nutrients in livestock manures, other organic resources and fertilisers to optimise nutrient utilisation whilst minimising impacts on water and air quality. This includes; quantifying and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, reducing the risk of transfers of pollutants to watercourses, and understanding the secondary impacts of mitigating diffuse agricultural pollution. As well as publishing refereed scientific papers, I also contribute to policy and practice.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/dave-chadwick-089544/en

Name   Dr  Morwenna Spear                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Wood modification and characterisation of modified timbers. Many aspects of the chemical and physical changes occurring during wood modification remain of interest to enhance the fundamental understanding of property changes achieved.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/morwenna-spear(ef39ac6d-2c05-4071-a54c-ec5be2993285).html

Name   Dr  Jorge Llopis                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Culture, Ecology, Economics / finance / business, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Visiting Researcher at ICCS and at Bangor University, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through an Early Postdoc. Mobility fellowship. Building on findings from my PhD, my postdoc project explores the potential that the establishment of terrestrial protected areas has for triggering pre-emptive forest clearing behaviour in forest edge populations. I focus on protected areas established in the last two decades across the tropics, with a particular emphasis on the recent expansion of the protected areas’ system in Madagascar.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.iccs.org.uk/person/jorge-c-llopis

Name   Dr  Dan Forman                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Freshwater, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Carnivore Ecology and Conservation Wildlife Disease Biodiversity Ecological Monitoring British Wildlife Freshwater Ecology Conservation Predator diet

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/forman-d-w/

Name   Dr  Cynthia Froyd                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Evolution, Invasives, Plants

Summary of Research : 

primary research focus is on the application of long-term ecological data to guide practical conservation and ecosystem restoration. My work occurs largely at the interface between the disciplines of plant ecology and palaeoecology – applying palaeoecological research techniques (i.e. the analysis of fossil pollen, macrofossil plant remains, charcoal, and PalEnvDNA), but focussing on timescales directly relevant to issues of modern conservation (i.e. 100’s to 1000’s of years). The aim of my research is to elucidate the biological and environmental processes underlying the development of modern ecosystems and the services they provide, through examination of past human impact, invasive species, natural disturbances and environmental change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/froyd-c/

Name   Prof.  Carlos Garcia De Leaniz                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Conservation / Wildlife, Fish / fisheries

Summary of Research : 

salmon mate choice Boldness Anti-predatory behaviour Captive-breeding Maladaptation Salmonid conservation aquaculture

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/garciadeleaniz-c/

Name   Dr  John Griffin                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services

Summary of Research : 

specialist areas include: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, Coastal Ecology, Restoration Ecology Research in my group is aimed at elucidating how biodiversity and species interactions affect the functioning of ecosystems. We are addressing this across a range of systems including rocky shores, salt marshes, coral reefs and even alpine meadows. Empirical approaches include large-scale surveys, field and mesocosm experiments and meta-analysis.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/griffin-j-n/

Name   Dr  Sophie Hocking                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Invasives, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

PhD researcher at Swansea University studying the ecological and environmental impacts of invasive plants (namely, Japanese knotweed) and subsequent treatment methods, and testing restoration techniques through long-term field trials. Methods and techniques: Long-term field research 3rd-generation sequencing Soil microbiome analysis GC/MS Multivariate statistics Seed bank research and germination testing Plant functional traits Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Soil physical analysis techniques I have past experience in plant ecology and conservation in marsh, dune and ancient woodland habitats, and am interested in all aspects of ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sophie-Hocking

Name   Dr  Victoria Jenkins                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Landscape processes, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

research interests lie in environmental law, specifically legal approaches to sustainable land management and natural resource management, including the significance of ideas of landscape.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/law/jenkins-v-a/

Name   Ms  Charina Jones                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Landscape processes

Summary of Research : 

A PhD Candidate at Swansea university studying approaches to mapping historic landscape character. In particular, her research is investigating ways to make use of existing ‘big data’ to convey landscape character as well as to assess its potential impact on sense of place and individual and community wellbeing.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charina-Jones

Name   Prof.  Harshinie Karunarathna                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Computing / AI, Estuaries, Hydrodynamics, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

primary discipline of research and teaching is coastal and estuarine engineering. Her main research focus is coastal hydro-morphodynamics and climate change impacts on the coastal zone.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/engineering/karunarathna-h-u/

Name   Prof.  Carole Llewellyn                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change, Microbiology, Plants

Summary of Research : 

early research focused on the study of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments to understand phytoplankton community composition and function in relation to the carbon cycle and climate change. From this she developed an interest in algal biotechnology using her knowledge on microalgal carotenoids and UV sunscreen compounds working with industry to develop personal care products for anti-aging and cosmetics. This has led to her wider interest in understanding metabolism in microalgae and large scale cultivation of microalgae for industrially useful products including for food and for sustainable chemicals to replace existing petroleum based chemicals.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/llewellyn-c-a/

Name   Miss  Anouska Mendzil                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Research focus surrounds environmental impacts of marine renewable energy (MRE) devices and their potential effects on marine and coastal processes and marine mammals. Particular research projects have included assessing the disturbance off small UAVs on grey seals (Halichoerus gypus), monitoring of intertidal morphodynamics around Swansea Bay, assessing the feasibility of collecting and analysing of cetacean eDNA using blow samples and acoustic tracking of Sea Trout in Swansea Bay. Specialist expertise in; cetacean acoustic monitoring and boat-based surveys (static and towed methods), UAV’s (drone operator), GIS, mapping and aerial imagery, sediment-related heavy metals, sediment transport and storage, floodplain processes and dynamics, geomorphology, flood and coastal risk management, environmental management, and X-Ray Fluorescence.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/mendzil-a-f/

Name   Dr  Hanna Nuuttila                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Mammals, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Marine ecology Marine mammal ecology and conservation Marine renewable energy Passive acoustic monitoring Community conservation Transformative climate change adaption and mitigation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/nuuttila-h-k/

Name   Prof.  Darren Oatley-Radcliffe                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Circular economy, Contaminants / pollutants, Microbiology, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Chemical and bio-process engineering, reactor design, separation processes algal technologies, membrane processes, pollution control and remediation, circular economy, and sustainability

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Alvin Oarbaek White                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Synthesis of carbon nanotubes Nanomaterials and application toward a secure global energy future Circular economy, chemical recycling & resource utilization Blockchain, energy distribution and the future of decentralized energy generation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/engineering/orbaek-white-a/

Name   Dr  Matthew Perkins                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/perkins-m-j/#publications=is-expanded

Name   Dr  Frances Ratcliffe                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling

Summary of Research : 

A junior bioinformatician at NatureMetrics. Research focusses on optimising molecular tools for marine fisheries monitoring.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Frances-Ratcliffe-2

Name   Dr  Sanjiv Sharma                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Microneedles Minimally invasive sensors Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) Continuous lactate monitoring (CLM) Interstitial therapeutic drug monitoring (iTDM)

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Prof.  Kam Tang                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Plankton ecology Microbial ecology Pelagic processes Biogeochemistry

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/tang-k-w/

Name   Dr  Jon Walker                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Circular economy, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/walker-j-s/

Name   Dr  Geertje van Keulen                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

leads interdisciplinary research and innovation teams with microbiology at its core, expanding understanding into and sustainably exploiting the chemical and material properties of microbes in living, manufactured and natural (soil) environments. Her research links antibiotics, water repellency and materials, thereby switching focus between microbial to manufactured to soils with insights generated in one discipline quickly applied to another, and back, for generating step changes in knowledge and sustainable innovation. She is on the Academic Career Pathway in Enhanced Innovation and Engagement.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/medicine-health-life-science/medicine/biomedical-sciences/van-keulen-g/

Name   Dr  Stephen Spooner                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

works on projects quantifying objective sustainability. This includes the SUSTAIN funded ECR project “SIAM: Sustainable Investment Assurance Model”, which intends to pull together aspects of sustainability, including core environmental aspects of emissions and waste, along with economic, competition, engagement, and education branches of sustainability. The project aims to bring the steel industry to the forefront of driving the understanding of true sustainability, implementing the ideas of SMART goals to push back against the green washing of poorly regulated PR and political activities. Initial applications of the model will investigate the potential of circular steel manufacturing/steel as a service, and high value end-of-life material processing.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.sustainsteel.ac.uk/stephen-spooner

Name   Prof.  Richard Day                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

research interests are driven by looking for ways of making composites to reduce the environmental footprint and increase energy efficiency. The research is undertaken is a state of the art laboratory which is at the Advanced Composites Training and Development Centre, a joint activity between WGU and Airbus, situated at the Airbus site in Broughton.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/richard-day/

Name   Prof.  Maria Hinfelaar                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance / business

Summary of Research : 

University Vice Chancellor, Chief Executive

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/about/staff-profiles/professor-maria-hinfelaar/

Name   Mr  Anthony Jackson                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

working with a health board to increase training provision for fellow artists who are using their talents to help patients across North Wales.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/news/articles/wrexham-glyndwr-university-researcher-developing-training-for-artists-working-in-healthcare/

Name   Dr  Paul Jones                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

specialist areas include performance art, video, photography, digital media, installation and critically engaged art practices

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/paul-jones/

Name   Prof.  Alec Shepley                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/alec-shepley/

Name   Ms  Tracy Simpson                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/tracy-simpson/

Name   Dr  David Skydmore                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Citizen Science, Herptiles

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Skydmore-2

Name   Prof.  Rhian Jenkins                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Mammals, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Although focussed on cetacean management Rhian has a particular interest in Marine Spatial Planning and tourism-related impacts. Through analysis of behavioural studies, critical habitats were identified for porpoises in and around Swansea and a coastal user matrix for highlighting potential conflict was subsequently developed. These results further informed coastal management systems, including the development of renewable marine-based energy projects. Additional research areas include analysis of climatic impacts on rocky shore assemblages and marine food webs. Furthermore, an ongoing collaboration with Oxford Brookes University has also established a land reclamation project at Varteg, Blaenavon.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/dr-rhian-elizabeth-jenkins/

Name   Ms  Eirwen Nicholls                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance / business

Summary of Research : 

PA to Vice Chancellor

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Prof.  Mike Phillips                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Science communication, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Major research interests include shoreline morphological responses to climate change and sea level rise, public perception, stakeholder engagement, scenic evaluation and consequences of persistent marine debris. Early research assessed processes and strategies for management of the Penarth coast (evaluation and management of morphological change in response to natural forcing agents and anthropogenic pressures, including the Cardiff Bay Barrage).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/michael-robert-phillips/

Name   Dr  Simon Thomas                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

Computing, cyber-security and Internet of Things

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/smartdigitalaccelerator/team/

Name   Dr  Nichola Welton                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Human behaviour, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Non-formal/informal learning, Education for Sustainability Development and outdoor learning, with Young people Participatory Research with Young People and communities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/nichola-welton/

Name   Dr  James Bull                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Invertebrates, Landscape processes, Marine, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Coastal resilience; Seagrass; Marine Mammals; Metapopulation ecology; Insects as Pests & Pollinators

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/biosciences/bull-j-c/

Name   Dr  Felicity Hayes                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Plants, Pollutants, Wetlands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Air pollution and plant physiology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/felicity-hayes

Name   Dr  Maud van Soest                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Modelling, Polar / glaciology, Remote Sensing / GIS, Soils /sediments, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Inma Robinson                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Landscape processes, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Remote Sensing / GIS, Wetlands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Ed Rowe                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Effects of air pollution on nutrient cycling and biodiversity.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/ed-rowe

Name   Dr  Sabine Reinsch                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Data Management, Drought, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Flooding, Microbiology, Plants, Rainfall, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

I am a soil ecologist with interest in the links between the soil, plants and the atmosphere.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/sabine-reinsch

Name   Dr  Jennifer Williamson                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Climate Change, Ecology, Freshwater, Hydrology, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Remote Sensing / GIS, Rivers and streams, Uplands, Water quality, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Mapping peatland restoration, greenhouse gas emissions, using Earth Observation data, monitoring peatland restoration

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/jennifer-williamson

Name   Miss  Naila Hina                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Prof.  Laurence Jones                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Built Environment, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Estuaries, Groundwater, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Remote Sensing / GIS, Urban water, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Urban green and blue space benefits; natural capital; ecosystem services; coastal ecology; air pollution

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/laurence-jones

Name   Dr  Amy Thomas                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Ecosystem services, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Soils, land use and public goods modeller specialising in development of modelling frameworks for local to national scale applications. Research interests include: predicting land use change and potential impacts and their synergies and trade-offs; anthropogenic and natural drivers of spatial and temporal patterns in soil properties.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/amy-thomas

Name   Dr  Jennifer Rhymes                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Drought, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Flooding, Fungi, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Science communication, Sensors, Social science, Soils /sediments, Uplands, Wetlands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Miss  Annette Burden                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Ecosystem services, Soils /sediments, Uplands, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Effects of land management and land-use change on carbon storage and pathways in saltmarsh and peatlands, with a particular focus on restoration of habitat and GHG emissions. Recent work has been centred on quantifying the climate change mitigation potential of saltmarsh and peatlands by developing; emission factors for defined typologies of habitat; models to predict carbon sequestration; and carbon codes for use with the voluntary carbon market.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/annette-burden

Name   Dr  Jamie Alison                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Citizen Science, Community Engagement, Computing / AI, Conservation / Wildlife, Data Management, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Invertebrates, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Science communication, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Use of cameras to monitor insects, pollinators, invertebrates

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/jamie-alison

Name                                             Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Climate Change

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  David Cooper                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Climate Change, Computing / AI, Contaminants / pollutants, Data Management, Estuaries, Extreme events, Flooding, Fluid mechanics, Freshwater, Geochemistry, Groundwater, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Landscape processes, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rainfall, Risk assessment, Rivers and streams, Uplands, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

water quality modelling

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Mike Perring                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Biodiversity, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Plants, Pollutants, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Environmental change effects on ecosystems, including taking account of historical legacies. Relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Restoration ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/michael-perring

Name   Dr  Sarah Clarke                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Analysis of microbiological systems using spectroscopy and machine learning.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/sjc/

Name   Prof.  Sarah Davies                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Climatology, Extreme events, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Research focuses on reconstructing climatic and environmental change using evidence from lake sediments. Particularly interested in the interactions between people, climate and environment over a range of timescales. Most of my work to date has focused in tropical regions such as Mexico and Ethiopia. Also, work on sedimentary and historical records of climatic variability and extreme weather and their impacts in Wales and the UK.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/sjd/

Name   Dr  Caroline Freeman                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Flooding, Landscape processes, Soils /sediments, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Investigating the impact of different management and grazing regimes on soil infiltration in the uplands in addition to the impacts of soil acidification on infiltration

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Caroline-Freeman

Name   Dr  Hywell Griffiths                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Freshwater, Hydromorphology, Rivers and streams, Social science, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Rates, pattens and controls of fluvial processes. The impact of anthropogenic activities on fluvial processes. The impact of Holocene environmental change on fluvial systems. The long term development of the fluvial landscape of Wales. Theoretical geomorphology, especially complexity and self organised criticality. Using historical documentary sources to infer geomorphological and climatic change. Hydropolitics and cultural geographies of rivers.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/hmg/

Name   Dr  ElinOr Gwynne                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/elinor-gwynn(014b08be-5be3-45c3-8923-dd2ef9e47d41)/persons/elinor-gwynn(014b08be-5be3-45c3-8923-dd2ef9e47d41)/projects.html

Name   Prof.  Rhys Jones                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

1. the geography of group identities focusing in particular on the geography of Welsh nationalism and the way in which this is shaped by place- and community- based practices, language, as well as the practices of young people; 2. the geography of the state, where he specialises on the territoriality of the state, its peopled character. He is also an expert on devolution in the UK, particularly in relation to Wales; 3. the use made of behavioural insights in public policy in a range of different countries. His work in this area has examined the practical challenges associated with developing behaviourally-informed interventions, as well as the more ethical issues arising from their deployment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/raj/

Name   Prof.  Richard Lucas                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Expertise in quantifying and understanding the response of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems and environments to change (including that associated with climatic variation), through integration of Earth observation data from various sources. He has also developed innovative methods for extracting relevant information on terrestrial ecosystems at scales ranging from individual trees to the global. currently leads the Living Wales project which is facilitating the development of national land cover monitoring to support national and international conservation and sustainable use of environments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/rml2/

Name   Dr  Carole Planque                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Landscape processes, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/carole-planque(0e173f0d-36de-47a7-8eb6-6c54da5c9d2f)/persons/carole-planque(0e173f0d-36de-47a7-8eb6-6c54da5c9d2f)/publications.html

Name   Dr  Melanie Prentice                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

research interests involve the use of genomic techniques and applications in assessing wildlife species of conservation concern, and the intersection of science and policy with regards to listing and managing species at risk.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Prof.  Michael Woods                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Heritage

Summary of Research : 

Research interests focus on rural geography and political geography.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/zzp/

Name   Dr  Deborah Colarossi                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Research focus is on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/dec34/

Name   Mr  Guglielmo Persiani                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Microbial and biogeochemical aspects of heat generation Biofouling Biocorrosion

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guglielmo-Persiani

Name   Dr  John Scullion                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Bioengineering, Fungi, Microbiology, Soils /sediments, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Disturbed/contaminated soils. Carbon-nitrogen cycling and long-term effects of earthworm activity in former mine soils. Impact of metals on microbial processes. Potential of phytoremediation for reducing soil metal and hydrocarbon concentrations. Organic/ecological farming systems and soil processes. Infectivity and efficiency of VA mycorrhizal fungi. Earthworm-VA mycorrhizal fungi interactions. Earthworm population dynamics in conventional and organic arable rotations. Soil ecology relationships to soil function. Impacts of climate change on soil ecology. Chemometric and metabolomic approaches to the assessment of soil quality. Biological treatment of wastewaters.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/john-scullion(57e3c0f1-1069-4167-88b5-4462a58d3b2c).html

Name   Prof.  Richard Dinsdale                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Research activities are directed at optimizing microbial cultures for the production of energy either in the form of methane, hydrogen or as electricity directly from bioelectrochemical systems as well as other chemical products such as bioplastics, single cell protein and lipids from low grade biomass resources.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/richard-dinsdale

Name   Prof.  Alan Guwy                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Rresearch interests are on the renewable hydrogen production, hydrogen energy systems and the optimization of biological and bioelectrochemical systems for the recovery of energy and high value products from industrial syngases, waste and biomass.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://serc.research.southwales.ac.uk/academic-staff/academic-staff-boxed/professor-alan-guwy/

Name   Dr  Anthony Harris                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Extreme events

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/tony-harris

Name   Dr  Rhian Kerton                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/rhian.kerton.html

Name   Miss  Lynsey McAllister                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Critical and empirical evaluation of biodiversity assessment and monitoring approaches in upland landscapes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/lynsey-mcallister

Name   Dr  Iain Michie                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Biogeochemistry, Energy, Microbiology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

research interests lie in the production of energy products such as hydrogen, methane or electricity, and in understanding the dynamic development of electrochemically active microbial microorganisms and how these may be engineered as biocatalytic processes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/iain-michie

Name   Dr  Angela Morris                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K )

Summary of Research : 

Marine Micropalynology for environmental reconstruction The potential of dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of environmental change Eutrophication of British coastal waters

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/angela-morris

Name   Dr  Gareth Powell                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Geochemistry, Law / Legislation, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Coal mining, subsidence, compensation for damage.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/gareth-powell

Name   Dr  Elke Scheibler                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

research interests that include behavioural plasticity in changing environments especially in rodents, and antelopes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elke-Scheibler-2/research

Name   dr  Luis Cunha                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Ecology, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

evolutionary ecology, phylogenetics and population genetics/genomics of invertebrates.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/luis-cunha

Name   Dr  Amy Grass                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Evolution, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

specialises in conservation genetics and evolutionary genomics.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/amy-grass

Name   Mr  Harri Little                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Freshwater, Marine, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

practical and technical aspects of biology research across several disciplines, including ecology, marine and freshwater biology, and biomedical sciences. Harri has research interests in woodland ecology and using technology enhanced learning to improve ecology practical skills for students and in non-governmental organisations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/harri.little.html

Name   Dr  Rhian Newman                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour

Summary of Research : 

nterested in the interactions between people and the environment, in particular how anthropogenic influences alter ecosystem functioning and individual species. Dr Newman’s research looks to combine both behavioural and physiological responses when examining the species level impact of particular stressors.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/rhian-newman

Name   Dr  Graham Bird                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Geochemistry, Mining / minerals, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Field of environmental geochemistry, with a particular interest in the impact of metal mining, metallurgy and mine tailings dam failures upon fluvial systems. Investigation into contaminant metal speciation using Sequential Extraction Procedures (SEPs) and the use of Pb isotopes as geochemical tracers of sediment and sediment-associated metal dispersal. Reconstruction of contaminant-dispersal and sedimentation histories using composite geochemical fingerprinting techniques and multivariate mixing models.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/graham-bird-070939/en

Name   Mr  Chris Drew                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Chris leads the Strategic Projects and Partnerships team which supports and delivers strategic partnerships and a portfolio of transformational project development and delivery. Chris directly delivers against a portfolio of projects whilst also supporting and developing work across the team. Chris leads on Strategic UK partnerships with particular focus on regional educational partnerships providing leadership in structural development, relationship development and providing secretariat to the various strategic fora. Chris also provides a wider oversight for those partnerships led across the University with broad strategic impact. Projects in Chris’s portfolio span disciplines across the University and also span the portfolios of the Executive team. Chris also supports the Vice-Chancellor directly in an Executive Officer capacity.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/planning-and-student-data/staff/chris-drew.php.en

Name   Mr  Tim D’Urban Jackson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Current marine ecology research focuses include 3D structure in habitats and ecosystems, high-resolution topographic and bathymetric remote sensing, temperate reef ecology and habitat mapping. I use state-of-the-art remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems to explore questions in spatial ecology at multiple scales. biofouling communities on marine renewable energy infrastructure, decapod crustacean adaptation to multiple stressors during larval development, thresher shark (Alopius pelagicus) hunting behaviour and tropical coral reef ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://cao.bangor.ac.uk/staff/tim-d-urban-jackson/en

Name   Dr  Kata Farkas                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Groundwater, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Microbiology, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Research focuses on the ecology and survival of viruses in the aquatic environment with a special interest in the fate of enteric viruses. Wastewater-derived micorbioal contamination of the aquatic environment

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://cao.bangor.ac.uk/staff/kata-farkas

Name   Dr  Vera Fitzsimmons-Foss                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

an environmental chemistry lecturer at Bangor University, researches ecological chemistry. She addresses processes mediated through specific compounds within ecosystems and environmental chemistry, which is concerned with the impact of human activities on the environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/celt/inspire/dr-vera-thoss-paints-the-mountains-blue-9996

Name   Dr  Hilary Ford                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

esearch involves enhancement of agricultural productivity and ecosystem service resilience in multi-functional landscapes, with a focus on small tree features such as hedgerows (Sêr Cymru NRN-LCEE Multi-Land project). An emphasis on working alongside experts in farming, agroforestry, animal health and ecosystem resilience allowed us to design multi-disciplinary experiments at the landscape scale. I am particularly interested in climate regulation with key findings including reduced compaction and enhanced soil organic carbon storage associated with hedgerows in livestock-grazed pastures.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/hilary-ford(1477e31d-5356-4e1e-b1fb-b9a23f43ec50).html

Name   Prof.  Jan Geert Hiddink                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

The effect of human disturbance on benthic ecosystems, including fishing and climate change. He has a broad interest in other topics and has been working on research ranging from cattle trampling wader nests on saltmarshes to acoustic monitoring of cetaceans. His research is focussed on gaining a quantitative understanding of the effect of disturbance (such as exploitation and climate change) on the biodiversity and functioning of marine benthic communities, and on how such effects can be mitigated.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/jan-geert-hiddink-009786/en

Name   Miss  Nia Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Contaminants / pollutants, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Nia’s PhD research project is titled “the Dispersal of Microplastic in the Marine Environment”. The project aims to determine the spatiotemporal variability of microplastic and its transport from estuaries to shelf seas, concetrating on the local Conwy Estuary, North Wales and wider Irish Sea. The project contains significant input from both field-based measurements and numerical models to achieve its aims and objectives and help discover the levels of microplastic contamination on a regional scale.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/nia-jones(e817e89d-d21d-4fac-9a0d-561875dc7cd0).html

Name   Dr  Irena Neaga                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Computing / AI, Data Management, Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Researching on the application of technology, information and knowledge management for global logistics systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/irina-neaga/

Name   Ms  Sandy Stevens                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Nature Based Solutions, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change;Renewable Energy;Adapting to Climate Change;Food and Nutrition;Livestock Farming

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/contact-us/directory/staff/profile/sas146/

Name   Dr  Rattan Yadav                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Genetics and genomics, Plants

Summary of Research : 

focused on capturing and translating naturally occurring genetic variations present in crops germplasm for ‘public good’ outcomes. In particular, I have interests in developing and applying modern breeding methods utilising genomics to hasten crop breeding in tropical millets (Pennisetum glaucum, Eleusine coracana) and temperate forage grasses (Lolium perenne) leading to sustainable food, nutrition, health, and environmental outcomes at global scale.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/rsy/

Name   Prof.  Joe Gallagher                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Genetics and genomics, Plants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Understanding components of carbohydrate metabolism and digestibility in grasses (e.g. Miscanthus and perennial ryegrass) and to translate these to improving crop performance, processability, and substrate supply for biorefining. This involves studying gene regulation and expression, the properties of gene products and their localisation within the plant/cell. This allows us to identifying candidate genes and markers for use in gene mapping and breeding programmes. Other research activities include biorefining of plant feedstocks to fine and bulk chemicals including biofuels.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/jbg/

Name   Dr  Jessica Adams                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Freshwater, Marine, Plants

Summary of Research : 

interested in all aspects of macroalgae utilisation, from cultivation through to product with previous work including examination of drying, pressing and/or milling; water and chemical extractions; enzymic hydrolysis and/or fermentations; and thermal treatments to chars and composts. Access to the BEACON pilot-scale facility has enabled me to project manage a 1,000kg seaweed processing contract research project between summer 2020 – Feb 2021.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/jaa/

Name   Dr  Elizabeth Hart                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/elizabeth-hart(5099c869-00a7-47fd-9178-a856ad3db678)/persons/elizabeth-hart(5099c869-00a7-47fd-9178-a856ad3db678)/projects.html

Name   Dr  Mike Morris                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Particularly interested in developing a range of value products from biomass feedstocks, including novel polymerics, platform chemicals (lactic & succinic acid), native proteins, lipids/oils & bioactive compounds etc. I am also responsible for the Biomass Processing KTC which provides larger scale capability of processing biomass, including densification by means of a 400kg/hr pellet press (for biomass & feed pelleting), 4 inch pilot screw press, 15kw hammer mill, drying ovens & the Sartoflow-alphaDL cross-flow filtration system.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/tem/

Name   Dr  Ana Winters                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Plants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

A plant biochemist with a special interest in protein and phenol chemistry. My more recent work has focussed on the enzyme polyphenol oxidase in forage crops looking at gene expression, enzyme biochemistry and phenol substrate chemistry. Currently studying the effects of post-harvest changes on processing of crops for biofuel.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/alg/

Name   Dr  Christina Marley                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Mammals, Nature Based Solutions, Plants, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Specific research interests include the optimisation of nutrient use from soil to animal products within ruminant livestock systems to reduce reliance on imported feeds and fertilisers and the use of nutrition to improve animal health.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/cvm/

Name   Dr  Jassim Uddin                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Renewable Energy;Novel Farming Systems;Photonics and Sensors for use in Agriculture

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/technologies/staff-profiles/Pages/Jasim-Uddin.aspx

Name   Dr  Angesh Anupam                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Computing / AI, Data Management, Soils /sediments, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

AI and Big Data;Soils;AgriTech and related technologies

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/technologies/staff-profiles/Pages/Angesh-Anupam.aspx

Name   Dr  Polina Prokopovich                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Epidemiology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Antimicrobial Resistance;Immunology and Infectious Disease;Medical Technologies

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/90853-prokopovich-polina

Name   Dr  Fei Jin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Climate Change, Economics / finance / business, Ecosystem services, Nature Based Solutions, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Soils;Waste and Resources;Adapting to Climate Change;Circular Economy;Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2416250-jin-fei

Name   Prof.  Pauline Found                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Current research interests include Operational Excellence in Manufacturing and Services, Lean and Green, Systems Thinking, Industry 4.0 and Digitalisationas well as Behavioural Operations, including Leadership and Middle Management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1502482-found-pauline

Name   Dr  ze ji                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

enhanced robot cognitive capability through deploying advanced multi-modal perceptual capabilities from sensors of vision, tactile, lidar, etc, and continuous self-learning to understand the environment in 3D, predict situations via machine/deep learning, and support humans for real-world problems. We aim to endow a higher level of autonomy to robots and unmanned systems, providing capabilities of advanced situation awareness, multi-modal sensing, robot active learning, localisation and mapping, optimal path planning, and multiple robot collaboration. My group’s research interests can be loosely divided into the following areas: Deep Reinforcement Learning for robot navigation and manipulation State Estimation, e.g. Visual SLAM and Visual Odometry Sensor-guided autonomous robot navigation and manipulation Multi-modal robot sensing, such as robot vision, tactile sensing, etc. Computer Vision and Data-driven learning-based methods for smart manufacturing, including in-situ monitoring,

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/542654-ji-ze

Name   Prof.  Omer Rana                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

Intelligent Systems and High Performance Distributed Computing. I am particularly interested in how techniques from intelligent systems could be used to support resource management & performance enhancement in parallel and distributed systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/118157-rana-omer

Name   Dr  Siobhan Maderson                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

focuses on Traditional Environmental Knowledge and its applications to contemporary environmental challenges. I use social science research methods to complement life science research on pollinator decline and other challenges to food security, biodiversity and environmental stability. I am interested in science communication, and utilising diverse forms of knowledge and expertise to improve environmental management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/sim14/

Name   Prof.  Owen Guy                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Photonics and Sensors for use in Agriculture

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/o.j.guy/

Name   Dr  Hazel Nichols                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Evolution, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

Multidisciplinary approach to investigate how animal societies evolve, combining observational data with genetic, ecological and biochemical data. In particular, my work has focused on four interconnecting themes relating to the evolution of animal societies 1) exploring the evolution of cooperation 2) understanding the importance of inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance in cooperative species 3) investigating the role of scent communication in cooperation and breeding decisions, and 4) understanding the genetic structure of mammalian societies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/h.j.nichols/

Name   Ms  Angharad Morgan                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Nature Based Solutions

Summary of Research : 

nterested in behaviour, ecology, and conservation, with extensive field- and desk-based research experience. Passionate about biodiversity, sustainability and widening access to higher education.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/angharad-morgan-730450157/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Rahul Kapoore                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Plants

Summary of Research : 

se unwanted nutrients from anaerobic digestion facilities to produce algal biomass for sustainable animal feeds and other high-value products.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/r.v.kapoore/

Name   Mr  Mathew Divine                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Renewable Energy;Circular Economy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/divine-mathew-8143631b0/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Ali Ashraf                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Computing / AI, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

AI and Big Data;Automation, Control and Robotics;Novel Farming Systems;Photonics and Sensors for use in Agriculture;Soils;AgriTech and related technologies

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Sarfraz Nazir                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Computing / AI, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Resource Conservation;Waste and Resources;Green House Gas Emissions;AgriTech and related technologies;AI and Big Data;BioDiversity;Circular Economy;Ecology;Food and Nutrition;Advanced Manufacturing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://en.unimib.it/sarfraz-nazir

Name   Dr  Rachel Adams                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr%20Rachel%20Adams.aspx

Name   Dr  Chris Deacey                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christopher-Deacy-2

Name   Prof.  Jeff Lewis                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Vocational Education, Teaching Methods and Higher Education. Dentristry

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeffrey-Lewis-9

Name   Dr  Peter Sykes                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

The assessment and management of the occupational risks posed to worker’s exposed to bioaerosols in the waste treatment industry

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr-Peter-Sykes.aspx

Name   Dr  Britt Hallingberg                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Improvement of young people’s health and wellbeing by: 1) Understanding the role of leisure time activities on health and wellbeing outcomes 2) Development and evaluation of complex interventions that seek to improve health behaviours (e.g. smoking, alcohol use, diet and physical activity)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr-Britt-Hallingberg.aspx

Name   Prof.  Carolyn Hayles                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Climate Change, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

The development and delivery of sustainable decision making processes and frameworks, including approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation; and design for health and wellbeing, as demonstrated in her research outputs and publications.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/artanddesign/staff/Pages/carolynhayles.aspx

Name   Dr  Gary Walpole                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Economics / finance / business

Summary of Research : 

a Leadership and Management practical academic with an outstanding record of leading new programmes and large projects. He is passionate about organisational development through the development of leadership and innovation skills. He has a proven track record of designing, developing and delivering leadership and management programmes and initiatives. He currently directs the Circular Economy Innovation Community project (£3.9m, ESF).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://ceicwales.org.uk/meet-the-team/

Name   Dr  Jeff Kettle                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

is current research projects are in sensor development, nanofabrication, solar energy, coating technologies and light emitting diodes

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://biography.omicsonline.org/united-kingdom/bangor-university/jeff-kettle-168194

Name   Prof.  Lewis Le Vay                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Wastewater, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

A broad range of aquaculture, including hatchery technologies, feeds and nutrition, aquaculture of tropical and temperate crustaceans, integration of aquaculture in coastal wetlands, wastewater remediation, and more recently bivalve shellfish aquaculture including development of offshore production systems and coastal water quality. Work on development of stock enhancement strategies has led to more ecological research in tropical and subtropical systems, principally on mangroves and seagrasses, in SE Asia, East Africa and the Arabian Gulf. My fisheries-related research has been focused on shellfish in the Irish Sea and ecosystem approaches to management of demersal fisheries in the Arabian Gulf.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.cams.bangor.ac.uk/staff/lewis-levay

Name   Ms  Harriet Lincoln                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries

Summary of Research : 

Sea bass spawning, feeding and migratory behaviour.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Prof.  Morag McDonald                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Landscape processes, Soils /sediments, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Research expertise in soil conservation and fertility; impacts of anthropogenic and natural disturbance on forest ecosystems; restoration forestry; buffer-zone management; forest nutrient and carbon cycling; tropical dry forest regeneration; agroforestry systems, water regulating ecosystem services and forest restoration through fallow management; Forest restoration and remediation of degraded and post-industrial.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/morag-mcdonald-007087/en

Name   Dr  Alec Moore                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries

Summary of Research : 

Working closely with the inshore small-scale fishing industry, I research aspects such as population biology, reproductive migrations, and bycatch with the aim of informing sustainable fisheries. Sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) are the subject of my previous and ongoing research – specifically their biodiversity, biology, ecology, artisanal fisheries and conversation in poorly-known regions (Arabia, Africa).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/alec-moore-085457/en

Name   Dr  Cristiano Pelago                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Invertebrates, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/cristiano-palego-094570/en#activities

Name   Ms  Hollie Riddell                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Landscape processes, Mammals, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Researching the environmental impacts across different production systems (lowland, upland and hill) associated with lamb production. This includes greenhouse gas emissions (CH4 and N2O), water use and quality (eutrophication), air quality (acidification), land use and resource use. The data I collect will be used to determine improved emission factors for upland systems, allowing development of a subsequent environmental footprint using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approaches. I will also explore upland management scenarios including mitigation options and environmental trade-offs between land uses. Methodologies include use of a GreenFeed system to measure ruminant methane and use of mobile soil gas measurement systems to determine gas burdens from animal wastes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/cristiano-palego-094570/en#activities

Name   Dr  Panagiotis Ritsos                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Science communication, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

nformation visualization is the use of computer-supported interactive visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition. In this theme we explore novel ways to represent data, focusing on domains such as environmental sciences, higher education, cyberecurity and cultural heritage. We are also devising new methodologies for ideation and evaluation of InfoVis interfaces.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/panagiotis-ritsos-077960/en

Name   Prof.  Jonathon Roberts                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Science communication, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

research interests cover the areas of interactive data visualization and visual analytics. He is interested in investigating how humans interact with visual depictions, explore different scenarios, and present their results. This includes from making designs and sketching ideas, developing HCI applications, developing multi-sensory interfaces, to evaluating these interfaces.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/jonathan-roberts-015994/en#research-interests

Name   Dr  Peter Robins                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Coastal erosion / processes, Fish / fisheries, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Water quality

Summary of Research : 

I develop computer models to simulate ocean processes, whether this is realistic representations of the past or future, or hypothetical scenarios such as a proposed coastal alteration like flood mitigation measures. I have studied estuaries at fine scales to understand their sensitivity to complex interactions of rivers, tides, surges and sea-level rise, and how these interactions control coastal flooding, plastic dispersal, water quality and human health. I develop methods to characterise the bio-physical dispersal of larvae to help understand population dynamics and aid fishery and shellfishery management. I am interested in characterising variabilities in tidal energy available for our exploitation as a renewable electricity source – and quantifying the likely environmental implications that this may have.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.cams.bangor.ac.uk/staff/peter-robins/en

Name   Dr  Isabel Rosa                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabel-Rosa/research

Name   Dr  Samantha Simpson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Researching sea bass and skate movement ecology and population dynamics to inform stock assessments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samantha-Simpson-9

Name   Dr  Lucy Southworth                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucy-Southworth

Name   Prof.  David Thomas                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Biogeochemistry, Ecology, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Antarctic, Arctic and Baltic sea ice ecology & biogeochemistry; Role of dissolved organic matter in aquatic systems and land-ocean transitions; Inorganic nutrients & phytoplankton primary production; Industrial-scale microalgal biomass production & utilisation; Seaweed & halophyte ecology & physiology; Conveying science to non-specialist audiences; Connections between science & art.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/david-thomas-007558/en

Name   Dr  Ruben Valbuena                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Ecology, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Applying the Lorenz curve of tree size inequality to forest structure characterization and its determination by airborne laser scanning (i.e. LiDAR) remote sensing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ruben-Valbuena

Name   Dr  Leshan Uggalla                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Chemistry, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/leshan-uggalla

Name   Dr  Sarper Sarp                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Freshwater, Nanotoxicology, Sensors, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Detection and identification of Nano and Micro Plastics Salinity Gradient Systems (PRO, FO) Advanced Oxidation Processes Membrane Technologies Find and delete PPCP

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/cy/staff/sarper.sarp/

Name   Ms  Dania Albini                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Microbiology, Plants

Summary of Research : 

investigating the predator-prey dynamic between green-algae (e.g. Scenedesmus spp. and Chlorella spp.) and cladocerans (e.g. Daphnia magna). Her project (funded by Swansea University) focusses on studying and modelling inducible defence strategies developed by algae to resist predation by herbivorous zooplankton.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/bioscience/csar/students/phd/albini/

Name   Dr  William Bennett                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes

Summary of Research : 

Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Flooding and Erosion

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-bennett/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ebing%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  David Clarke                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecosystem services, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Research Management, Rivers and streams, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Zoology and Oceanography with a Marine Fisheries management PhD, on Herring spawning and gear selection. – Extensive environmental management experience focussed on fisheries science and management, Environmental regulation and permitting, Conservation, and Flood Risk Management. – Scientific work included Salmon stock assessment, and development and management of large scale radio tracking studies of Salmon and Sea Trout in rivers Tamar, Tywi, and Dee. – Environmental policy development, working for both EA and Government at national and international level

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/bioscience/seacams-2/seacams2-project-management/

Name   Ms  Natasha Coleman                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Landscape processes, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

esearch focuses on how English and Welsh private estates are adapting within a 21st century context. In particular, this centres on the cultural landscape through which game shooting materializes and evaluates the lived experiences of actors that uphold these spaces.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://rgrg.co.uk/post-graduate-researchers

Name   Dr  Charlotte Davies                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Invertebrates, Marine, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Parasitology, Pathogens, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Fisheries Research Officer working on the European Maritime Fisheries Fund project Atlantic Herring Studies in the Bristol Channel and Wales. We are working with local fishermen to explore the population structure and stock status of Atlantic herring around the Welsh coast. Funding facilitates sampling, and development of a natal stock characterisation baseline to identify natal origin of samples in mixed fisheries to better understand fishery impact and migration pathways.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charlotte-Davies-6

Name   Dr  Tom Fairchild                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine, Plants, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

research focuses on how intertidal algae communities are formed in the intertidal, and how different aspects of spatial scale affect the relationship between the diversity and composition of these communities and the ecosystem functions they perform. I also have a keen interest in applying new technology to problems, and have developed methods to quantify size, 3D-shape and roughness of rock-pools, which can help me to understand the distribution of macro-algae in the pools, using a photographic technique called photogrammetry.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/t.fairchild/

Name   Mr  Muhammad Afzal                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Science communication, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Teaching specialist

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-afzal-7083237b/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Mr  Fawaz Alzabari                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Flooding, Fluid mechanics, Modelling, Nature Based Solutions

Summary of Research : 

PhD student working on flow around leaky barriers for natural flood management, work is based on numerical modelling one-two phase simulations Hydro3D-LSM LES

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-afzal-7083237b/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Prof.  Leighton Andrews                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Public Service Leadership and Innovation, including Ministerial Leadership Public Service Strategy, Planning, Delivery and Implementation Ministerial Life and Lives Governance Narratives and Discursive Capacity Governance of Devolution Public policy-making Media and Social Media Regulation and Governance

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/610190-andrews-leighton

Name   Mr  Seth Armstrong-Twigg                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Welsh Writing in English Welsh-Language Literature Ecocriticism

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1066233-armstrong-twigg-seth

Name   Dr  Alfred Awotwi                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Climate Change, Flooding, Hydrology, Remote Sensing / GIS, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Catchment hydrology GIS and environmental modeling applications in the environment and water resources. Drought Climate change impact on water resources changeability Ecohydrology Flood modelling Impact of reclamation activities

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2511774-Awotwi-Alfred

Name   Ms  Lindsey Axe                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Fluid mechanics, Plants

Summary of Research : 

light microscopy and imaging scanning electron microscopy Silurian/Devonian palaeobotany

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/82024-axe-lindsey

Name   Prof.  Les Baillie                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Microbiology, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Evolution, ecology and the role of bacteriophages in horizontal gene transfer, anthrax detection, therapeutic antibodies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/90823-baillie-les

Name   Dr  Amy Baldwin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal physiology, Genetics and genomics, Informatics, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

interests lie in applied, innovative research. I am currently working with Volac International Ltd. to develop their whole genome bioinformatic analysis capability for animal nutrition. This project is a Knowledge Transfer Partnership joint funded by Volac and Innovate UK.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1189734-baldwin-amy

Name   Dr  Bettina Bockelmann-Evans                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Ecology, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Rivers and streams, Soils /sediments, Wastewater, Water quality, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Senior bid developer.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bettina-Bockelmann-Evans

Name   Dr  Peter Brabham                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Geomorphology, History, Mining / minerals, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Seismic exploration, Environmental geophysics, Coal geology, Brownfield site regeneration, Environmental remote sensing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81673-brabham-peter

Name   Dr  Michaela Bray                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Flooding, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Numerical Weather Modelling (WRF, MM5, climate change), Real-time Flood Forecasting (Raingauge network analysis, real-time updating) Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (Weather radar, satellite), Climate change, Hydroinformatics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364337-bray-michaela

Name   Ms  Clare Brown                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Freshwater, Genetics and genomics, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1321523-

Name   Prof.  Reza Ahmadian                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Flooding, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Rivers and streams, Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Flood modelling with particular focus on modelling flash floods, dynamically 1D-2D linked flood models, implementation of sustainable solutions including, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), modelling flood risk and hazard and evacuation and access route planning. Water quality and sediment transport modelling particularly nutrients and faecal bacteria modelling including interaction with sediment, dynamic decay rate and monitoring approaches for both bathing water and aquaculture sites. Marine and riverine renewable energy including small hydro-power, tidal stream and tidal range schemes. This includes resource and hydro-environmental impact assessment, optimisation of the schemes, wider benefits such as energy storage systems and developing a resilient turbine for off-grid utilisation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364315-ahmadian-reza

Name   Dr  Sara MacBride Stewart                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Relationships between the natural environment and society using the lens of human health and environmental justice, evidencing practices and perspectives from the planetary scale to the everyday lives of communities

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38129-macbride-stewart-sara

Name   Dr  Caroline Verfuerth                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

research interests concern factors that surround transformations to sustainable lifestyles, sustainable diets, as well as deliberative research methods. My current research project focusses on cross-cultural visions of low-carbon futures in Brazil, China, and Sweden. Within the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation (CAST), theme 1, we are co-developing low-carbon visions in the four interest areas material consumption, diet, mobility, and thermal comfort in the three cultural contexts.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1546351-

Name   Dr  Rhoda Ballinger                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Contaminants / pollutants, Education, Estuaries, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Coastal and estuary management, Marine environmental management, Coastal management education

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81592-ballinger-rhoda

Name   Prof.  Sandra Esteves                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Microbiology, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

research has focused on design, monitoring, modelling, control and optimisation of anaerobic and aerobic processes, sensor development, microbial ecology and profiling, feedstocks and digestates characterisation, pre and post processing, power to gas conversions and biological biogas upgrading, carboxylic acids and polyhydroxyalkanoates production and systems LCA/economics benchmarking. Current interests extend to a wide remit namely the integration of anaerobic bioprocesses in biorefining as well as with a number of other industrial processes and energy systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://serc.research.southwales.ac.uk/academic-staff/professor-sandra-esteves/

Name   Dr  Tim Patterson                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Systems. Analysis of Low Carbon Processes and Product Development of Novel Low Carbon Products and Processes. Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Land.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://serc.research.southwales.ac.uk/academic-staff/dr-tim-patterson/

Name   Dr  Mark Sutcliffe                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Educational Technology, Curriculum Theory, Teacher Education

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/management/staff/Pages/Mark-Sutcliffe.aspx

Name   Dr  David Brown                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

research interests concern the development of interpretive sociological under-standings of the body-self-society relationship in the fields of sport and physical culture.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/schoolofsport/staff/Pages/Dr-David-Brown.aspx

Name   Dr  Emmet McCloughlin                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

research interests include data driven approaches to sustainability, indicators of sustainability and sustainable planning for tourism and events.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/management/staff/Pages/Dr-Emmet-McLoughlin.aspx

Name   Dr  Katie Beverley                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katie-Beverley

Name   Dr  Frank Vidal                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

research area is mainly focussing on computer graphics, visualisation and physically-based simulation, with a strong focus on medical imaging and medical physics (including tomogrphy reconstruction, X-ray imaging, soft tissue modelling).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/franck-vidal-011770/en

Name   Ms  Karen Tuson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Project Manager for BlueFish (Ireland Wales programme) and the Shellfish Centre (ERDF funded) projects.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://cao.bangor.ac.uk/staff/karen-tuson/en

Name   Dr  Iestyn Woolway                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Data Management, Modelling, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

research focuses on the physical interactions between climate and water, with a particular interest in the physics and hydrology of lakes worldwide. This includes aspects such as climate-induced variations in lake evaporation, water temperature, ice cover and energy fluxes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/iestyn-woolway(83b4ef9c-fde5-4d63-b6a2-d148137c23ba).html

Name   Mr  Guy Walker Springett                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

A Scientific Officer on the SEACAMS2 (Sustainable Expansion of Applied Coastal And Marine Sectors) project, run from the Centre for Applied Marine Sciences, within the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/ocean-sciences/guy-walker-springett-013599/en#overview

Name   Prof.  Nia Whitely                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal physiology, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Freshwater, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

Research focuses on the physiological and metabolic responses of aquatic organisms to environmental change, including underlying mechanisms and ecological implications. I use laboratory and field based studies to assess the physiological capacity of crustaceans to cope with environmental challenges, such fluctuations in temperature, salinity, O2 and CO2 levels.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/nia-whiteley-008196/en

Name   Mr  Samuel Williams                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Image ProcessingPattern RecognitionC++Digital Image ProcessingFeature ExtractionImage Segmentation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samuel-Morton-Williams/research

Name   Dr  Christian Dunn                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Freshwater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

My interest in water quality also covers pharmaceutical waste and illicit drugs in our water systems. A project I led looking at illicit drugs at the Glastonbury Festival received international news coverage. Another area of my research is plastic and microplastic pollution. In particular microplastic pollution in inland water systems and its potential removal using CTWs. Some of my research recieved international coverage when it was revealed, for the first time, that microplastics were present in all UK inland waters. I am the director of the Plastic Research Centre of Wales.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/christian-dunn-011539/en

Name   Dr  Corrina Patterson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Social science

Summary of Research : 

sues related to globalization and geo-politics including: Citizenship and civic empowerment, local and global concepts of belonging and identity, community, identity, issues of inequality (race, class, gender and intersectionality), environmental sociology, rationalization of the ‘other’ (human and non-human animals).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/history-law-social-sciences/corinna-patterson-000063/en#overview

Name   Dr  Patricia Masterson-Algar                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Patricia is a health researcher interested in improving the lives of those affected by a neurological condition. Her research explores the impact that these conditions can have not only on the lives of those affected by them but also on the family as a whole.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/medical-health-sciences/patricia-masterson-algar-052490/en

Name   Prof.  Valerie Morrison                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/human-behavioural-sciences/valerie-morrison-000459/en

Name   Prof.  Louise Hassan                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science

Summary of Research : 

More specifically, my research aims to make a contribution within the literature on either: information processing and persuasion; or attitude and motivation formation/change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/business/louise-hassan-090467/en#overview

Name   Dr  Sara Parry                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science

Summary of Research : 

My current research interests include consumer behaviour in various social contexts, place attachment, social media marketing and marketing in small-and-medium sized enterprises.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/business/sara-parry-013491/en

Name   Dr  Sonya Hanna                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science

Summary of Research : 

nterests are focused on place branding and in particular the process of strategic place brand management, considering place brand communications in the digital arena and looking at the development of brand architecture and the alignment of stakeholder objectives and negotiations by leadership. Her other interests lie in the categorisation of stakeholder roles and how they provide the brand experience considering public encounters.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/business/sonya-hanna-000415/en

Name   Dr  Elinir Young                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Bangor University’s Director of Sustainability and leads a team based at the Sustainability Lab, Bangor University. Her work focusses on embedding sustainability and well-being across institutions and communities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Einir-Young

Name   Dr  Pauline Ashfield-Watt                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Extreme events, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Science Education,Epidemiology, Public Health

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/122756-ashfield-watt-pauline

Name   Dr  Lesley Cherns                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, History

Summary of Research : 

Early Palaeozoic stratigraph,y Facies and faunas of Baltoscandia, Avalonia Taphonomy, Palaeozoic chitons

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81677-cherns-lesley

Name   Mr  Neil Cook                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Marine conservation generally, but particularly sharks. Many species of shark have undergone significant population declines since the onset of industrial fishing, a number of which are now threatened with extinction. Given both their ecological and economic importance, this renders them a priority for conservation. However, the complexity of fisheries is such that many communities depend directly on fishing as an important livelihood and source of food.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1668035-

Name   Dr  Barend De Graaf                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Fertilization in higher plants is the result of a series of successful interactions between pollen and pistils of the same species. An understanding of pollen tube growth and the interactions of pollen and growing pollen tubes with the pistil is fundamental to basic plant sciences. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves species specific communication events.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81147-de-graaf-barend-hj

Name   Ms  Rowena Diamond                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater

Summary of Research : 

Ph.D. researcher at Cardiff University, focusing on the effects of climate change on freshwater systems. I work closely with NGOs to record and process water temperature data across the Wye and Usk catchments and also examine how changing environments may impact species, such as salmonids.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1322773-

Name   Dr  Hu Du                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero

Summary of Research : 

Dr Hu Du has been the Principal Investigator of 4 research projects. He has been active in pursuing research in the low carbon building field where he has been working on 17 cutting-edge research and innovation projects (with a total value over £2.8 million) funded by European Commission, Innovate UK, EPSRC, Welsh Government, British Council and Leverhulme Trust. Dr Hu Du is interested in building performance modelling and evaluation, sustainable building technologies, building adaptation in a changing climate, innovative refurbishment, lighting environment modelling, dynamic thermal modelling, CFD modelling, urban scale modelling, building optimisation and statistical analysis of big data. His projects and roles in these projects are listed below.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1254526-du-hu

Name   Prof.  Diane Edwards                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Silurian- Devonian fossils that record the early history of plant life on land, particularly concentrating on their anatomy based on a wide variety of types of preservation. This aids in their identification and hence relationships, plus detection of adaptations, including biochemical ones, to the terrestrial environment and hence their palaeoecophysiology. Of further major interest is the effects of early land vegetation on the lithosphere and atmosphere and this has led to colloboration with palaeozoologists and palynologists on ecosystem development as well as chemists and neobotanists.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81680-edwards-dianne

Name   Dr  Eva Elliott                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Health and regeneration, Health Impact Assessment, the determinants of health, social and economic change and health, lay knowledge and ‘civic intelligence’.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38070-elliott-eva

Name   Dr  Parisa Esalmbolchilar                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Computing / AI, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

My research interests include human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing and designing interactive systems to support self-reflection, self-monitoring, feedback (audio, haptic, visual and soma), persuasion, immersion and navigation. My work exploits Internet of Things, wearables, smartphones, augmented reality and virtual reality. Analytical orientations: experimental studies, design thinking and auto-ethnography

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/634369-eslambolchilar-parisa

Name   Mr  Jordan Godwin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

research interests are broad and during my time in DECIPHer I have worked across a number of different areas, primarily as a qualitative researcher. I have a particular interest in school, workplace and community-based interventions for health promotion and improvement, with a particular focus on mental health. At the moment, I am also heavily involved in research on e-cigarettes/vaping as well as physical activity. I have also developed experience and interest in research on ‘holiday hunger’ and food deprivation/poverty.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/548730-vangodwin-jordan

Name   Prof.  Anna Grear                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

My work calls on insights from a range of disciplines despite being predominantly located within a combination of critical legal theory and jurisprudence. I have a particular interest in the relationship between human rights and the environment, and in the theme of legal subjectivity, locating these in relation to contemporary globalisation and to a central concern with the implications of the materiality of the living order – including the theme of lived embodiment. I increasingly draw on posthumanist and New Materialist theories in my work.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/478859-grear-anna

Name   Mr  Jack Greenhalgh                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Freshwater, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Research interests My research at the University of Bristol is focused on the development of two non-invasive survey tools for freshwater ecosystems, ecoacoustics and environmental DNA (eDNA). Freshwater ecoacoustics The field of freshwater ecoacoustics is a new and rapidly growing area of research in which the sounds in a pond, lake or river are recorded and analysed to answer ecological questions. Listening to the underwater sounds in freshwaters has huge potential to reveal novel insights into freshwater ecosystem function and condition. In addition, to showcase the staggering biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems and raise awareness of conservation efforts through scientific and artistic sound recordings.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/jack-greenhalgh

Name   Ms  Victoria Harris                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Strategic partnerships specialist

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/business/why-work-with-us/contact-us

Name   Ms  Erin Harvey                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Extreme events, Landscape processes, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

researching controls on the runout of extremely large post-earthquake debris flows following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1515957-harvey-erin

Name   Ms  Ruth Idinoba                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Urban water

Summary of Research : 

A PhD student with research interests revolving around the intersections between politics, environment and development, with particular focus on the global south. Specific to this are topics relating to urban planning/development, urban water management, social justice and questions of inequality within urban spaces, political ecology, necropolitics and citizen participation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2490378-

Name   Dr  Tim Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Contaminants / pollutants, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Interests are in airborne particulate pollution and geology & human health. This work has mainly concentrated on airborne mineral dust and respiratory health issues, however in recent years I have also been investigating dermal exposures to bioreactive minerals. The health outcomes of respiratory exposure to mineral dusts is very dependant on the mineralogy, from recognised hazards such as asbestos through to the less well understood minerals such as clays. For thousands of years certain clays have be recognised to have medicinal properties, however the actual mechanisms of these benefits are unclear. The great potential in this work is the identification of new natural antimicrobial agents.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/78688-jones-tim

Name   Ms  Eleanor Keen                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Animal physiology, Biodiversity, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

Science, Technology and Environmental PoliticsParasitologyEcologyAnimal Communications

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eleanor-Kean

Name   Dr  Aleksandra Koj                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Economics / finance / business, Geomorphology, Social science

Summary of Research : 

ompleted a PhD in the importance of social capital in the regeneration of mining communities. Aleksandra has a particular interest in gender issues, entrepreneurial activities and economic development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.flexis.wales/team-members/dr-aleksandra-koj/

Name   Mr  Scott MacAulay                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

second year of my PhD at Cardiff University under Professor Jo Cable and Dr Amy Ellison (Bangor Universtiy), looking into aquatic oomycetes and potential prevention methods, whilst working with the Environment Agency as a CASE partner. My PhD is part of the BBSRC GW4+ SWBio DTP, contributing to the field of aquaculture and food security.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1713879-

Name   Prof.  Peter Madden                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Teaching, research and practice focuses on innovating for the city of the future, understanding why urban life is changing and how citizens and business can thrive in a hyper-connected, increasingly urban, and resource-constrained world. I have helped dozens of leading businesses and city administrations respond to the opportunities offered by digital technology and by sustainable development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1237909-madden-peter

Name   Dr  Shastra Marrero                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Landscape processes, Polar / glaciology, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

I want to understand how different processes change Earth’s surface. I use tracers (called cosmogenic nuclides) to look at processes that shape the surface (like erosion) and to date when events happened (like volcanic eruptions or glacial movements). I apply this technique to many different topics and field areas while continuing to improve the laboratory techniques and computer programs we use to interpret the data. My interests include: Glacial history Geochronology Geomorphology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1751863-marrero-shasta

Name   Prof.  Terry Marsden                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

research the interdisciplinary social science and applied policy fields of rural geography, rural sociology, environmental sociology, geography and planning.A key aspect of my scholarly work involves critical engagement with aspects of environmental and rural policy-making and related research advisory boards and evaluation committees. Currently holds the established chair of Environmental Policy and Planning in the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/87727-marsden-terry

Name   Mr  Ben McClay                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Freshwater, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Cascading effects of micro- and nano-plastics on lipid quality and transfer through freshwater planktonic ecosystems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2522896-

Name   Dr  Abid Mehmood                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Expertise in social innovation and sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy transitions, international planning, and social cohesion for local and regional planning, policy and practice.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38131-mehmood-abid

Name   Dr  Marc-Alban Millet                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Geomorphology, Landscape processes, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Planet Formation, Magmatic and Eruptive Processes, Mantle Dynamics, Analytical Development, Novel Isotope Systems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/220303-millet-marc-alban

Name   Mr  Steven Morris                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Senior technician in School of Chemistry with expertise on: Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Steven-Morris-2

Name   Mr  Greg Mothersdale                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Communication / marketing, Community Engagement, Economics / finance / business, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

I am one of the R&D Producers for Clwstwr, an innovation programme for the South Wales screen sector. I am also the lead on environmental sustainability. Professional interests include talent development and industry engagement at both a local and international level. I have worked in the media industry in production, producing, studios and events

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1585777-

Name   Ms  Stephanie Muller                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Flooding, Fluid mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Hydromorphology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

currently undertaking a WISE CDT funded Ph.D. studentship at the Hydro-Environmental Research Centre at Cardiff University, focusing on fish responses to flow alterations in riverine systems. I am interested in the interaction between the aquatic environment and hydraulic in-stream structures such as small-scale riverine turbines and leaky barriers used for natural flood management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1061588-muller-stephanie

Name   Ms  Katherine Mullin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Birds, Ecology, Herptiles, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

research interests include herpetology, mammalogy and ornithology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1322552-

Name   Mr  Matt Newell                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Mining / minerals

Summary of Research : 

KESS2 East funded PhD student at Hafren Scientific and Cardiff University investigating the battery mineral potential of Wales.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-newell-208b51153/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ebing%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Wei Zhang                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Freshwater, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Pollutants, Sensors, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Development of electrochemical sensors using various nanomaterials for environmental water monitoring, including heavy metals (i.e. lead and cadmium), pesticide, PFAS, disinfection by-products and algal toxins, etc..

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/wei.zhang/

Name   Ms  Agnethe Olsen                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Computing / AI, Fish / fisheries, Pathogens, Science communication, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

combining my experience of teaching, big data, machine learning and social media as a PhD researcher in the School of Biosciences. I am looking at automatic disease detection in wildlife from image data using Computer Vision (computational methods to investigate images and video) and with Citizen Science.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2503639-

Name   Dr  Kirstie O’Neill                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Climate Change, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Environmental governance and sustainability transitions, especially as they relate to the green economy, sustainable building and alternative food systems, as well as urban sustainability strategies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1127358-oneill-kirstie

Name   Ms  Emily O’Rourke                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biogeochemistry, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecotoxicology, Freshwater, Mammals, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

n January 2019 began a PhD. My project uses the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) as a sentinel for freshwater pollution, investigating the concentration of chemical contaminants, and the factors explaining temporal and spatial variation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1416460-

Name   Ms  Isa Gameiro Aleixo Pais                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Genetics and genomics, Mammals, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

interested in understanding how forest loss and degradation impact the genetics and diet of endangered african non-human primates. Another field in which I have embarked recently, is Ethnobiology, which explores the dynamic relationships between humans, non-humans and the environment. Thesis The use of plants by humans and non-human primates in altered landscapes: dietary flexibility or local adaptation?

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1143230-gameiroaleixopais-isa

Name   Ms  Alexis Pala                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Community-based approaches, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Public policy Participatory methods (co-design and co-creation) Complex adaptive systems Design-thinking and methods Innovation (public-sector/social) Capacity building

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1267009-pala-alexis

Name   Prof.  Paula Pearson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, History

Summary of Research : 

extracting climatic information from deep sea cores and sediments. I specialize in evolutionary and geochemical studies of planktonic foraminifera, and what they tell us about the long history of climate change on Earth. I have helped develop new proxies for determining past seawater pH and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and hence the history of the greenhouse effect.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1719366-pearson-paul

Name   Prof.  ken Peatie                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Key areas of research interest relate to sustainability and marketing, corporate social responsibility, social marketing and social enterprise and I have published widely on these topics with an aim to exploring ways in which the practice and teaching of management and marketing can be made more orientated towards ethics, environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/609150-peattie-ken

Name   Dr  Ricardo Pereira                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Environmental Crime, Law / Legislation, Marine

Summary of Research : 

International and European environmental, energy and natural resouces law, European and transnational criminal law, environmental crime and law enforcement, as well as other sub-fields of public international law including international economic law, the law of the sea and human rights law.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/478894-pereira-ricardo

Name   Dr  Ludevine Petetin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Human behaviour, Law / Legislation, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Impact of Brexit and COVID-19. In particular, she is interested in agri-food democracy, food security, agri-technology, sustainable agriculture, novel food technologies and rural development. Her research investigates public participation, animal welfare, devolution and governance issues across UK (in particular Wales), EU, US and WTO levels.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/540936-petetin-ludivine

Name   Ms  Emma Pharaoh                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Freshwater, History, Invertebrates, Rivers and streams, Taxa

Summary of Research : 

PhD project focuses on long-term river invertebrate trends in England and Wales in the years 1991-2019.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1713924-

Name   Dr  Dimitris Potoglou                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours, Transport

Summary of Research : 

Transport analysis with funded and published work spanning travel behaviour, transport infrastructure and its benefits to land values, travel and built environment interactions and car ownership including demand for cleaner car technologies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/133358-potoglou-dimitris

Name   Dr  Ruth Potts                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

esearch explores the link between the quality of decision-making and planning arrangements for natural resource management, and environmental outcomes. My research draws on ideas, concepts and theories from a range of different disciplines, including political sciences, sociology, geography, and spatial planning. I am also involved in emerging research at the nexus of technology and urban design, exploring augmented reality games like Pokémon Go and their impact on the way in which people use public spaces.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1059476-potts-ruth

Name   Mr  Matthew Quinn                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Research Management, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

governance and sustainability, including transformation; co-production and participative governance; governance aspects of ecosystem resilience and services; place attachment; distributed economy, and society-science-policy interfaces.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/729971-quinn-matthew

Name   Dr  Ricardo Ramalho                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Geomorphology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

research focuses on the geodynamics and hazards of ocean island volcanoes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2523935-Ramalho-Ricardo

Name     Bikash Ranabhat                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Hydrodynamics, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Physical testing and numerical modelling of a vertical axis turbine for hydroelectricity generation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bikash-Ranabhat-2

Name   Dr  Tommaso Reggiani                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance / business, Human behaviour, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

promotion of virtuous behaviour and prosocial preferences – both at individual and organisational/community level – as well as their interactions with economic and psychological incentives (cooperation, trust, giving, compliance, voluntarism, public goods, social capital). Research fields: Behavioural & Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Ethics & Economics.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1751418-reggiani-tommaso

Name   Ms  Fiona Roberts                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Plants

Summary of Research : 

PhD student at Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales, researching pathways to decolonising biocultural curation of South Asian medicinal plants.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://walesdtp.ac.uk/profile/roberts-fiona/

Name   Dr  Amanda Roberts-Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Head of Research Development

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/172089-roberts-jones-amanda

Name   Mr  Sam Rowley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Flooding, Modelling, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

PhD: Modelling of flood dynamics in the middle Severn catchment

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://wisecdt.org.uk/wise_people/sam-rowley/

Name   Ms  Romy Sabathier                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

evolution of riparian forests in arid regions, with a special focus on the connection between water availability and vegetation communities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Romy-Sabathier-2185335053

Name   Dr  Georgina Santos                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance / business, Transport

Summary of Research : 

an economist interested in environmental and transport economics and public policy. She has conducted research on environmental taxes for air and road transport and on delays at airports and traffic congestion on roads, and more recently, on shared mobility and Mobility as a Service.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/93709-santos-georgina

Name   Dr  Isabel Sebastian                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

esearch is focussed on the project: Pathways towards a ‘restorative’ Anthropocene: a comparative study of three marginalised or contested land practices, their narratives and regenerative potential across local-global dimensions

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2580774-sebastian-isabel

Name   Prof.  Hilary Kennedy                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/hilary-kennedy(18a5596e-0e93-4037-882e-3cd5822b3724).html

Name   Dr  Richard Unsworth                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Marine, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Current research projects include the impact of climate variability on seagrass ecosystems, social-ecological systems analysis, ocean acidification and seagrass, and the resilience and ecosystem service provision of seagrass.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/r.k.f.unsworth/

Name   Prof.  David Gethin                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

esearch contribution in the scientific areas that support net shape manufacturing and printing and coating technology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/d.t.gethin/

Name   Dr  Mike Gwilliam                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Molecular dynamics

Summary of Research : 

Molecular biology, biochemistry, evolution and genetics.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/m.p.s.gwilliam/

Name   Dr  keith Halfacree                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Human behaviour, Landscape processes, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Rural areas in Global North Counterurbanisation and rural population change Defining and understanding rural and rurality, Radical ruralities. Countercultural spaces Internal migration. Nature spaces. Americana music

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/k.h.halfacree/

Name   Dr  Wendy Harris                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

An ecologist and entomologist with specific interests in equipping our students and the public with an understanding of the ecological roles and value of insects in ecosystem functioning.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/w.e.harris/

Name   Dr  Chris Lowe                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Human behaviour, Law / Legislation, Microbiology, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Environmental remote sensing through light and sound Bio-optical oceanography Plankton dynamics Modelling human/environment interactions. Environmental management and assessment. EU and UK environmental policy and legislation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/c.d.lowe/

Name   Ms  Larissa Nicholas                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Ecology, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Soils /sediments, Sustainable behaviours, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

eriving value from waste streams in developing nations in particular the pyrolysis of dried faecal sludge to produce biochar and its potential as as a soil amendment and/or fertiliser.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/larissa-nicholas-b6741666/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Anna Piggot                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Climate Change, Culture, Ecology, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Intersections between cultural geography, ecology, and climate, an approach which aligns with the aims of the Environmental Humanities (EH).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/a.l.pigott/

Name   Prof.  Geoff Proffitt                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

Director of Knowledge Economy, Biosciences at Swansea University

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/g.proffitt/

Name   Dr  Laura Roberts                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Herptiles, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/l.j.roberts/

Name   Dr  Merryn Thomas                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Education, Research Management, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Interdisciplinary in nature and draws on geography, psychology and social science to explore how people relate with their environment. I have a longstanding interest in using creative and innovative methods to engage diverse publics, including mental models interviews, deliberative workshops, role play, semi-structured interviews, mobile and photographic methods. I am particularly interested in the potential of such methods to help articulate more intangible relationships with nature.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/merryn.j.thomas/

Name   Dr  Rachel Townsend                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Liquid chromatographic mass spectrometry. Sample preparation techniques. Analysis of pharmaceuticals.Environmental monitoring

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/cy/staff/rachel.townsend/

Name   Ms  Jessica Ware                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Marine, Nature Based Solutions

Summary of Research : 

Conservation Biology, Marine Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jessica-Ware-2

Name   Mr  Aaron Todd                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Mining / minerals, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Aaron researches Geography, including West African trees, abandoned mines, water pollution, and hydrological flow apportionment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aaron-Todd

Name   Dr  Osian Elias                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Interests in social and political geography and in interdisciplinary work. Osian’s research interests span language, sustainability, and behavioural science and policy and he is especially concerned with the impact of his research.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/o.h.elias/

Name   Dr  Rhian Hedd Meara                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Extreme events, Geochemistry

Summary of Research : 

Accessibility in Higher Education British Sign Language, Natural Hazards, Physical Volcanology, Geochemistry Archive use in Physical Geography and Geology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/r.h.meara/

Name   Dr  Steffan Doerr                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Fire effects on landscape carbon dynamics, on soils and on water quality, ecosystem services, as well as global fire patterns, trends, risk and social perceptions. I also have long standing interest in soil hydrology and erosion with particular focus on the causes and effects of soil water repellency, as well as karst geomorphology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/s.doerr/

Name   Dr  Nicole Esteban                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Herptiles, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

interests lie in improving our understanding of spatial and habitat use by marine fauna, with a focus on sea turtles and fisheries, predominantly in the Caribbean and Indian Ocean but also closer to home in Swansea Bay.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/n.esteban/

Name   Prof.  Paul Lewis                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Modelling of environmental and health data for impact assessment, application of large scale analytics including machine learning and multivariate statistical techniques and the evaluation of sustainable technologies for air quality monitoring.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/p.d.lewis/

Name   Mr  Edward Miller                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Research Management, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Biological production systems. Sensors. Project management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/medicine/enterprise-and-innovation/business-support-projects/accelerate-healthcare-technology-centre/edward-miller/

Name   Dr  Ed Lord                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Research interests cover the intersection of mental health, geography, environmentalism, and critical social theory.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/e.j.lord/

Name   Mr  Owain Kerton                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Head Of Research & Innovation Services Research and Business Development

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/owain.kerton.html

Name   Prof.  Martin Steggall                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/martin-steggall

Name   Ms  Donna Szarun                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Knowledge Transfer & Impact Officer at University of South Wales

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/donna.szarun.html

Name   Prof.  Elen Stokes                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

Relationship between law and the future, and seeks to develop a framework for understanding the technical legal work that goes into mediating, enacting and regularising conceptions of the future that achieve effects in the present, whether or not those futures materialise.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/924211-stokes-elen

Name   Dr  Vicki Stevenson                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

ndoor air quality, sustainable materials and whole life energy as it applies to the built environment. This includes: The circular economy, whole life cost and embodied energy of construction materials, The holistic sustainability of construction materials, including their impact on indoor air quality, The relationship between energy saving / low energy technologies in buildings and occupant comfort – particularly indoor air quality.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1116829-stevenson-vicki

Name   Ms  Nia Thomas                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Mammals

Summary of Research : 

molecular techniques to investigate the changes in otter population structure across the UK over a twenty-year period of recolonisation. Furthermore, it aims to gain new and previously intractable information on home range and (potentially sex-biased) dispersal, and to examine the permeability of landscape barriers to movement.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/191129-thomas-nia

Name   Dr  Robert Thomas                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Climate change biology. Sensory constraints on behaviour. Dietary wariness and foraging ecology. Impacts of human activities on wild animals

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81297-thomas-robert

Name   Mr  Michael Shewring                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Birds, Data Management, Ecology, Invertebrates, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

An applied ecologist with expertise in insectivorous aerial predators (Avian and mammal), coastal birds, and the impacts of development and land-use on ecosystems. I have a working interest in data analysis and statistics, using ecological models to address applied issues in industry, land management and conservation. My current research focusses on European Nightjar and their interactions with wind energy facilities and forestry management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1147077-shewring-michael

Name   Dr  Kasongo Shutsha                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climatology, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

research focuses on assessing the influence of land cover changes such as deforestation on the surface energy budget and climate. I also investigate how this land alteration affects evapotranspiration. Therefore, I seek to assess the bio-geophysical changes caused by land cover alteration and the subsequent effects on climate. I use earth system models to model these land-climate dynamics and collect ground-based data from climatological stations to evaluate my climate modeling.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kasongo_Emmanuel_Shutsha

Name   Ms  Emma Williams                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Senior Technician. Reliable biochemistry graduate with excellent IT proficiency, organisational and interpersonal skills. Highly flexible with extensive laboratory experience gained across a range of projects, complemented by honed written verbal communication skills.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/emma-williams-a33532167/

Name   Mr  Stef William                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Data Management

Summary of Research : 

Web developer

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/stef-williams-6542192/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Andrew Williams                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Human behaviour

Summary of Research : 

My research examines the relationships between welfare, care, religion, and neoliberalism. I pursue these through a series of ethnographic engagements in particular spaces – faith-based drug and alcohol treatment, food banks and food cooperatives, homelessness services, protest, advocacy and care.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/475520-williams-andrew

Name   Dr  Emily Woolstenholme                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

A mixed-methods researcher with a background in Psychology and behaviour change. I have experience designing and implementing surveys, randomised controlled trials and interviews, including a diary study. I also have experience coding public responses to government consultations. I am not tied to a particular research method and prefer to take a pragmatic approach when deciding how best to generate insight. My work tends to focus on areas related to social justice, climate change and public health.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-emily-wolstenholme-phd-72aaa8103/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Demitrios Xenias                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Energy, Human behaviour, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Transport, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

ocial psychology of sustainable behaviours (and associated technologies) and behaviour change. Specifically, in several projects since 2010 I have been studying: water and energy perceptions and use attitudes to energy systems and new technologies (e.g. Carbon Capture and Storage, renewable energy, electric vehicles) travel behaviour and climate risks communication

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/123630-xenias-dimitrios

Name   Mr  Clement Twumasi                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Invasives, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

novel mathematical models to help better understand the spread of Gyrodactylus infection dynamics of three different parasite strains across three different populations of fish. It required the development of novel agent-based stochastic simulation and sophisticated mathematical models as well as novel Approximate Bayesian Computation for complex model calibration. This field/research required advanced knowledge of both theoretical mathematics and statistics as well as modelling and programming skills.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1321733-twumasi-clement

Name   Dr  Elspeth Spence                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Human behaviour, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Main area of research is public perceptions of climate risks. I am currently working on a project aimed at exploring how the public perceive negative emissions technologies, with a focus on enhanced rock weathering. Prior to this, for my PhD I worked on an interdisciplinary project to assess perceptions of the emerging risk of ocean acidification.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1156647-spence-elspeth

Name   Mr  Guglielmo Sonnino Sorisio                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Undertaking a PhD with a focus on fish hydrodynamics, kinematics and behaviour at anthropogenic barriers in rivers and how they affect fish passage.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2607891-sorisio-guglielmo-sonnino

Name   Ms  Rachel Shepherd                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Ecology, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

PhD thesis: Long-term environmental influences on the ecology and conservation of river birds

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2523021-

Name   Dr  Ewan Stenhouse                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

Currently Covid Laboratory Manager but interest in Conservation Genetics and Species Invasion Ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2611289-stenhouse-ewan

Name   Prof.  Chris Tweed                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Research focuses on how people experience and use the built environment, which embraces topics around thermal comfort, aesthetics and usability and includes heating and cooling technologies, so-called smart buildings and retrofit.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/127071-tweed-chris

Name   Ms  Elena von Benzon                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Citizen Science, Contaminants / pollutants, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

PhD developing real-time water quality sensors.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/elena-von-benzon-0a411863/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ebing%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Prof.  Keir Waddington                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, Heritage, History, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

My research focuses on medical and environmental history, 1800 to the present.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/73081-waddington-keir

Name   Dr  Henry Wilde                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Epidemiology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Pathogens, Urban water, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Investigating the potential power of wastewater sampling in predicting community disease prevalence.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2522791-wilde-henry

Name     Taylor Young                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Sustainable plastics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2483436-young-taylor

Name   Dr  Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy, Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

main research interest is in the field of energy performance and building sustainability. Her work focuses on the human factors (people’s actions, behaviours) that affect the performance of buildings. She applies monitoring techniques, social science theories and social science research methods to investigate the nexus between technical and human aspects of performance.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1254532-zapata-lancaster-gabriela

Name   Ms  Emanuel Zarate                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Freshwater, Geomorphology, Groundwater, Human behaviour, Hydromorphology, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

PhD research focuses on understanding surface water-groundwater interactions in drylands.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1515992-zarate-emanuel

Name   Prof.  Carrie Lear                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Geochemistry, History

Summary of Research : 

Past climate change Geochemical proxies. Long-term ice sheet stability. Carbon cycle feedbacks. Cenozoic palaeoceanography

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81694-lear-caroline

Name   Prof.  Caroline Lloyd                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Economics / finance / business

Summary of Research : 

focus on the political economy of skill, work organisation and labour markets.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38024-lloyd-caroline

Name   Dr  Kate Moles                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Heritage, History, Human behaviour, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

explores the relationships between everyday practices of memory and heritage, mobility and place, which I have engaged with through ethnographic, multimodal methods. I have an ongoing interest in ideas of public and community engagement in research and in my work.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/38117-moles-kate

Name   Dr  Charlotte Bates                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

explores the multisensory worlds of wild swimming, the ways swimmers understand wellbeing, joy and risk in the water and the bonds that are created and sustained through these encounters.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/540290-bates-charlotte

Name   Ms  Holly Stokes                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Herptiles, Marine

Summary of Research : 

PhD research focusses on sea turtle ecology in the Chagos Archipelago.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.marine.science/scientist/stokes-holly/

Name   Ms  Rebecca Phillips                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Multispecies space use by ‘marine predators’ in the Irish Sea, focused on applications to the Marine Renewable Energy sector.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rebecca-Phillips-15

Name   Ms  Millie Parks                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Fish / fisheries, Modelling, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

Determining anthropogenic barrier frequency and impacts in Welsh rivers, creating predictive models comparing field data against satellite data to determine mitigation prioritisation and improve river connectivity.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mparks1/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Professor  Duncan Pirrie                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Built Environment, Contaminants / pollutants, Criminology / Forensics, Geochemistry, Heritage, Mining / minerals, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pollutants, Science communication, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Environmental Geoscience

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/duncan-pirrie

Name   Dr  Tracie McKinney                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Mammals, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

primate behaviour and conservation, with specific interest in human-animal interactions

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/tracie-mckinney

Name   Dr  Fergus Sinclair                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Plants, Soils /sediments, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Chief Scientist for the World Agroforestry Centre, he leads research into the contribution that trees can make to the productivity of farming systems and the lives of rural communities, with two main areas of focus: soil and water productivity; and factors affecting farmer decisions about which trees they incorporate on their farms and how they manage them. He also co-ordinates the Smallholder Production Systems and Markets component of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry involving CIFOR-ICRAF, Bioversity and CIAT.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/fergus-sinclair(bf531b2c-3eb3-427b-b46a-408369bdff04).html

Name   Dr  Andy Smith                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Climate Change, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Plants, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Forest ecology, biogeochemistry and plant-soil interactions with emphasis on species diversity and ecosystem function in undisturbed and managed ecosystems. Interested in belowground processes and the study of root biology, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and biogeochemical cycling; subjects that I have researched in a variety of climate change manipulation experiments that include elevated CO2 and climatic extremes (via altered precipitation and temperature regimes) in forest and upland ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/andy-smith-017079/en

Name   Dr  Bidd Webb                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Flooding, Hydrology, Nature Based Solutions, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Current research interests are in soil function and hydrology, particularly the interaction between trees, soil and water. My research with the Multiland project asks what role trees can play in Natural Flood Management (NFM) and I have a strong bias towards applied research.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/bid-webb-115832/en

Name   Dr  Elaine Jensen                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecosystem services, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Nature Based Solutions, Plants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Bioenergy, especially Miscanthus, on marginal/contaminated sites

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/fft/

Name   Dr  Gareth Enticott                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Antimicrobial resistance, Epidemiology, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Invasives, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Management of animal disease; social impacts of animal disease; farmers and vets behaviour and decision making; biosecurity; governance of animal disease.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/363232-enticott-gareth

Name   Dr  Mike Fowler                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Flooding, Invasives, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Rresearch focusses on how species interactions and stochastic environmental variability combine to influence different types of ecological stability and invasive species dynamics. I combine analytical, simulation and statistical modelling approaches to investigate how different forms of environmental variation (spatial and/or temporal) drive changes in populations, always aiming to combine population biology theory with empirical work wherever possible, across a range of study systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/m.s.fowler/

Name   Dr  Anthony Caravaggi                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Birds, Citizen Science, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Invasives, Mammals, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

My work is broadly focussed on conducting research that increases our understanding of species-specific and community ecology. I use field studies and historical data, along with R code and GIS software, to answer robust questions related to species distributions, community ecology, habitat selection, anthropogenic impacts.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/anthony-caravaggi

Name   Dr.  Sarah Perkins                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Citizen Science, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Epidemiology, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Parasitology, Pathogens, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Ecology of wildlife diseases and citizen science approaches to conservation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81249-perkins-sarah

Name   Miss  Sarah Raymond                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Road ecology, citizen science, human-wildlife conflict and interactions, wildlife mitigation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2503591-

Name   Dr  Richard Sandford                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Development of computational tools to predict fracture propagation and flows in rocks.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.flexis.wales/grc-engineering/team-members/dr-richard-sandford/

Name   Mr  Tim Peters                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Investigating the role of soil microbes and rhizodeposition in carbon cycling and long-term Carbon sequestration of temperate forest ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/research/environment-natural-resources-and-geography/students/tim-peters.php.en

Name   Dr  Mark Rayment                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

director of a suite of Forestry@Bangor MSc programmes: MSc Agroforestry & Food Security, MSc Environmental Forestry, and MSc SUTROFOR (SUstainable TROpical FORestry).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/mark-rayment(8964bd31-b8db-4025-a1a0-9ea907bc11dd).html

Name   Dr  Simon Valle                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Economics / finance / business, Marine, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

ildlife ecologist interested in the challenges faced by conservation science in low-income countries, mainly in the Afrotropics. Birds are my preferred model taxon and I have an ongoing research strand on the ecology and conservation of the heavily traded African Grey Parrots (genus Psittacus). Other research interests include the theoretical and practical aspects of estimating species abundance, and modelling population dynamics of endangered species.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/simon-valle-452728/en#overview

Name   Dr  Neal Hockley                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Economics / finance / business, Flooding, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

socio-economic impacts of conservation, forestry and land management; environmental justice and governance; land and forest tenure, valuation methods and cost-benefit analysis.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/neal-hockley-011884/en

Name   Dr  Farnon Ellwood                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Fungi, Plants, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/farnon-ellwood-573335/en

Name   Prof.  Alison McMillan                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Carbon / Net Zero, Community-based approaches, Fluid mechanics, History, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Composites Effect of defects, porosity and inclusions on material properties Material standards Computational methods development (FEA/CFD & meshing) Simulation of manufacturing processes Optimisation Embedding concepts like Industry 4.0, IoT and Digital Twin into engineering industrial practice Signal processing algorithms History and philosophy of science to address the problems of the future

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/alison-mcmillan/

Name   Dr  Sandeep Singh Sengar                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

Research interests include Machine/Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing, and its applications. He has published several research articles in reputed international journals and conferences. He is an Editorial Board Member, Guest Editor, and Reviewer at reputed International Journals.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/technologies/staff-profiles/Pages/Sandeep-Singh-Sengar.aspx

Name   Dr  David Kidner                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Current research topics include GIS/GPS integration and 3D modelling of spatial phenomena (with a special interest in high resolution laser scanning). Dr Kidner is a Senior Lecturer who has worked extensively in the areas of digital terrain modelling and spatial data compression.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/david-kidner

Name   Prof  Zhiwen(Vincent) Luo                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Climate Change, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Urban overheating; urban climate; healthy building design; climate resilient building design; air pollution; infection resilient building design

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2644534-luo-zhiwen

Name   Professor  Sofia Consuegra                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Evolution, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Genetics and genomics, Invasives, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Conservation genetics, Molecular Ecology, Evolution, Invasive species, Fisheries & Aquaculture

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/s.consuegra/

Name   Dr  Richard Fry                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Climate Change, Computing / AI, Informatics, Pollutants, Transport

Summary of Research : 

Environment and Health using models of the built and natural environment and linked data at the SAIL databank

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/r.j.fry/

Name   Dr  Tania Sharmin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Contaminants / pollutants, Energy, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

developing the methodological framework to carry out research in the area of human-centric planning of urban districts to examine how thermal comfort in high-density urban spaces affect health and wellbeing of people.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1713438-sharmin-tania

Name   Prof.  Neil Glasser                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

Glaciology and glacial geomorphology, particularly in the Arctic, Antarctic, Himalayas and Patagonia.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/nfg/

Name   Prof.  John Grattan                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecotoxicology, Extreme events, Geomorphology, Landscape processes

Summary of Research : 

Volcanic Hazards. Environmental impact of volcanic eruptions. Cultural responses to extreme events. Ecotoxicology. The industrial legacies of the ancient world. The inception and development of the first factories. Landscape archaeology. Geochemical records of environmental change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.aber.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/john-grattan(a93e6f81-98a7-4523-a5ef-e8500443fbca).html

Name   Dr  Tom Holt                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Polar / glaciology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Uses data acquired by satellites, aircrafts and drones to quantify ice-mass extent, structural evolution, debris-cover changes and glacier dynamics.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/toh08/

Name   Dr  David Christie                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Marine, Pollutants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Marine litter, plastics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/david-christie(8f78240a-7ff8-44a2-a2b4-4852070935f8).html

Name   Miss  Sophie Crouch                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Mammals, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Research project aims to examine changes in the distribution and abundance of marine top predators in the North Sea associated with present and future wind farm developments. The project will utilise multiple large-scale datasets that will be assembled and enable the biophysical links between environmental changes and top-predator communities to be investigated; namely, physical processes, fish, and cetaceans/seabirds. The project will also involve the development of species distribution models, which will identify critical habitats for marine predators, and provide a further-developed knowledge base for the growing offshore wind sector in the North Sea.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/ocean-sciences/sophie-crouch-348086/en#overview

Name   Dr  Simon Curling                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Bioengineering, Fungi, Microbiology, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Wide ranging mycology, microbiology, chemical analysis and bench science skills. Considerable knowledge and experience in natural durability of timber, wood decay and preservation, including standard testing methods.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/simon-curling(5a2252f7-df0a-43ae-8fca-84c4c40112af).html

Name   Dr  Richard Dallison                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Water quality, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

The assessment of the impacts of future climate change on run-of-river hydropower, now for the whole of the UK and Ireland, studying first the impacts of hydrological regime change. This work will then be further expanded to analyse the potential implications of changing water quality parameters on the operation of hydropower schemes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/richard-dallison-087189/en

Name   Dr  Leejah Dorward                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Environmental Crime, Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Examining the drivers of rule-breaking behaviour in national parks. Using a range of cutting techniques from multiple disciplines the project will investigate how multi-faceted poverty and socio-psychological factors influence rule-breaking behaviour.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/leejiah-dorward-476984/en#research-interests

Name   Dr  Nathalie Fenner                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Carbon / Net Zero, Freshwater, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Urban water, Water quality, Water supply, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Aquatic biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Current research is focussed on optimising drinking water treatment processes, using novel constructed wetland and impoundment systems to reduce eutrophication in industrial and rare habitat applications, biofuel production and biodiversity and carbon fluxes in mangrove ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/nathalie-fenner-015344/en

Name   Mr  Ian Harris                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Conservation / Wildlife, Landscape processes, Remote Sensing / GIS, Research Management, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Farm Manager for Henfaes Research Centre and the University’s commercial farming operation (Centre for Hill and Upland Management) at Abergwyngregyn. I am active in teaching three topic areas: agriculture and the environment; management planning for conservation and geographical information systems. My research has included responsibility for the geospatial analysis components of a number of national and international projects funded by DEFRA, Environment Agency, European Union Objective 1 and INTERREG, Natural Resources Wales, NERC / ESRC, Welsh Government / Hybu Cig Cymru and local government.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/ian-harris-008344/en

Name   Dr  Dei Huws                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Evolution, History, Marine, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Current research interests are focussed around the use of high resolution geophysical methods with applications in three fields: (i) tropical palaeo-climate studies in relation to hominin evolution and migration; (ii) marine archaeological studies and (iii) marine engineering applications. Specifically, I have been involved in a number of studies based in northern Ethiopia that have investigated the inter-relationship between past climates and the migratory history of early homo sapiens.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/dei-huws-009343/en

Name   Mr  Tim Jackson-Bue                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

current marine ecology research focuses include 3D structure in habitats and ecosystems, high-resolution topographic and bathymetric remote sensing, temperate reef ecology and habitat mapping. I use state-of-the-art remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems to explore questions in spatial ecology at multiple scales. Other research interests and previous experience include biofouling communities on marine renewable energy infrastructure, decapod crustacean adaptation to multiple stressors during larval development, thresher shark (Alopius pelagicus) hunting behaviour and tropical coral reef ecology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/tim-jackson-bue-065913/en#research-interests

Name   Prof.  Davey Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Ecology, Freshwater, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Marine, Pathogens, Plants, Pollutants, Social science, Soils /sediments, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Plant-soil-microbe interactions, Environmental Pollution, Human Pathogens (especially viruses), Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, Soil Quality, Freshwater and marine pollution, Crop Science, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Agronomy and Modelling, Social behaviour and environmental issues.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/david-jones-008496/en

Name   Dr  Martyn Kurr                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Invasives, Marine, Microbiology, Plants, Pollutants, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Research specialties include non-native species, algal ecology, and microplastic pollution.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/martyn-kurr-045170/en

Name   Ms  Alice Lawrence                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Hydromorphology, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Zoology, Marine Biology, Ecology, Geochemistry Hydrogeology,Hydrology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alice-Lawrence-5

Name   Dr  Ben Lincoln                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

An observational oceanographer, making measurements of ocean currents to understand what drives turbulence and mixing in the ocean, including physical processes, such as waves, tides, inertial oscillations, internal waves.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/benjamin-lincoln-015807/en#overview

Name   Dr  Karina Marsden                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Microbiology, Plants, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

esearch interests include sustainable food production in a changing climate, nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems, gaseous emissions from soil (particularly N2O and N2), methods and techniques for monitoring gaseous emissions from soil and assessing spatial and temporal variability in emissions, rhizosphere processes and plant-soil-microbe interactions.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/karina-marsden(64d88f4a-b8b8-46d9-b16f-bb0f0504c846).html

Name   Mr  Andrew Packwood                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Involved in teaching at all levels Geographic Information Systems, Remove Sensing, Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Vegetation Surveying

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/andrew-packwood-008658/en#contact-info

Name   Dr  Dave Perkins                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Education, Remote Sensing / GIS, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

University lead for Technology and Innovation in Teaching (since 2014) within the Centre for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT). This role is to develop and assist in the use of new technologies across the institution and to encourage innovation in teaching using open educational practice.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/computer-science-electronic-engineering/david-edward-perkins-022010/en

Name   Mr  Bradley Reed                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climatology, Marine, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

esearch project is looking at the impact that El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events have had on the retreat of Pine Island Glacier (PIG)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/bradley-reed(05ddc8a5-3f3e-466d-b97a-9d865b1348a8).html

Name   Ms  Isabel Schestak                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Wastewater, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

The focus of my research is the recovery of energy from waste and process water. Through the application of Life Cycle Assessment methodology, different options for heat recovery from waste and process water are assessed in order to identify the most environmentally beneficial applications and design options.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/research/environment-natural-resources-and-geography/students/isabel-schestak.php.en

Name   Dr  Will Schneider                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Animal physiology, Conservation / Wildlife, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

esearcher in natural sciences with a background in electronic engineering. Currently, I have a Research Officer position in the Bangor Animal Navigation Group. I have experience conducting behavioural research with crickets, sheep, and bats, applying tech to automate and standardise the data collection process. I am also experienced in data analysis and visualisation, this has included signal/audio/video processing, animal tracking data, and physiological measures such as eye movements, EEG, and heart rate. Investigating bats to see if they are able to use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/william-schneider(f43683ab-3cbe-4089-94a9-b098f4722ed4).html

Name   Dr  Jenny Shepperson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Human behaviour, Marine, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

My research is focussed on fisheries management, in particular, developing models to predict both the environmental impacts of fishing and the behavioural response of fishers to management. Translating the most up-to-date research on the benthic impacts of trawling into a quantitative tool to assess fisheries against the Marine Stewardship Council’s eco-certification Fishery Standards.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/jennifer-shepperson-096733/en#contact-info

Name   Dr  Rob Taylor                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Pathogens, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Aircraft derived hyperspectral imagery for the detection of Phytophthora ramorum disease in mixed Welsh forests

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-taylor-5ba76a32/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Graham Ormondroyd                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Forestry, forest industries technology and natural materials science his research work has focused on novel wood protection techniques, chemical modification and novel resin systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/graham-ormondroyd(768c43df-9720-46d3-a447-af65308f735c).html

Name   Dr  Oktay Karakus                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

esearch area spans computer vision, engineering and applied statistics, and specifically is focused on Bayesian signal and image processing, statistical learning, inverse problems, object detection and tracking in images, convex/non-convex optimisation, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, and uncertainty quantification.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2538649-Karakus-Oktay

Name   Dr  Chris Berry                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Evolution, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Diversification, evolution and impact of the evolution of large land plants in the Devonian Period, 420-360 million years ago. I am interested in rare ‘fossil forests’ which tell us about ancient terrestrial ecology. My knowledge is informed by an extensive fieldwork programme, and first-hand knowledge of the major collections of Devonian plants in museums around the world.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81672-berry-chris

Name   Dr  Tom Bishop                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Informatics, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Research into how species and ecological communities are constrained by temperature in the present and, in doing so; I aim to predict our ecological future (Bishop et al. 2019). I use laboratory, field, and eco-informatics approaches to achieve this.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2541607-bishop-tom

Name   Mr  Samuel Morton Williams                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Computing / AI, Invertebrates, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Sensors

Summary of Research : 

I am specialising in machine learning for ecological applications. I currently work in advancing ways machine learning can monitor and predict insect behaviours, using honey- and bumblebees. I enjoy working with embedded systems, including self-piloting drones, apps, and remote sensors. I have strong skills in machine vision.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samuel-Morton-Williams

Name   Dr  Muhammad Naveed Arshad                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Climatology, Ecosystem services, Energy, Extreme events, Landscape processes, Modelling, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Lanscape decision using modelling and GIS mapping (drone/satellite) for agriculture, ecosystem, biodiversity and bioenergy use under changing climate

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/mna/

Name   Dr  Ishrat Islam                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Social science

Summary of Research : 

research interests include improving supportive and palliative care; conducting systematic reviews and developing and evaluating behavioural interventions with a focus on reducing socioeconomic inequalities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ishrat-Islam

Name   Dr  Ginu Rajam                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

interests include optical fibre sensors and their engineering applications in biomedical and structural health monitoring fields. He also promotes work integrated learning and entrepreneurship in undergraduate/postgraduate teaching.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/technologies/staff-profiles/Pages/Ginu-Rajan.aspx

Name   Dr  Rachel Sumner                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

experimental, observational, and secondary data methodologies looking at stress, nature/human interactions, arts and health, and hemispheric lateralisation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rachel-Sumner-2

Name   Dr  Gwawr Jones                                        Institution            JNCC                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Data Management, Ecology, Informatics, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Senior Earth Observation (EO) Specialist at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, with expertise in a wide range of Earth Observation data processing and application.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gwawr-Jones-2

Name   Dr  Novella Franconi                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Expertise is on data management, spatial relational database design & management, data sharing and reproducibility, PostgreSQL and SQL language, remote sensing, animal movements and behaviour, wildlife management & conservation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/novella.franconi/

Name   Dr  Sietse Los                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Honorary Reader, Science and Engineering – Faculty

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/s.o.los/

Name   Prof.  Adrian Luckman                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Polar / glaciology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) which uses microwave energy to acquire images regardless of cloud cover and polar night – a capability that is particularly valuable in the Arctic and Antarctic. My expertise is in using regularly acquired images to derive surface flow rates and dynamic change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/a.luckman/

Name   Dr  Jackie Rosette                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Use of satellite imagery for estimations of vegetation and topography.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/j.a.rosette/

Name   Dr  Ben Walking                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Circular economy, Human behaviour, Mining / minerals, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Looking at Welsh Coal Tips from a diverse range of perspectives, such as waste, risk, or as biodiversity hotspots, reflecting the different ways the public view them as well.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://myuni.swansea.ac.uk/fse/pgr/pgr-reps/ben-walkling—geography-rep/

Name   Ms  Moizzah Asif                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Energy, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Machine learnings methods for Social Media Analytics.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://maths.research.southwales.ac.uk/staff-students/moizzah-asif/

Name   Miss  Niamh Breslin                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Conservation / Wildlife, Invasives, Mammals, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

research interests include the use of GIS and remote sensing for large mammal reintroductions and invasive species management, and in the growing application of drone technology for environmental monitoring.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/niamh-breslin

Name   Dr  Jerome Daly                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Geochemistry, Geomorphology, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Landscape processes, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

main areas of expertise are Geotechnical Site Investigation, 3-D ground modelling and Slope Stability. I am on the POST COP26 (Conference of the Parties) Expert Database and support Parliamentary scrutiny of COP26 and wider climate issues.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/jerome.daly.html#aboutme

Name   Dr  Emma-Jane Mantle                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://staffdirectory.southwales.ac.uk/users/emmajane.mantle.html

Name   Dr  Shiny Verghese                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Human behaviour, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

With a particular interest in human-computer interaction, my PhD project involved designing, creating and using an online research tool to support research into presentation style and visual design of online questionnaires.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/shiny-verghese

Name   Dr  Nicholas Campion                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Culture, History

Summary of Research : 

Research interests include the nature of belief, the history and contemporary culture of astrology and astronomy.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/nicholas-campion/

Name   Dr  Simon Lannon                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Energy and environmental models at all scales, from the person to a regional scale. The use of Geographic Information systems (GIS) to model the built environment at an urban scale. Monitoring the energy use and performance of buildings.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1254529-lannon-simon

Name   Dr  Deborah Ebenezer                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

Current interests include HRM, talent management and artificial intelligence

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/deborah-ebenezer/

Name   Dr  Karen Heald                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Science communication

Summary of Research : 

esearch explores the concepts of time, creativity and its relationship to video, site-specificity, and the philosophical complexities of arts and science collaborations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/karen-heald/

Name   Mr  Alex Spichale                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Education

Summary of Research : 

PhD student with interest in built environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/alex-spichale/

Name   Dr  Denise Yorke                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Freshwater, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

An ecological surveyor as well as lecturing at Wrexham Glyndŵr University. Consulting part-time, she conducts protected species surveys across North Wales. These monitor populations of bats, badgers, crayfish, water voles and great-crested newts for clients, including the National Trust.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/denise-yorke/

Name   Dr  Amy Rattenbury                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Environmental Crime, Law / Legislation, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Current focus is in the area of forensic taphonomy, and more specifically the impact of decomposition on identification techniques and the use of drone technology in forensic search and recording. She also has broader interests in cold case reviews, buried and concealed evidence and forensic pathology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/amy-rattenbury/

Name   Dr  Sanar Muhyaddin                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Economics / finance / business

Summary of Research : 

Food systems and sustainability

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://glyndwr.ac.uk/staff-profiles/sanar-muhyaddin/

Name   Mr  Stuart Scott                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Programme Director – Occupational Safety, Health and Wellbeing​. Research interests focus upon the development, implementation and promotion of sustainable occupational Health & Wellbeing strategies and interventions in the workplace.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Stuart-Scott.aspx

Name   Dr  Alastair Tomlinson                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Research interests focus on the effectiveness of environmental public health interventions in addressing health inequities, and how interventions and services can be tailored to maximise positive health outcomes in disadvantaged individuals and communities and reduce inequalities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Alastair-Tomlinson.aspx

Name   Dr  Gayle Davies                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

areas of interest are: Environmental Protection. Health Impact Assessment. Health Protection

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Gayle-Davis.aspx

Name   Mr  Henry Dawson                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Areas of interest are the study of policy relating to privately rented accommodation, the relationship between housing and health and the use of technology enhanced teaching.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Henry-Dawson.aspx

Name   Mr  John Allen                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Research Research interests cover the assessment and management of occupational risks posed by exposure to hazardous substances. Of particular interest are risks from exposure to bioaerosols in the waste treatment industry.​

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/John-Allen.aspx

Name   Dr  Clare Grennan                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Clare-Glennan.aspx

Name   Prof.  Delyth James                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

interests lie in the psychology of patient and practitioner behaviours underpinning medicines use and consultation skills.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Delyth-James.aspx

Name   Prof.  Diane Crone                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

Design, delivery and evaluation of health promoting interventions in primary and secondary health care, and in the community.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/schoolofsport/staff/Pages/Professor-Diane-Crone.aspx

Name   Dr  Jane Lewis                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

chronic disease management and musculoskeletal disorders (MSK).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Jane-E-Lewis.aspx

Name   Dr  Jenny Mercer                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr-Jenny-Mercer.aspx

Name   Dr  Libby Payne                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Criminology / Forensics, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Phsycology and forensics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Libby-Payne.aspx

Name   Dr  Nichola Bolton                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

public policy, sport policy and sport management; strategy and governance; and sport development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/management/staff/Pages/Dr-Nicola-Bolton.aspx

Name   Dr  Rhiannon Phillips                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr-Rhiannon-Phillips.aspx

Name   Dr  Ruth Fairchild                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Promotion of palatable, affordable, accessible sustainable diets and the link between oral and general health.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/staff/Pages/Dr-Ruth-Fairchild.aspx

Name   Dr  Tyra Oseng-Rees                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Built Environment, Circular economy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Tyra was awarded her PhD in Industrial Design in 2009. The research involved investigating into the physical and aesthetic properties of fused recycled bottle glass. Since her doctorate she has developed her interest to embrace interdisciplinary collaborative work emphasis on circular economy within recycled glass. She is currently an Honorary Research Fellow to the University open to collaborating with other academic institutions, architects, artists and engineers to progress the development of sustainable research partnerships within circular economy.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/tyra-oseng-rees/

Name   Dr  Irina Neaga                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Computing / AI, Data Management, Education, Informatics, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

Industry 4.0; digitalisation of supply chains; big data mining; data and knowledge management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/irina-neaga/

Name   Dr  Vicky Bell                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Drought, Extreme events, Flooding, Hydrology, Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K )

Summary of Research : 

ecent research includes the development of a grid-based, integrated model to estimate pools and fluxes of nutrients across the UK as part of the NERC Macronutrient Cycles programme, the NERC-funded MaRIUS project improving the understanding of droughts across the UK, and a UK-wide seasonal hydrological forecast system (Hydrological Outlooks) delivered through the Environmental Science to Services (ESSP) collaboration with the Met Office, the Environment Agency and BGS.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/vicky-bell

Name   Dr  Daniel Read                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Carbon / Net Zero, Freshwater, Microbiology, Molecular dynamics, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

A molecular ecologist with interests in freshwater biodiversity. This includes understanding the processes that structure biodiversity across river catchments, the functional role of biodiversity, exploring the impacts of anthropogenic activity on freshwater communities, and applying and developing molecular techniques to assess biodiversity. I lead the Molecular Ecology group based at UKCEH in Wallingford.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/daniel-read

Name     Sarah Ace-Edwards                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Bathing Waters, Environmental Assessments

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-ace-26955a58/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Ken Addison                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change

Summary of Research : 

Earth, Environmental and Climate System sciences, university teaching, publications and public broadcasting.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-addison-22a31425/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Meryem Akin                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Language teaching, linguistics, international event management, interpreting, project management and external relations, organisational behaviour, marketing, consumer behaviour, creative and cultural industries, artificial intelligence

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-meryem-akin-449b7071/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Thomas Allison                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Hydrology, Invertebrates, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Pollutants, Rivers and streams, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

‘Biodegradable’ plastic products, plastic pollution within freshwater catchments, aquatic systems, material properties, transportation, degradation mechanisms, and environmental fate of biodegradable wet wipes from wastewater to freshwater

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2583861-

Name   Mr  James Lofty                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Fluid mechanics, Freshwater, Hydrodynamics, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nature Based Solutions, Pollutants, Rivers and streams, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

PhD Student at Cardiff School of Engineering investigating microplastic transport and behaviour in aquatic systems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2615385-lofty-james

Name     Khalad Anderson                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Renewable and Sustainable technology/engineering

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/khalad-anderson-06b244b2/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Muhammad Naveed Arshad                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Agricultural productivity potential of Wales, potential resources for bioenergy in UK, Crop Modeling, Remote Sensing/GIS, land assessment/crop suitability mapping, environmental issues, sustainability and socio-ecological resilience

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/mna/

Name     Ayman Asiri                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

entomology, disease in inects, disease in honeybees

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2583773-

Name     Lottie Atton                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lottie-atton/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Gemma Bell                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Habitat mapping and condition monitoring by remote sensing image analysis, geospatial data analysis and ecosystem services modeling. Projects included habitat mapping in Wales, Norfolk and Anguilla; invasive species network analyses; regional and national ecosystem service modelling projects; habitat connectivity modelling; Preliminary Ecological Assessments.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemma-bell-a9bb792b/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Sophie Bennett                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Habitat management, woodland, countryside and footpath management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophie-bennett-7a602b162/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Rachel Boulter                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Education, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Environmental ecology, conservation, increasing equality and accessibility within the sector and outreach to the general public.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-boulter-890891172/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Eleanor Brealy                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Electric Vehicle Charging, GIS

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanor-brealy-004402198/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Professor  Jo Cable                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Epidemiology, Fish / fisheries, Invasives, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Parasitology, host-parasite dynamics, ecosystem impacts of invasive species, aquatic systems, fish parasites, water-borne human pathogens and zoonotic infection

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81131-cable-joanne

Name   Dr  Debra Colarossi                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, History

Summary of Research : 

Geochronology, geomorphology, earth surface processes, archaeology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/dec34/

Name     Charlotte Colvin                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Fish / fisheries

Summary of Research : 

Marine Fishery and Ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-colvin-355033140/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     John (Zhehao) Cui                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Energy, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Building simulation performance (BSP), energy transition within building or district level and sustainable engineering.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-zhehao-cui-amei-breeam-ap-afhea-137571149/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Teresa Darbyshire                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Invertebrates, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Marine invertebrates, particularly polychaete annelids. Management and access to the Marine Invertebrate collections and databases.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://museum.wales/staff/132/Teresa-Darbyshire/

Name     Jill Davies                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy

Summary of Research : 

Circular economy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jill-davies-80ba8818/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Alex Davies-Litherland                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Renewable and sustainable engineering

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-davies-litherland-74117a224/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Sarah Du Plessis                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Ecology, Molecular dynamics

Summary of Research : 

Environment research groups, local issues, ecology, otter project, molecular ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1713915-

Name   Dr  Hephzibah Egede                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Education, Energy, Law / Legislation, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Energy Law and Environmental Regulation, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Energy and Indigenous Rights

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/management/staff/Pages/Dr-Hephzibah-Egede.aspx

Name     Chloë Farrington                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Birds, Ecology, Education

Summary of Research : 

Otters, Animal Welfare, Education, Birds, evolutionary and ecological consequences of co-operative behaviour

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/chloefarrington/

Name     Juan-Pablo Fernandez-Goycoolea                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Traditional and low-carbon construction technologies; and the overlap between environmental ethics and the built environment intervention processes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1318093-fernandez-goycoolea-juan-pablo

Name   Dr  David Fletcher                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Water resources, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Quantifying and mapping the provision and benefits of Ecosystem Services (ES), particularly those associated with green and blue spaces in an urban setting. A critical part of achieving this is developing our understanding of the interplay between pressures (e.g. noise, air pollution, Urban Heat Island effect) and contextual factors (e.g. land use / land cover (LULC), demographics, poverty and health indicators) in determining who benefits, where, when and by how much. An improved understanding of these relationships will allow us to support sustainable and equitable development through accurate ES assessment and scenario modelling.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/david-fletcher

Name     Evie Furness                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Education, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Marine, Nature Based Solutions, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Seagrass, restoration, fisheries and marine mammals, ecosystems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/evie-furness-30389b1a8/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Mike Goodfellow-Smith                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Remote Sensing / GIS, Research Management, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Finance and insurance in infrastructure; sustainable development, innovation for sustainability, reporting, programme management, management systems, resource efficiency, inspirational training, personal mentoring

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikegoodfellowsmith/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Maja Goudie                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Human behaviour, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Psychology, outreach

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/maja-goudie-844604233/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Charlotte Grech                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Ecology, Biology, Biological Science

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-grech-44831b140/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Elinor Gwynn                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Heritage, Landscape processes, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

Landscape, heritage and environmental management and sustainable development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.wao.gov.uk/about-us/whos-who/elinor-gwynn

Name   Dr  Tony Harris                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Flooding, Nature Based Solutions, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Physical geography, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Climate Change, Food Security, Resilience, Disaster Management Solutions, Flood Risk, Resilience, and Natural Environmental Management Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation, Flood Risk Reduction, Community Emergency Planning

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/tony-harris

Name     Charlotte Heney                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Data Management, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

European Maritime and Fisheries Funded Project aimed at gathering data and evidence to inform sustainable fisheries practice and policy. Competent in biological assessment of both temperate and tropical marine ecosystems. Experience in scientifically training others in species ID, scientific methodology and data investigation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-heney-6886b0173/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Rocio Hernandez-Clemente                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Ecology, Modelling, Pathogens, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Environment, Vegetation Models, Forest Ecology, Carotenoids, UAV Ecosystem Functioning, Satellite, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Prediction

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rocio-Hernandez-Clemente

Name     Emma Higgins                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Remote Sensing, Conservation, GIS, ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/emma-higgins-91533184/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Emily Holmes                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Economics / finance / business, Remote Sensing / GIS, Tourism, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Green jobs, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Woodland management, women

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-holmes-319342203/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Holly Hulme                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Risk assessment, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Bioscience PhD researcher with 4 years of career experience within water quality, wastewater pollution and environmental impact assessment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-hulme-aa4966165/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Justine Jenkins                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Community Engagement, Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Supports the Research, Innovation and Engagement activities in the School of Pharmacy and environmental biodiversity across the campus.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/90811-jenkins-justine

Name   Dr  Cerys Jones                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Education, Extreme events, Heritage, History, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Geography, Welsh-Medium education, costal heritage, weather

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/eyj/

Name   Professor  Phillip Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Education, Energy, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Professor Phillip Jones is chair of Architectural Science and Chair of the Low Carbon Research Institute (LCRI). Building energy and environment design, sustainability awareness raising events..

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/64988-jones-phillip

Name     Warangkana Juangjandee                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Her interest and previous research is related to efficiency energy and sustainable building, including energy conservation in buildings, discovering patterns and techniques for equipment installation to enhance the amount of natural daylight inside a building, building design with the relationship of natural habitat and built environment the installation of solar reflectors integrated with photovoltaic to produce electricity for a building and redesigning with concerning indoor thermal comfort.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1754667-juangjandee-warangkana

Name   Professor  David Kay                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Contaminants / pollutants, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Law / Legislation, Modelling, Pathogens, Water quality, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Coastal water quality, legislation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/dvk/

Name     Yui Khatti                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Physical Geography & Biosciences, natural capital and ecological models on QGIS and ArcGIS, environmental and ecological enhancement, restoration, and management toward climate resilience

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/praepunyuikhatti/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Kaiwen Li                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Sustainability, renewable energy, Whole Life Energy/Carbon Assessment of Passive Houses: Adapting Western Experiences into the Locality of China

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/architecture/2579079-Li-Kaiwen

Name     Zheng Liu                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy

Summary of Research : 

Circular Economy, Innovation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zheng-Liu-32

Name   Professor  David Lloyd                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Law / Legislation

Summary of Research : 

Welsh Government’s Food Policy, food safety, 3rd party accreditation, bacterial contamination, legislation, new product development, nutrition and efficient food factory design.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/health/zero2five/about/Pages/David-Lloyd.aspx

Name   Dr  Roberto Loza Espejel                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Energy, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Energy transition, Carbon capture and storage, Structural geology, Seismic interpretation, Carbonate sedimentology, Fault and fracture network characterisation, Petrophysics, GIS and mapping techniques

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2577549-loza-espejel-roberto

Name   Dr  Francesca Mancini                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Modelling, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

ecological modelling, biodiversity change, environmental change, wildlife tourism

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/francesca-mancini

Name     Joella Manley                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Extreme events, Tourism, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

Research masters exploring perception of wildfires in the Brecon Beacons

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joella-Manley

Name   Professor  Ian Masters                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Estuaries, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

The interaction of tidal turbine rotor blades with combined tide, wave and turbulent flows; marine vessel survey of high energy wave and tidal sites; CFD modelling of wave machines, tidal turbines, arrays, wakes, scour and deposition; environmental impact analysis of wave and tidal energy sites.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/i.masters/

Name     Daniel McDowell                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Disease ecology, Community ecology, Biocontrol and integrated disease management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2504018-

Name     Heather Mitchell                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Ecology, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Wales, ecology, environment, energy, community, innovation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/contact-us/directory/staff/profile/hmm15/

Name     David Norris                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Data Management, Informatics, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Data management, Informatics Liaison, EIDC Data Centre Operative, EIDC Grant Support Officer, Geographical Information System skills (ArcMap)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/david-norris

Name   Dr  Alvin Orbaek White                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Global energy security, Circular Economy, Materials, carbon nanotubes, graphene and carbon fibres

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/alvin.orbaekwhite/

Name   Dr  William Perry                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Community Engagement, Data Management, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Molecular dynamics, Pathogens, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Molecular methods in ecology, data analysis, SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, ecological crisis, population connectivity, impacts of the aquaculture industry and biomonitoring using eDNA, fish

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2497670-perry-william

Name     Lucy Phythian                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Education, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucy-phythian-591637243/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Helen Powley                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K )

Summary of Research : 

Marine Ecosystem Modelling, how environmental change may influence marine ecosystems, how climate change and anthropogenic processes may influence the biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem dynamics, nutrients

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2534165-Powley-Helen

Name   Professor  Dominic Reeve                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Energy, Flooding, Fluid mechanics, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

His research areas include coastal flooding and erosion, coastal morphodynamics and marine renewable energy.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/d.e.reeve/

Name   Dr  Mohammad Rezania                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Geomorphology, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Modelling, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

My main research interests are in resources and energy geotechnics and geomaterials/geostructures modelling. The main focus is applied research on addressing the most challenging practical issues that industry faces when dealing with the behaviour of different geomaterials, from plastic clays to porous materials and rocks, to materials that do not have the typical characteristics of soils, e.g. mining waste geomaterials. The primary directions of my research are constitutive model development for geomaterials, numerical implementation and experimental verification, integrated theoretical, experimental and numerical modelling of natural soil’s behaviour for improved geostructures simulation, development of sustainable construction materials, and novel experimental solutions to understand and/or alter the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of soils as well as recycled construction materials.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/people/mohammad_rezania/

Name   Dr  Ciaran Robb                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

The development of novel techniques to characterise the earth’s surface in the contexts of land cover mapping, change detection and geomorphology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/ciaran-robb

Name     Camilla Roberts                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife

Summary of Research : 

Biodiversity, conservation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/camilla-roberts-372593233/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Patrick Robson                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes, Heritage, History, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

Climate change and its impact on the heritage on the Welsh and Irish coasts, Palynological History, glacial and palaeoenvironmental history, links between climate change and human evolution in East Africa, environmental consultancy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/pjr/#research-groups

Name     Ciara Santos                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Risk assessment, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Prior to joining BSG, Ciara was a Research Assistant at Swansea University where she worked within a multidisciplinary team on a green infrastructure project, which focused on the geographical region of Neath Port Talbot, South Wales. During this role, Ciara used an integrated method of stakeholder engagement and GIS modelling to inform capital works within a urban park, with the aim of improving of it’s overall biodiversity value. Ciara has over 5 years of experience using GIS to analyse, manipulate and present large datasets, including studies on vegetation rehabilitation, wind turbine impact, and the risk of landslides. Ciara has experience of habitat enhancement and conservation as a volunteer for the National Trust across Gower, which included tasks such as gorse removal, tree planting and the clearance of invasive non-native aquatic plants.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bsg-ecology.com/portfolio_page/ciara-santos-gis-techncian/

Name     Paul Sellars                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

Wellbeing, Sports Science, Sport Psychology, Exercise Science, Athletic Performance

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-sellars-815b732b/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Matthew Shaw                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Catalysis, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Green and Versatile: Catalytic Production of Recyclable Co-polymers from Epoxides and Anhydrides

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1396932-shaw-matthew

Name     Mike Shewring                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Data Management, Ecology, Energy, Mammals, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

I am an applied ecologist with expertise in insectivorous aerial predators (Avian and mammal), coastal birds, and the impacts of development and land-use on ecosystems. I have a working interest in data analysis and statistics, using ecological models to address applied issues in industry, land management and conservation. My current research focusses on European Nightjar and their interactions with wind energy facilities and forestry management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1147077-shewring-michael

Name     Kasongo Emmanuel Shutsha                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes, Energy, Geomorphology, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Climate modeling, Land surface processes, Evapotranspiration estimates, Remote sensing. My current research focuses on assessing the influence of land cover changes such as deforestation on the surface energy budget and climate. I also investigate how this land alteration affects evapotranspiration. Land cover changes cause substantial variation in physical properties of the surface such as evapotranspiration and surface albedo.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2491825-shutsha-kasongo

Name   Dr  Simon Smart                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Modelling, Plants, Rainfall, Soils /sediments, Taxa, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

My interests are in answering four key questions about ecological change with an emphasis on temperate ecosystems over the last 100 or so years of human domination; 1) what has changed and where?, 2) why have the changes occurred?, 3) do they matter?, 4) can we use the answers to these questions to develop models that may help us estimate future states? My abiding passion is land plants and so the above agenda is generally focussed on vegetation, plants and plant traits but recognising interdependencies with water, soil, climate, air, animals and the central role of humans.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/simon-smart

Name   Dr  Zsofia Szekeres                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Recreation

Summary of Research : 

Older adults and physical activity

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/zsofia-szekeres-99596b185/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Eve Tarring                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Freshwater, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Freshwater, analytical/environmental chemistry, polymers

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2585890-Tarring-Eve

Name     Christianne Tipping                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Christianne is a PhD researcher within the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations at Cardiff University. Her mixed methods research is concerned with understanding how COVID-19 – which constitutes a large-scale, exogenous ‘moment of change’ – has affected a range of environment-related lifestyle behaviours, attitudes and intentions.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://tyndall.ac.uk/people/christianne-tipping/

Name   Dr  Michael Togneri                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Energy, Estuaries, Hydrodynamics, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

His current work is with the Marine Energy Research Group at Swansea University, dealing with a range of research topics around tidal stream energy. Most recently, his work has focussed on predicting turbine load fluctuations due to environmental variability, and the ability to decouple turbulence and waves in marine current measurements.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://welshcrucible.org.uk/michael-togneri/

Name     Basak Toren                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment

Summary of Research : 

Sustainable architecture

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/architecture/2494660-toren-basak

Name   Dr  Andrew Tye                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Flooding, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Polar / glaciology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

The lability, speciation and bioavailability of metals in soils, Major nutrient cycles including (i) sediment Phosphorus interactions and (ii) Nitrogen cycling (arctic tundra, shallow floodplain aquifers), Soil formation, weathering & erosion, Determining methods to assess nanoparticle behaviour in soils

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bgs.ac.uk/people/tye-andrew/

Name     Melanie van der Veen                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Minimising waste

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Melanie-Van-Der-Veen

Name     Malini Vieyra                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Environmental Sciences

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2406033-vieyra-malini

Name     Thanh Liem Vo                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Flooding, Hydrodynamics, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors, Soils /sediments, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Experienced Geotechnical Researcher/Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education sector (8 years post-doc + 4 years PhD) and industry (5 years). Expertise in the mechanics of unsaturated soils, mine tailing & coal waste geomaterials. Skilled in site-investigating/developing innovative solutions for problems caused by retaining wall-soil interactions, shallow foundations, mine ore pass, slope stability/instability, sinkholes and soil arches. Skilled in planning/developing research equiptments and testing programs, in situ geotechnical monitoring & instrumentation. I have carried out geotechnical site investigation in different environments (rail corridor, offshore, CBD, deep excavation, national park, flood plain).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/thanh-liem-vo-09515b118/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Catherine Walker                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Plants, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

I am studying the impacts of disturbance on succession trajectories of British broadleaved woodland. In the last 50 years, there has been a decline in understorey species richness in our native woodland and I want to find out why this is.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/catherine-walker(e4481558-c704-4ab2-9c99-30ff16afd137).html

Name     Phakthima Wangyao                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Heritage

Summary of Research : 

Industrial heritage, regeneration, adaptive reuse

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/architecture/2467158-wangyao-phakthima

Name     Lizzie Waring                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Microbial ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/contact-us/directory/staff/profile/liw34/

Name   Dr  Daniel Warren                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, History, Remote Sensing / GIS, Taxa

Summary of Research : 

Evolution, Conservation Biology, Invasive Species, Spatial Analysis, Urban Ecology, Advanced Statistical Analysis, Geographic Information System, Environmental Science, Histology, Aquatic Ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel-Warren-4

Name     Carys Williams                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Flooding, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS, Risk assessment, Sustainable behaviours, Wastewater, Water quality, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Flood risk, Environment Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Quality, Sustainability, Environmental Analysis, Environmental Pollution Mapping, Water Resources Management, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carys-Williams-10

Name     Lizzie Wynn                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

My MSc research focused on local resources for sustainable materials and food industry migrant stories/routes to Spain from Western Africa. I explore how sites can provide choices in materials for structures, which can reduce the carbon footprint of a build substantially, potentially to zero.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1737075-wynn-lizzie

Name   Dr  Yunqing Xuan                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Extreme events, Flooding, Hydrology, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Hydrology and hydrometeorology using advanced computer modelling studying extreme events; weather radars and rainfall nowcasting; flood risk management and climate change impact/adaption in water sector.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/y.xuan/

Name   Dr  Angelina Sanderson Bellamy                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Angelina’s area of expertise encompasses food production systems, household food consumption, short supply chains, land use and land cover change, ecological resilience and ecosystem services. She uses a social-ecological framework and interdisciplinary methods to investigate the drivers, particularly governance and support structures, of environmental change and the impact of land management on the delivery of ecosystem services. Her experience draws from working across Latin American and UK food landscapes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://people.uwe.ac.uk/Person/AngelinaSandersonBellamy

Name   Professor  Karen Holford                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Mechanics, Materials and Advanced Manufacturing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364385-holford-karen

Name   Dr  Andrew Tye                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Flooding, Freshwater, Geochemistry, Groundwater, Molecular dynamics, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Polar / glaciology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

The lability, speciation and bioavailability of metals in soils, Major nutrient cycles including (i) sediment Phosphorus interactions and (ii) Nitrogen cycling (arctic tundra, shallow floodplain aquifers), Soil formation, weathering & erosion, Determining methods to assess nanoparticle behaviour in soils

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bgs.ac.uk/people/tye-andrew/

Name     David Simons                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-simons-84206221/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Katherine List                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Heritage, History

Summary of Research : 

Preventive Conservator at National Museums

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-list/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Xiaocheng (Sam) Hu                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Informatics

Summary of Research : 

Applied econometrics, personnel economics, experimental economics, and environmental economics (in the context of healthcare).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.exeter.ac.uk/research/esi/people/profile/index.php?web_id=xiaocheng_hu

Name   mr  chun wang                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Community-based approaches, Data Management, Remote Sensing / GIS, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Sina Shahab                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Economics / finance / business, Ecosystem services, Energy, Human behaviour, Nature Based Solutions, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1367657-shahab-sina

Name   Ms  Lydia Beaman                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Freshwater, Recreation, Rivers and streams, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Uplands, Water quality, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

All areas of Environmental Social Science, Current PhD on horticultural cropping systems, supply chains, and sustainability

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://walesdtp.ac.uk/profile/beaman-lydia/

Name   Dr  Thomas Smith                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Culture, Education, Heritage, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Mining / minerals, Recreation, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism, Uplands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

I am a Human Geographer with research interests in the geographies of children and young people, education, outdoor interactions, and international development.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/475519-Smith-Tom

Name   Dr  Joe Williams                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Drought, Economics / finance / business, Energy, History, Nature Based Solutions, Social science, Urban water, Wastewater, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

My research aims to understand the changing relationships between environment and society. My main areas of interest are in unconventional water resources (desalination and wastewater recycling), the politics of water and energy infrastructures, and global development and environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2580772-williams-joe

Name   Dr  Isabel Sebastian                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Culture, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Nature Based Solutions, Social science, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

regenerative land management, cultural land management, biocultural diversity, systems thinking

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/2580774-sebastian-isabel

Name   Miss  Charlotte Robison-Smith                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Animal behaviour, Aquaculture, Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Ecotoxicology, Estuaries, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Marine, Microbiology, Nanotoxicology, Parasitology, Pathogens, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Risk assessment, Science communication, Sustainable behaviours, Wastewater, Water quality, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Fish welfare, parasitology, aquaculture, ecotoxicology, pollution

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2583859-

Name   Dr  Jwan Aldoski                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Remote Sensing Data are more than ordinary images they can be anything*** Remote Sensing Ground Based Data Acquisition (GPS/Differential GPS, UAV ,Field Spectroradiometer Data)**** Aerial And Satellite Data Pre-processing, Classification, Digitization ,Monitoring and Temporal Change Detection, Feature Extraction, Thematic Map Production and Automated Analysis

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jwan-m-aldoski-12831233/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Mr  Nurudeen Oshinlaja                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Groundwater, Hydrology, Modelling, Remote Sensing / GIS, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

I am a doctoral researcher in earth sciences majorly focusing on understanding and quantifying global groundwater volumes and storage variability towards ensuring sustainability of the resource.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1515974-oshinlaja-nurudeen

Name   Dr  Kelly Berube                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

The principal research focus is the determination of intelligent biomarkers of exposure and harm in the human respiratory system following exposure to aerial xenobiotics. Our particular interest lies in understanding how pollutants (e.g. man-made, biological, natural and industrial) compromise lung biochemistry/metabolism and alter gene and protein expression to drive disease mechanisms. Our key research tool involves the generation of human tissue equivalents of the respiratory epithelia, derived from the stem cell niche of patient donor tissue samples, as an alternative platform to animal models.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/81118-berube-kelly

Name   Dr  Ulli Dragosits                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K )

Summary of Research : 

Spatial modelling of atmospheric emissions, concentrations, deposition and effects at national and landscape scales; atmospheric pollution; nitrogen, ammonia, agricultural and non-agricultural emissions of nitrogen and greenhouse gases, assessment of mitigation measures including spatial targeting of mitigation near sources and sensitive receptors

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/ulrike-ulli-dragosits

Name     Alice Fitch                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Biodiversity, Built Environment, Data Management, Drought, Ecosystem services, Flooding, Groundwater, Hydrology, Modelling, Nature Based Solutions, Remote Sensing / GIS, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Ecosystem services modelling, remote sensing/GIS

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/alice-fitch

Name   Dr  Els Dhiedt                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Modelling, Soils /sediments, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

modelling, tree diversity, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, plant-soil feedbacks, spatial data

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2575-6800

Name   Dr  Gwyn Rees                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Climate Change, Climatology, Contaminants / pollutants, Data Management, Drought, Freshwater, Hydrology, Informatics, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Polar / glaciology, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Research Management, Rivers and streams, Sensors, Uplands, Urban water, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Senior research manager possessing over 30 years’ experience in applied hydrology and environmental informatics, specialising in water resources, low flows, drought and climate change impacts

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/gwyn-rees

Name   Miss  Emma-Louise Cole                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Hydrodynamics

Summary of Research : 

Seabirds movement and behaviour (in relation to tidal energy developments)

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Robert Whittey                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Conservation / Wildlife, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Mike Shewring                                        Institution            RSPB                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Computing / AI, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Uplands, Wetlands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Land use and management effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Education, Energy, Human behaviour, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Sustainable buildings, indoor environment quality, energy efficiency

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1254532-zapata-lancaster-gabriela

Name   Dr  Laura Jones                                        Institution            National Botanic Garden of Wales                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Genetics and genomics, Heritage, Invertebrates, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Plants, Science communication, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Using DNA to support conservation of plants, pollinators, habitats and ecosystems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://botanicgarden.wales/people/laura-jones/

Name     Briony Latter                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Communication / marketing, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

My work is people-focused and looks at society and climate change. I mainly work on climate change communication and public engagement, and have worked on several research projects with a creative focus.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1703953-

Name   Dr  Novella Franconi                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Data Management, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Mammals, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sensors, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Ecology, biodiversity, animal movement, remote sensing, data management, relational database management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/novella.franconi/

Name   Dr  Novella Franconi                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Data Management, Ecology, Mathematics (inc. statistics)

Summary of Research : 

I am broadly interested in animal behaviour, wildlife management and conservation. My current specific interests focus on defining data standards, data collection and data processing protocols for basic and applied ecological research, to maximise data interoperability, data sharing, and reproducibility of research.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/novella.franconi/

Name   Dr  Mike Bowes                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Invertebrates, Plants, Rivers and streams, Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Excessive phytoplankton concentrations in rivers can result in the loss of plant and invertebrate communities, and threaten drinking water supplies, but the causes and timing of algal blooms and community succession in rivers is relatively poorly understood. Flow cytometry was used to characterise the algal community at weekly intervals at multiple sites along the River Thames from 2011 to 2018. Niche modelling was used to determine how phytoplankton blooms and community succession was controlled by water temperature, flow, solar radiation, phosphorus and dissolved silicon concentrations. This research suggests that weather conditions play a much greater role in causing algal blooms than nutrient pollution. This research can be applied to other rivers to indicate the most effective measures to reduce eutrophication risk now and in future under climate change scenarios.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/mike-bowes

Name   Professor  Penny Johnes                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Catchments, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Extreme events, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Penny is an environmental scientist by background who has worked on the biogeochemistry of aquatic systems, and the impacts of food production and environmental change on the quality of inland and coastal waters for the past 30 years. She has provided advice to a range of UK Government and international agencies on the nature and scale of nutrient enrichment in waters, the consequences of this enrichment for ecosystem health, and the most effective strategies for the control of nutrient flux from land basd sources to waters. She is currently a member of the UNECE Task Force for Reactive Nitrogen and its Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets, is a member of the IAHS International Commission on Water Quality, sits on the Natural England Science Advisory Committee, Wessex Water Catchment Panel, Defra Biodiversity Targets Advisory Group, Defra Nutrient Management Expert Group, and is Chair of the Defra Water Expert Advisory Group.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bristol.ac.uk/people/person/Penny-Johnes-a5ea30de-52c1-449d-a6af-9fee38cfe4ae/

Name   Professor  Martin Clift                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Bioengineering, Built Environment, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Mammals, Molecular dynamics, Nanotoxicology, Pathogens, Physiology, Pollutants, Risk assessment, Transport

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/m.j.d.clift/

Name   Dr  Alistair Boxall                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pollutants, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Alistair Boxall is Professor in Environmental Science. Alistair’s research focuses on understanding emerging and future ecological and health risks posed by chemical contaminants in the natural environment. Alistair is a member of the Defra Advisory Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee and is Chair of the Pharmaceutical Advisory Group of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. He regularly advises national and international organisations on issues relating to chemical impacts on the environment and has published extensively on the topic of emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials and veterinary medicines) in the environment. Alistair is co-ordinator of the 3.5 M Euro project ‘CAPACITIE’ which is exploring methods for monitoring pollution in cities.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.york.ac.uk/environment/our-staff/alistair-boxall/

Name   Dr  Stuart Cairns                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Mining / minerals, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Metals Removal from Acid Mine Water by Wood-Ash Amended Biochar; Engineered Biochar as Adsorbent for the Removal of Contaminants from Aqueous Medium; Treatment And Fast Removal of Zinc And Lead From Mine Water By Wood Ash Amended Biochar

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stuart-Cairns

Name   Professor  Pippa Charman                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Professor Pippa Chapman holds a chair in Biogeochemistry in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds. Her research activities centre on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem biogeochemistry and in particular the impact of land management, climate change and atmospheric deposition on carbon and nitrogen cycling in peatlands, organo-mineral soils and agricultural soils. Within these areas, particular emphasis is placed on understanding the factors controlling the long-term increase in surface water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, the impacts of peatland restoration on gaseous and aquatic carbon fluxes, the role of land managment and practices on the sustainability of agricultural soils, synthesis of evidence and scientific understanding to take account of multiple anthropogenic drivers and soil functions in support of policy in relation to land-management.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/geography/staff/1014/professor-pippa-chapman

Name     Nick Day                                        Institution            Friends of the Lower Wye                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Rivers and streams, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Group formed with the aim of restoring the water in the River Wye to a healthy state. Two main strands: campaigning and data acquisition through a network of Citizen Scientists.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-day-13903284/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Nuala Anne Dunn                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Rivers and streams, Tourism, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

My research may feed in to issues around water quality in Wales. Often it is water users that are fighting the corner for better quality and less polluted waterways.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.aber.ac.uk/en/persons/nuala-anne-dunn

Name   Professor  Joseph Holden                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Climate Change, Flooding, Hydrology, Rivers and streams, Soils /sediments, Uplands, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

peatlands; hydrology; water; catchment management; soil; agriculture; climate change; hillslope; water quality; carbon cycling; floods; rivers; drainage; wetlands; upland; moorland; physical geography

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/geography/staff/1049/professor-joseph-holden

Name   Dr  Shelagh Malham                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Climate Change, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

My primary research is on environmental impacts on shellfish. This covers four main themes: i) Understanding the current ecological processes and functions which govern shellfish health, ii) Studying the impact of climate change on the abundance, distribution and health of shellfish, iii) Quantifying the terrestrial sources and impacts of pollutants and pathogens on shellfish, iv) As a cross-cutting theme running across these areas of science, my research seeks to understand the cascading effects of these drivers of change on the aquaculture industry, and the wider societal impacts on the ecosystem services that shellfish underpin. My research is often applied science, driven by industry questions. When combined with novel scientific techniques and taking a holistic, multidisciplinary approach, this produces both cutting-edge science and research impact, with direct benefits to stakeholders as well as the research community.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/shelagh-malham-008935/en

Name     Diana Meza-Rojas                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Diana-Meza-Rojas-2154060056

Name     Catherine Arnold                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Extreme events, Hydrology, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://0-scholar-google-com.brum.beds.ac.uk/citations?user=4wy5Z5gAAAAJ&hl=en

Name     Brenna Phillips                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

Brenna Phillips is a Research and Development Innovation Technician in Swansea University’s Medical School; this is her first research post after completing her MSc in November 2022. She is working with Dr A Ruth Godfrey et al to deliver a more sustainable measurement method for plastic analysis using Gas Chromatography-Vacuum Ultraviolet spectroscopy (GC-VUV).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/brennaphillips/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name     Claire Robertson                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Rivers and streams, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

Inspired by 30 years of exploring and teaching outdoors in Snowdonia my work tries to express the elemental feel of Snowdonia’s landscapes and seascapes. It also draws on my experiences of travels further afield in remote and wild places. Currently researching nature connectedness through journeys on rivers by canoe and through art and how both experiences can impact pro environmental behaviours.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/1713995-

Name     Peter Stanley                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Mining / minerals

Summary of Research : 

Peter has worked in environmental compliance, land quality, landfill gas assessments, remediation and landfill engineering, receiving his CGeol last century. Peter acts as a Scrutineer for applicants progressing through Chartership with the Geological Society. Peter developed the Metal (Non-Coal) Mine Programme for Geoscience NRW and now acts as the NRW Portfolio Manager/Technical Authority.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-stanley-a676b829?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Professor  Andrew Tyler                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Sustainable behaviours, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

My role is to provide the leadership to forge the collaborative relationships across the Scottish water sector to deliver the solutions for sustainable water management in Scotland, including going beyond net zero. I am also the academic Director for Scotland’s International Environment Centre, with a mission to drive inclusive growth and support the net zero carbon agenda by bringing the environment to the heart of decision making. My team are also pioneering in transforming the use of Earth observation technologies for quantifying water quality and quantity at local and global scales. I also lead the UK’s input into the Pan-European Research Infrastructure on River-Sea systems (DANUBIUS-RI). I also built the ISO 17025 accredited Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory, which supports the activities UK environment regulators and industry.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/257330

Name   Dr  Gruffydd Jones                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Circular economy, Freshwater, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Sensors, Soils /sediments, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Agricultural wastewater/slurry management and aquatic nutrient pollution

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.aber.ac.uk/en/persons/gruffydd-jones

Name   Dr  Michael Packianather                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Data Management

Summary of Research : 

Research interests include: – Industry 4.0, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks and AI, Robotics and Human-Robot Collaboration, and Intelligent Optimisation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/364441-packianather-michael

Name   Dr  Pan He                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Climate Change, Economics / finance / business, Energy, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Pollutants, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism

Summary of Research : 

With an interdisciplinary background, I have a vision of my research which could embody the interaction between social-economic activities and natural systems. I am broadly interested in exploring how human behavior affects the natural environment, and in examining how policy can lead to consumer behavior change that improves sustainability. Currently, I focus on investigating how the food consumption patterns result in specific interconnected environmental and health impacts and what are the opportunities and challenges in realizing dietary sustainability. My other branch of studies concerns empirically examining the effect of climate change and air pollution on human activities such as driving and tourism, as well as the effectiveness of environmental and energy policies at the micro-level.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/hep3

Name   Dr  Zheng Liu                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy

Summary of Research : 

Circular economy, Digital transformation, Innovation ecosystem

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   DR  Mike Shewring                                        Institution            RSPB                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Birds, Carbon / Net Zero, Catchments, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Community-based approaches, Computing / AI, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Invertebrates, Landscape processes, Mammals, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nature Based Solutions, Recreation, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Uplands, Wetlands, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://magpie.rspb.org.uk/our-work/conservation/centre-for-conservation-science/our-team/mike-shewring/

Name   Dr  Eva Sonnenschein                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Bioengineering, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Freshwater, Genetics and genomics, Marine, Microbiology, Nature Based Solutions

Summary of Research : 

Marine microbial ecology and biotechnology of bacteria and microalgae

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/e.c.sonnenschein/

Name   Dr  Emilia Urbanek                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Drought, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nature Based Solutions, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Soils, sustainable land management, soil hydrology, soil greenhouse gas emissions, soil water repellency

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/e.urbanek/

Name   Dr  James Courtney                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Catalysis, Chemistry, Circular economy, Climate Change, Communication / marketing, Contaminants / pollutants, Economics / finance / business, Energy, Environmental Crime, Freshwater, Marine, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Mining / minerals, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Pollutants, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Rivers and streams, Science communication, Sensors, Sustainable behaviours, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Our research is aimed at enabling the hydrogen economy and a secure, sustainable energy system. We investigate how critical materials are deployed and regenerated right across the hydogen value chain.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.esri-swansea.org/en/the-team.htm?id=139

Name   Dr.  Goshtasp Cheraghian                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-_JSB44AAAAJ&hl=en

Name   Dr  Christina Biggs                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Community-based approaches, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Green hydrogen mud electrolyser: published paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169131723001370 5-min video: https://youtu.be/62Azv-5PpXU

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.esri-swansea.org/en/the-team.htm

Name   Associate Prof. Dr  Clare Wood                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Biodiversity, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Citizen Science, Coastal ecology, Community Engagement, Freshwater, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Low carbon concrete, coastal infrastructure, eco-engineering, sustainable construction materials and practice

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/c.wood/

Name   Dr  Craig Armstrong                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Electrolysers and battery technologies for a sustainable future

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Ben Clifford                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Education, Informatics, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Printed and Hybrid Electronics and Sensors

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ben-Clifford-2

Name   Dr  Ruth Godfrey                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Chemistry, Circular economy, Freshwater, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nanotoxicology, Nature Based Solutions, Pollutants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Rivers and streams, Sensors, Soils /sediments, Urban water, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

analytical technology and method development for environmental pollution and environmental medicine

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/a.r.godfrey/

Name   Dr  Matthew Tarnowski                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Microbiology, Sequencing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.sonnenscheinlab.com/blank-5

Name     Helen Lucocq                                        Institution            Bannau Brycheiniog National Park                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Helen is a Chartered town planner who has specialised in collaborative policy development within protected landscapes for the past 15 years. Based in Brecon, Helen was the driving force behind the recent, much publicised 25 year Plan for Bannau Brycheinog National Park, Y Bannau: A Future – A bold collaborative vision for the future of this special place, drawn through art, poetry, story and a moon shot approach to policy. Helen has been leading on the Usk Catchment Partnership, since the phosphorus issue put a halt to the Local Development Plan she is supposed to be working on!

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-lucocq-a8141b1bb/

Name     Geraint Weber                                        Institution            NRW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Inland Bathing Waters

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Micahel Gerado                                        Institution            DCWW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Chemistry, Circular economy, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Dr. Michael Gerardo is a chartered environmentalist working for Welsh Water leading the Wastewater Scientific Services in Wastewater Assets department. He is responsible for a wide range of activities covering process science, trade effluent management, research and innovation, commissioning and optimisation and environmental monitoring including of course CIP3. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Swansea and has published over 10 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. He is a keen innovator with particular interest in circular economy strategies and reduction in the emission of greenhouse gas emissions.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-gerardo-70506560/

Name     Ceri Jones                                        Institution            NRW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Pollutants, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Ceri Jones has worked for NRW and predecessor organisations for over 25 years. Having studied Environmental Science, specialising in Chemistry, at Plymouth and being influenced by the pressures facing the environment at that time shaped the career direction towards the regulatory field. Working in the area of environmental protection and pollution control, Ceri worked at an operational scale for many years in South East Wales dealing with complex landfill sites, contaminated land, river pollution and minewaters. This experience was applied to a broader more strategic role in 2009 with the development of the first River Basin Management Plans. Currently in the Integrated Water Planning Team, Ceri continues to be at the forefront of the River Basin Management Plans and catchment work. Key to this is working across many sectors and stakeholders and being the secretariat for the Wales Water Management Forum. Ceri is inspired by nature and the great outdoors, in her free time Ceri likes to

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceri-jones-a2b074111/

Name   Dr  Adriana Kiss-Davies                                        Institution            Welsh Gov                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Emerging Threats to Water Quality, Policy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-kiss-davies-8949b0174/

Name   Dr  Bridget Emmett                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Contaminants / pollutants, Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Prof Bridget Emmett is Head of Soils and Land Use for the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology which is an independent, not-for-profit research institute and part of the NERC-supported family of Research Centres. Bridget has over 30 years of experience in environmental research which has included leadership of the Welsh Government funded, multi-partner GMEP (https://gmep.wales/) and ERAMMP (https://erammp.wales/en) initiatives since 2012 which deliver national-scale monitoring, integrated land use modelling and rapid evidence reviews to support policy development and evaluate policy implementation outcomes. She was recently awarded an OBE for her services to Soil and Ecosystem Sciences.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/bridget-emmett-9881b3241/

Name     Faye Ward                                        Institution            DCWW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Rivers and streams, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Faye graduated from Cardiff University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Geography, followed by a Master of Science in River Environmental Management from Birmingham University in 2013. Faye is passionate about the environment and keen to implement sustainable solutions in her home and working life. She has been a long standing (4yrs) committee member for the Institute of Water, and more recently on the Innovation Awards committee. Faye has 10 years’ experience in the wastewater industry, with 5 years in wastewater process science and 3 years in sludge treatment process science. This experience includes conventional and enhanced digestion processes, particularly thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digester health and stability monitoring, with a focus on regulatory compliance.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/faye-ward-a459a156/

Name     Gail Pearce-Taylor                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Contaminants / pollutants, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Water quality

Summary of Research : 

New ways of working to tackle new challenges: Nutrient Management Boards West Wales NMBs

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Simon Evans                                        Institution            Wye and Usk Foundation                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Fish / fisheries, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

I am nature lover, fisherman and environment scientist that has found a happy place running the Wye and Usk Foundation. WUF is a delivery organisation, working to recover the Wye and Usk catchments, identifying and quantifying problems, doing what we are able to and building partnerships with others to solve the more complex problems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-evans-49280711/

Name     Lee Waters                                        Institution            Welsh Gov                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Lee Waters is the Member of the Senedd for the Llanelli constituency. He’s Deputy Minister for Climate Change in the Welsh Government.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/leewaters/

Name     Chris Collins                                        Institution            NRW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Water Quality and Evidence Needs

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Stephen Lofts                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Modelling, Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

My research interests centre around the chemical behaviour of metals and metal-based nanoparticles in soils and surface waters, and how this impacts on their mobility, fate, bioavailability and toxicity. Modelling forms a central component of my work and I have been involved in the development and application of a number of models in this area: The Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM): a model of the equilibrium chemistry of water and soils, including models of the binding of ions to natural organic matter and mineral surfaces; WHAM-FTOX: a development of WHAM for modelling the influence of water chemistry on the combined toxicity of protons (i.e. acidity) and metals; The Intermediate Dynamic Model for Metals (IDMM): a model of metal dynamics in soils over long time periods (decades/centuries); Biotic Ligand modelling: I have taken part in projects to develop Biotic Ligand Models (BLMs) to describe the bioavailability and toxicity of manganese and uranium; The IDMM-ag, a model to pre

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/stephen-lofts

Name   Prof  Andrew Tyler                                        Institution            University of Stirling                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Sustainable behaviours, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Scotland Hydro Nation Chair My role is to provide the leadership to forge the collaborative relationships across the Scottish water sector to deliver the solutions for sustainable water management in Scotland, including going beyond net zero. I am also the academic Director for Scotland’s International Environment Centre, with a mission to drive inclusive growth and support the net zero carbon agenda by bringing the environment to the heart of decision making. My team are also pioneering in transforming the use of Earth observation technologies for quantifying water quality and quantity at local and global scales. I also lead the UK’s input into the Pan-European Research Infrastructure on River-Sea systems (DANUBIUS-RI). I also built the ISO 17025 accredited Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory, which supports the activities UK environment regulators and industry.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/257330

Name   Dr  Amy Pickard                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Uplands, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

MOT4Rivers – Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigating Pollution Impacts In A Changing World: Science and Tools for Tomorrow’s Rivers. I am a freshwater biogeochemist with an interest in carbon and greenhouse gas cycling, particularly within peatlands and their drainage systems.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/amy-pickard

Name     Nia Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Modelling, Pollutants, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

I am a NERC-funded PhD researcher through the Envision Doctoral Training Programme, in my final year of study. By using a range of numerical modelling approaches, I am investigating the role of fronts and secondary flows on microplastic dispersal and how these processes impact how plastic pollution in transported from terrestrial to marine environments. In addition to my PhD studies, I am also a Research Project Support Officer in Coastal Modelling developing modelling techniques with application to real estuarine case studies to help predict and understand dispersal processes in estuarine environments as part of the NERC-funded Plastic Vectors Project. Simulating the impact of estuarine fronts on microplastic concentrations in the Conwy Estuary

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/nia-jones/

Name   Dr  Amanda Clare                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Modelling, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Dr Amanda Clare is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University. She works together with Dr Kate Martin of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water to research intelligent tools for risk identification for the water industry. She specialises in data science, sequence analysis and bioinformatics, in comparing and modelling distributions, outliers and errors, and summarising data.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/cs/staff-profiles/listing/profile/afc

Name   Professor  Chedly Tizaoui                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Former Portfolio Director of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Specialist Subjects: Chemical Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Oxidation and Separation Processes, Ozone Systems, Nonthermal plasma water treatment and environmental remediation, Photocatalysis, Catalytic oxidation, UV, Micropollutants, Emerging Contaminants, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Chemical-free water treatment, Hybrid ozone/membrane systems, Circular economy. Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE), Chartered Engineer (CEng), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and Member of the International Ozone Association (IOA).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/c.tizaoui/

Name   Dr  Thomaz Cordeiro-Andrade                                        Institution            Welsh Government                  

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Flooding, Hydrodynamics, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Thomaz Andrade has a background in Environmental Sciences, including Forestry, Hydrology and Ecology, with a double MSc from TU-Dresden and Bangor University. Since joining Welsh Water in 2011, Thomaz has championed the application of evidence-based decision making in catchment management. In addition, he has strengthened collaboration with academia and gives active industrial PhD supervision to research projects with Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol and Bath Universities. Thomaz is a Chartered Environmentalist and has received Water Industry awards for innovation and for his approach to professional development. Specialities: Land Management, Water Management, Sustainable Water, Flood Risk, Forest Hydrology, Environmental Services

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomaz-marques-cordeiro-andrade-87656a26/

Name   Dr  Alla Silkina                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Taxa, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Dr Alla Silkina, a Research Officer at SU. She is an algal cultivation expert, with more than 25 published papers and over 20 years of laboratory and industrial scale algal cultivation experience. She has secured >£10M in algal related research projects and has scientifically led several projects funded by Research Councils, Innovate UK and Europe often working with industry. She is currently working on 3 European and 2 nationally funded projects, using algal culture for waste remediation and biomass valorization. Alla is currently responsible for overseeing the running of the extensive algal facility at SU and at the Bluestone Brewery facilities, Wales, UK.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/alla-silkina-b6a47748/

Name   Dr  Diana Meza-Roja                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Dr Diana Meza-Rojas is a postdoctoral researcher at Swansea University. Her expertise is in design/synthesis and testing of bespoke molecules for surface engineering/interfacial control.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Diana-Meza-Rojas-2154060056

Name     Kelly Jordan                                        Institution            DCWW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Science communication, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

I have recently joined Dwr Cymru, having spent the last 10 years of my career in wastewater operational management at United Utilities. This role covers a wide remit, working with Nutrient Management Boards and associated groups, as well as being a point of contact for other stakeholders with river quality concerns. As a team, we work collaboratively internally and with various external groups and individuals, providing data and information, working towards more partnership working for wider benefit to our customers and the environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-jordan-2a7390245/

Name     Emily Payne                                        Institution            DCWW                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Man Yue Lam                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Flooding, Modelling, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Researcher in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; specialize in coastal and flood modelling as well as turbulence modelling. Seeking opportunity to advance the knowledge to practical application.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lam-manyue-34084571/

Name   Dr  Jonay Neris Tome                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Pollutants, Soils /sediments, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Lecturer of Soil Science at the University of La Laguna (Spain) and Honorary Researcher at Swansea University (UK). He focuses on modelling soil hydrology, erosion, ash transport and water contamination in post-fire environments. He is co-developer of the Wildfire Ash Transport And Risk estimation tool (WATAR) in collaboration with researchers in the UK (Swansea University), US (Forest Service) and Australia (University of Melbourne). WATAR is a probabilistic model included in the US Forest Service WEPP model suite (Water Erosion Prediction Project model) with capabilities to predict ash and nutrients transport and contamination risk after wildfires.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Luke Tyler                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Water quality, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Lead Specialist Advisor at Natural Resources Wales | Strategy and Planning | Vertical Farming | Sustainable forest management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-tyler/

Name   Dr  Reshma Silvester                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Aquaculture, Epidemiology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Microbiology, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pathogens, Pollutants, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Antimicrobial resistance, Bacterial pathogens, Waste water

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/natural-sciences/reshma-silvester-639292/en

Name   Dr  Lynda Yorke                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Climate Change, Coastal erosion / processes, Community Engagement, Culture, Education, Extreme events, Flooding, Geomorphology, Heritage, History, Hydromorphology, Remote Sensing / GIS, Research Management, Rivers and streams, Science communication, Social science, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

A geomorphologist by training (fluvial and glacial), with interests in deglacial and postglacial to Holocene river responses. Background in geoarchaeology and environmental history. Working more across the geographical discipline on interface between humans and the environment (climate change and cultural heritage). EDI and fieldwork, and virtual fieldwork all in connection with education.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/lynda-yorke(01603a30-6a14-4339-b6ab-3802ebc8bf9f).html

Name   Professor  Tom Rippeth                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Marine, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Polar / glaciology, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Observational oceanographer specialising in making measurements of turbulence and mixing in the marine environment. These measurements are then used to quantify (nutrient, heat, freshwater etc) fluxes across critical interfaces and identify processes responsible for those fluxes. Specific recent areas of work: Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean, nutrient fluxes and deoxygenation in continental shelf seas, turbulence and mixing associated with marine energy infrastructure, marine heat waves.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/ocean-sciences/thomas-rippeth-008863/en

Name   Dr  Cai Ladd                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Geomorphology, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Landscape processes, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nature Based Solutions, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Soils /sediments, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Coastal biogeomorphology and socio-ecological systems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/incubation/staff/fse-staff/science/geography/ladd-c-j-t/#journal-articles=is-expanded&publications=is-expanded

Name   Dr  Dylan Gwynn Jones                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Plants, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Elevated carbon dioxide and also plant stressors continue to the current day but has diversified to also include agricultural and horticultural crops.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/dyj/

Name   Mrs  Joanna Pallister                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Mammals, Microbiology, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Miss  Amy Wyatt                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecology, Plants, Taxa

Summary of Research : 

I am studying for a Ph.D. in palaeobotany at Cardiff University School of Earth and Environmental Sciences in collaboration with the National History Museum in London, the University of Southhampton and the University of Sheffield. My project involves studying, describing, and reconstructing the Devonian flora of Svalbard, with particular emphasis on their transition from small plants with relatively simple morphology to larger, much more complex plants that resemble arborescent trees that formed the first forests in the Late Devonian.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/wyatta

Name   Mrs  Nuala Dunn                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Community-based approaches, Education, Estuaries, Freshwater, History, Human behaviour, Hydrodynamics, Hydrology, Hydromorphology, Landscape processes, Law / Legislation, Nature Based Solutions, Pollutants, Rainfall, Rivers and streams, Sustainable behaviours, Tourism, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Research into rivers /nature connection /well being through arts practice and experiential learning travelling on rivers by canoe.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Renin Toms                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Epidemiology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=MG2p1IMAAAAJ&hl=en

Name   Mr  Rynhardt Le Roux                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Genetics and genomics

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Mohamed Dgali                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Air quality, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr.  Kasongo Emmanuel Shutsha                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Climatology, Extreme events, Hydrology, Modelling, Rainfall, Remote Sensing / GIS, Sensors, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Land surface Modelling, Climate Change, Climate Modelling, Surface Energy Balance, Remote Sensing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/shutshake

Name     Neha Bansal                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Birds, Carbon / Net Zero, Computing / AI, Epidemiology, Fluid mechanics, Human behaviour

Summary of Research : 

Mathematical Biology

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Thomas Roberts                                        Institution            London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Antimicrobial resistance, Biodiversity, Community-based approaches, Ecology, Epidemiology, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Informatics, Law / Legislation, Pathogens, Risk assessment, Science communication, Social science, Taxa

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Alexander Carr                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Aquaculture, Biodiversity, Catchments, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Extreme events, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Genetics and genomics, Invertebrates, Invasives, Marine, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rainfall, Remote Sensing / GIS, Rivers and streams, Uplands, Urban water, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources, Water supply, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

Freshwater ecology, climate change, global change, invasive species, conservation

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Ms  Charlotte Taylor                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Genetics and genomics, Herptiles, Invertebrates

Summary of Research : 

Zoology, conservation, genetics, dietary metabarcoding

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Miss  Natasha Hands                                        Institution            Queen’s University Belfast                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Parasitology, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Professor  Angela Hatton                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

a microbial biogeochemist with interests in the role microorganisms play in the production and removal of environmentally significant trace gases.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://noc.ac.uk/files/documents/downloads/Career%20profiles_Angela%20Hatton.pdf

Name   Professor  Iain Barber                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Genetics and genomics, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

An animal biologist and behavioural ecologist with specialist expertise in the fields of host-parasite interactions, fish behavioural ecology and animal personality research, with a particular interest in questions that lie at the intersection of these fields, and how these are impacted in changing environments. His research programme employs a wide range of controlled laboratory experiments, field work and molecular genetic techniques.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.aber.ac.uk/en/persons/iain-barber

Name   Dr  Dan Mills                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Lecturer in wildlife conservation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/life-sciences/staff-profiles/listing/profile/dam134/

Name   Professor  Catherine Duigan                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Freshwater, Nature Based Solutions, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Science communication, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

biodiversity loss and climate change. I have a particular interest in habitat classification, protected areas, environmental monitoring and reporting, nature-based solutions, habitat restoration and nature networks.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.aber.ac.uk/en/persons/catherine-duigan

Name   Mr  Steve Cheung                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Aquaculture, Chemistry, Circular economy, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Nanotoxicology, Nature Based Solutions, Parasitology, Pathogens, Pollutants, Rivers and streams, Sustainable behaviours, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Fish welfare, parasitology, aquaculture, ecotoxicology, pollution, pharmaceuticals, analytical chemistry, nature-based water treatment technologies

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/cheungs5

Name   Dr  Alissa Flatley                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Estuaries, Flooding, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Hydromorphology, Landscape processes, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS, Research Management, Rivers and streams, Science communication, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Geomorphology, catchment management, sedimentology, hydrology, marine and coastal environments

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/alissa-flatley/

Name   Dr  Elissavet Arapi                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Ecosystem services, Ecotoxicology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Parasitology, Pathogens, Research Management, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Ms  Alexandra Cusmano                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Epidemiology, Evolution, Genetics and genomics, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Hydromorphology, Landscape processes, Microbiology, Modelling, Pathogens, Remote Sensing / GIS, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr.  Farbod Khakpour                                        Institution            Queen’s University Belfast                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Animal physiology, Biodiversity, Ecology, Epidemiology, Mammals, Parasitology, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Irina Neaga                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Computing / AI, Informatics

Summary of Research : 

Digital transformation, Industry 4.0/5.o, Logistics and Engineering Management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/irina-neaga/

Name   Prof.  Luci Attala                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Drought, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

research interests are underpinned by a focus on materialities with specific attention afforded to water. Luci is currently exploring the role water plays in shaping lives in rural Kenya, Spain and Wales, but also considers water’s part in organizing human bodies and social behaviours more widely. Taking inspiration from post-humanism, the morethanhuman move and multispecies ethnographies, her work asks the question ‘how does water make us human’ and adopts a new materialities framework – that draws the physics of relating substances to the foreground – to obtain an answer.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/luci-attala/

Name   Prof.  Luci Attala                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Drought, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

research interests are underpinned by a focus on materialities with specific attention afforded to water. Luci is currently exploring the role water plays in shaping lives in rural Kenya, Spain and Wales, but also considers water’s part in organizing human bodies and social behaviours more widely. Taking inspiration from post-humanism, the morethanhuman move and multispecies ethnographies, her work asks the question ‘how does water make us human’ and adopts a new materialities framework – that draws the physics of relating substances to the foreground – to obtain an answer.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/staff/luci-attala/

Name   Prof.  Colin McInnes                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Risk assessment

Summary of Research : 

Research concerns the politics of global health, especially relating to governance, security, risk, HIV and AIDS and pandemic preparedness.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/interpol/staff-profiles/listing/profile/cjm/

Name   Prof.  Thora Tenbrink                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

Director of the Places of Climate Change Research Centre, an extensive interdisciplinary network of researchers addressing place-based aspects of climate change threats, mitigations and engagement.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sacl/thora-tenbrink-088973/en

Name   Ms  Penny Downes                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Human behaviour

Summary of Research : 

urrently working on an interdisciplinary PhD project that investigates the socio-ecological drivers of human-elephant interactions along the western boundary of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park in Botswana. I will use motion-activated camera traps and GPS collaring to determine elephant distribution, whilst using anthropological methods to examine local attitudes to elephants.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/sens/penny-downes-590425/en#overview

Name   Dr  Hannah Hughes                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

research and teaching are motivated by a deep concern for the state of the environment and the political, economic and social institutions that produce and sustain degrading human and planetary relations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/interpol/staff-profiles/listing/profile/hah60/

Name   Dr  Jennifer Wolowic                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Communication / marketing, Community Engagement, Human behaviour, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

communication strategy that centres democratic culture and values as a means to re-engage all citizens with their democracy; starting with local government.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/rbi/about/staff-profiles/listing/profile/jew51/

Name   Dr  Martin Austin                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Energy, Fluid mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Marine, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Specialises in the hydro- and morpho-dynamics of the inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal regions of the coastal ocean.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/martin-austin-092828/en

Name   Dr  Leo Clarke                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

ustainable fisheries and the conservation of marine biodiversity, with a particular focus on sea turtles and climate change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/leo-clarke(2a400390-b2a0-48d6-9b94-b45fce288200).html

Name   Mr  Thomas Clough                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Flooding, Marine, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

experience in coastal surveying techniques, research, data analysis, statistical analysis, culturing & processing of biological samples, and microscopy. I am proficient in coastal model development in Delft3D and model analysis, experienced in the principles of GIS and spatial analysis techniques, and have applied knowledge of R for statistical interpretation and modelling.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasclough86/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Ms  Amelia Corvin-Czarnodols                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Marine, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

ualified SCUBA diver, trainee bird ringer and inquisitive student with experience in seabird monitoring, laboratory analysis, practical conservation, GIS mapping, animal handling, data analysis, and ecological surveying.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/amelia-corvin-czarnodolski-0352ab1b1/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Stijn den Haan                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine, Plants

Summary of Research : 

interdisciplinary marine ecologist from The Netherlands and works on the restoration of seagrass meadows in North Wales.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Angus Garbutt                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecosystem services, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

iodiversity and ecosystem science, focussing on field experimentation, long-term and national scale monitoring and quantifying the relationships between ecosystem functions and the goods and benefits they provide.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/angus-garbutt

Name   Mr  Charlie Gregory                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Genetics and genomics, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

fish morphological and parasitological data with population genetics, immunogenetics, and genomic methods, to understand (i) the impact of extreme bottlenecks on the genome of a species, (ii) how loss of genetic diversity influences immunity to parasites and (iii) the processes by which rapid adaptation occurs in genetically depauperate populations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/charlie-gregory(2e41bfed-0c37-4d9c-acf5-75dec244df8e).html

Name   Prof.  Stuart Jenkins                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Invertebrates, Marine

Summary of Research : 

transport, supply and recruitment dynamics of benthic invertebrate larvae; the role of ecosystem engineers and key herbivores in intertidal systems and the generality of their effects over large geographic scales; the role of biodiversity in marine systems; the ecology of non native species and practical biosecurity interventions; anthropogenic impacts in the marine environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/stuart-jenkins-008971/en

Name   Ms  Lorna McKellar                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

PhD research is looking at how we set ecosystem thresholds which determine whether marine areas are in a good or degraded state.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/sos/lorna-mckellar-552250/en

Name   Ms  Rhianna Parry                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

social science, ocean literacy, and community outreach, all seamlessly aligned with a love for marine conservation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rhianna-parry-86b126261/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Ms  Emilly Phillips                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Fish / fisheries, Invertebrates, Marine

Summary of Research : 

researching whelk, crab and lobster fisheries. Experience working at sea working with local fishermen.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilyphillips17/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Clare Postlethwaite                                        Institution            National Oceanographic Centre                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Marine, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

Marine data management Data and metadata standards Observing and modelling sea ice processes. Dense water formation. Oceanographic tracers of water mass ventilation.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://noc.ac.uk/n/Clare+Postlethwaite

Name   Dr  Michael Roberts                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Energy, Geomorphology, History, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/michael-roberts-009164/en

Name   Dr  Svenja Tidau                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Energy, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-svenja-tidau-58699084/?trk=public_profile_browsemap&originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Christopher Unsworth                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal erosion / processes, Energy, Fluid mechanics, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

understanding turbulence and sediment transport for the renewable energy sector.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/christopher-unsworth(243276a0-a4ef-4e5e-915d-65f949966da0).html

Name   Prof.  Paul Whitehead                                        Institution            University of Oxford                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Ecology, Hydrology, Modelling, Pollutants, Ponds, lakes and reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Water quality, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

dynamic behaviour of river, lakes, wetlands and catchments and the interactions between hydrology, water quality and ecology. Research is focused on the interplay between environmental management of major problems such as climate change and pollution control and the development and application of new mathematical techniques for modelling environmental systems in the past, the present and into the future.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/staff/pwhitehead.html

Name   Ms  Saniye Smith                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecosystem services, Fish / fisheries, Law / Legislation, Marine

Summary of Research : 

current PhD research will aim to provide co-management scenarios and solutions for inshore fisheries through an in-depth understanding of the needs, conflicts, and values of actors in the system. It will also map out the legislative landscape within which co-management scenarios would have to operate and attempt to identify legal and legislative frameworks to enable co-management

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/sos/saniye-smith-516531/en#research-interests

Name   Dr  Sky Redhead                                        Institution            University of Wales – Trinity St.David                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Antimicrobial resistance, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

research is to help wastewater treatment companies assess which anaerobic digestion treatment produces digestate (or sewage sludge, often used as fertiliser) with the lowest levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://science.research.southwales.ac.uk/postgraduate-research-science/phd-sky-redhead/

Name   Dr  Rob Brown                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Ecosystem services, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Soil carbon and organic matter dynamics; environmental quality and ecosystem function; biogeochemical cycling; radioisotope tracing, metabolomics, lipidomics and volatilomics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sens/rob-brown-104070/en

Name   Dr  Phil Hollyman                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques

Summary of Research : 

ocus on fisheries management, fisheries ecology and Antarctic fisheries research. More specifically, my research interests focus on the use of hard tissues (such as otoliths, shells and statoliths) to study the growth and life histories of organisms, through growth lines and incorporated elemental ratios (Sclerochronology and sclerochemistry).

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/phil-hollyman(2fed18ac-bd1e-4d08-abc2-9c386f5347ce).html

Name   Dr  Festus Asaaga                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Climate Change, Community-based approaches, Social science, Woodlands/forestry

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Catherine Cherry                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change, Communication / marketing, Community Engagement, Community-based approaches, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Social science of climate and the environment; public perceptions of climate mitigation and net-zero strategies; visioning for low-carbon futures; media discourses of climate change

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/cherryce

Name   Dr.  Mitchell Ayemere Eboigbe                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Built Environment, Coastal erosion / processes, Geomorphology, Landscape processes, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Digital Photogrammetry Applications

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://geoenvsol.co.uk/

Name   Miss  Abi Cousins                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Coastal ecology, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Microplastics in blue carbon coastal ecosystems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/abi-cousins/

Name   Miss  Cami Domy                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Ecosystem services, Marine, Plants, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

I am a PhD student at Swansea University, focussed on modelling early life history of the seagrass Zostera marina, to aid in restoration efforts. My professional interests are centred around the physical impacts of climate change on organisms and how to mitigate those, with an intention of bridging the gap between scientists and stakeholders. I have previously completed a Masters of environmental dynamics and climate change at Swansea University, and has an M degree in marine biology from Bangor University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/camille-domy-94b453120/

Name   Miss  Francesca Paros                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Chemistry, Coastal ecology, History, Marine, Modelling

Summary of Research : 

An MOsci (Ocean Sciences) graduate from the University of Liverpool with particular interests in palaeoceanography, marine chemistry, modelling, and Earth history.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/francescaparos/

Name   Miss  Olga Taran                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

BSc in Marine Biology and Oceanography at Bangor University

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/olga-taran-28690a253/

Name   Dr  Kate Farley                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Community Engagement, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Marine, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Kate is a social scientist and interdisciplinary researcher with a background in health science. Kate’s research focuses on the interaction of humans and the environment in particular relating to health and well-being. She is a qualitative researcher with 20 years’ experience of the successful delivery of multi-partner health and social sciences research programmes. Kate’s primary expertise is in theory-led implementation development and process evaluation of complex interventions, NHS ethics and governance procedures. One dimension of Kate’s work is in understanding how implementation science can improve the adoption of sustainable technologies and interventions. She is interested in the role of social science in addressing current environmental science issues and in the integration of stakeholder perspectives into health and environmental decision making. Kate is keen to develop research driven by communities, non-scientists, and not-for-profit organisations…

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/kate-farley

Name   Dr  David Clarke                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Genetics and genomics, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Fish tracking and genetics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Clarke-42

Name   Miss  Rebecca Turner                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Community Engagement, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Thesis title: Assessing the Impacts of 2015/16 El Niño on Jarvis Island coral reef community. Do upwelling and internal waves facilitate the recovery of remote Pacific coral reefs?

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-turner-a88896136/

Name   Miss  Amelia Couldrey                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Geomorphology, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Marine, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Amelia Couldrey is a Chartered Marine Scientist (CMarSci(Oceanography) MIMarEST) and a coastal and oceanographic scientist at HR Wallingford, specialising in marine scour. Amelia has a PhD from the University of Southampton, UK, where her research focused on quantifying the temporal variability of scour around shipwrecks utilising multibeam bathymetry time-series. Amelia has experience in managing, collating and presenting multiple sources of bathymetric data (e.g. historical nautical charts, singlebeam bathymetry, LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry) using both GIS (ArcGIS and QGIS) and programming (MATLAB) techniques…

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaastley/

Name   Ms  Fiona Trappe                                        Institution            The Seaweed Alliance                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Director and co-founder of Seas The Opportunity & The Seaweed Alliance

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionatrappe/

Name   Miss  Thalia Eccleston                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

BSc Marine biology/Zoology and MSc Marine Vertebrate Ecology and Conservation. Currently working as a research project support officer on the static net bycatch project within the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/thalia-eccleston-msc-4046321b7/

Name   Dr  Ian Johnstone                                        Institution            RSPB                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Impacts of energy generation on birds

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Elan Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Communication / marketing, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Outreach Officer at Sea Watch Foundation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.linkedin.com/in/elan-jones-a79218228

Name     Jenny Bond                                        Institution            Sea Watch Foundation                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Scientific Researcher at Sea Watch Foundation – The Cetacean Monitoring Unit

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-bond-68686a273/

Name   Ms  Lorna Scurlock                                        Institution            Senedd Cymru                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

Marine Research

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorna-scurlock-b6242951/

Name   Mr  Reece Halstead                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Conservation / Wildlife, Estuaries, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Marine

Summary of Research : 

I studied an MScRes researching fish conservation in Bangor University, having graduated with a First Class BSc (Hons) degree in Zoology. My enthusiasm and motivation to expand my knowledge of current environmental and conservational issues has diversified through to many areas, with marine and freshwater conservation being of particular interest. A successfully completed summer internship in 2020 with the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council in New Zealand and my current volunteering role with the North Wales Wildlife Trust has allowed me to apply all I have learnt during my University degrees into real-life settings with the aim of making a real and positive change to the environment and the species that live within it.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/reece-halstead-02424b20a/

Name   Miss  Pooja Padmakumar                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Epidemiology, Fungi, Molecular dynamics, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Environmental Science at Bangor University, where I explore the presence of antifungal-resistant genes within the wastewater released from communities and its impact on the environment and public health. My research interests include wastewater analysis, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and epidemiology. I hold a Master’s degree in Molecular Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/poojapadmakumar997/

Name   Dr  Ewa Krzyszczyk                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Data Management, Education, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Marine biologist with 13 years of experience in multidisciplinary research with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Developing curriculum, Analytical Skills, Databases, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Marine Biology. Strong research professional with emphasis on developing excellent communication skills.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ewakrzyszczyk/

Name     Vahid Seydi                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Data Management, Energy, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Vahid Seydi is a Research Fellow in the School of Ocean Science at Bangor University in Data Science and Machine Learning. Prior to Bangor, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of AI at Azad University South Tehran Branch. He received a B.Sc.(2005) in software engineering, M.Sc. (2007) and PhD(2014) in AI, from the Department of Computer Science at Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran Iran. He has been awarded his current research fellowship(2020), a merit-based scholarship for attending the school of AI, Rome, Italy(2019), Also, He has achieved a full scholarship Award from Azad University(2010-2014), KNTU ISLAB Research Fellowship (2007-2010). He secured the first rank among the graduates in the year 2004-2005. His current research focuses on dedicating machine learning methods to analyse data associated with digital oceanography especially in the offshore renewable energy section.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/vahid-seydi/

Name   Mr  Hong Man Li                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

MSc in Marine Environmental Protection student at School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hong-man-li-a93134136/

Name   Dr  Julian Moore                                        Institution            Fohn Solutions                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr.  David Lee                                        Institution            University of South Wales                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Circular economy, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Biodiversity monitoring, 30×30, future proofing habitats and species

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Bethany Lee                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife

Summary of Research : 

BSc Biology graduate. Currently studying MSc Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management at Swansea University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mrs  Penny Nelson                                        Institution            WWF                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Ocean Recovery Advocacy and Policy Manager

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/penny-nelson-53264816/

Name     Molly Gupta                                        Institution            WWF                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Seaweed aquaculture

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Mike Parry                                        Institution            CaSP                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Max Williams                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Coastal ecology, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Marine Microplastics and Blue Carbon Ecosystems; MSci Marine Biology Student at Bangor University

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-williams-bbbb82259/

Name   Mr  Jonny Savage                                        Institution            JNCC                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Marine, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Marine Evidence / human activity

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Jonathon Hatton                                        Institution            JNCC                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Marine evidence / Marine pressures

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathonhatton/

Name   Miss  Eve Gwynedd                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine, Microbiology

Summary of Research : 

Microbiome of necrotic and healthy sponges from the Menai Strait

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  James Waggitt                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Birds, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Lecturer in Marine Ecology / My research focusses on understanding how behavioural and environmental factors influence the distributions of cetaceans and seabirds in space and time. This research is truly multi-disciplinary and involves close collaborations with statisticians, oceanographers and engineers to understand which and how physical processes influence behaviour and movement. This increased understanding can predict spatial and temporal overlap with offshore developments, and responses to climate change – both facilitating effective marine spatial planning.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/james-waggitt-107382/en

Name   Dr  Nick Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife

Summary of Research : 

Oyster reef restoration and stock enhancement through aquaculture / I am a Researcher at the School of Ocean Sciences with a background in molluscan biology, sclerochronology, conservation, and sustainable aquaculture. In 1999 I completed a BSc in Marine Biology followed by an M.Sc in Shellfish Biology, Fisheries and Culture in 2000 from Bangor University. I was awarded a PhD from Bangor for my work on aspects of cephalopod biology in 2010.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/nick-jones(b905136b-e918-4d41-b184-b62d735bd4d9).html

Name   Dr  Tom Galley                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

I am a Research Fellow in the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University, with over 20 years’ experience in temperate and tropical marine aquaculture research and innovation. I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology in 2002, followed by an MSc in Shellfish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture in 2004, both from the University of Wales, Bangor. I then undertook my PhD in bivalve aquaculture between 2010 and 2015 at Bangor University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://cao.bangor.ac.uk/staff/tom-galley/en

Name   Miss  Maria Hayden-Hughes                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

I graduated in Applied Marine Biology in 2017. During that time I spent a year working in the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ) investigating the geomorphological interactions of the American razor clam, Ensis directus. I completed an MSc in Marine Environmental Protection in 2018. My thesis researched biodiversity and the associated species assemblages in mussel culture on an experimental offshore longline system as part of the Irish Sea Portal Pilot (ISPP) project. At the beginning of 2019, I became a Research Project Support Officer on the Shellfish Centre, a research and innovation project supporting development of the shellfish sector in Wales. In addition, I became the Local Project Officer in 2020 for the Welsh restoration hub in Conwy Bay for The Wild Oysters Project, aiming to restore Britain’s seas to health through the restoration of the native oyster.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/maria-hayden-hughes-096540/en

Name     Hannah Gandley                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Data Management, Energy, Geomorphology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

I am currently a PhD candidate in the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University, in the field of marine geoscience. The research I am doing is investigating the geotechnical properties of the sub-seabed in the Irish Sea, in relation to the glacial history of the area. I aim to link geophysical data with geotechnical data, with the aim of making offshore renewable projects better informed, safer and more cost effective.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hannah-gandley-34855023b

Name     Anona Griffiths                                        Institution            Imperial College London                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

My main research interests are in marine ecosystem interactions and spatial conservation ecology. I am currently working as an RA for a project funded by the WWF focussing on how krill and salps contribute to carbon sequestration via combining new experiments with previous literature to improve our understanding on carbon flux in the Southern Ocean. I am also interested in conservation ecology and quantitative community ecology, marine management policy and climate change, especially relating to biogeochemistry. I have a strong interest in knowledge transfer and wish to work with communities and policy makers to promote the benefits of ecosystem and habitat restoration and conservation, and how best to effectively communicate science.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/a.griffiths21

Name     Emer McCoy                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Recently completed MSc Marine Environmental Protection

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/emer-mccoy-81495070/

Name   Miss  Amber Thomasson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Coastal ecology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

PhD researcher at Bangor University working on the Isle of Man blue carbon fisheries project🐠

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-thomasson-b7a2441a4/

Name   Dr  Tom Mansfield                                        Institution            Plymouth University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Data Management, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Tom is a Data Systems Architect, and joined the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in October 2022. Building upon a broad range of experience in both industrial and research environments, Tom has a passion for all things data; from requirements elicitation and architecture design to the development of data-enabled technology and human-oriented applications. Previously, Tom studied the innovative application of data communication architectures to support increase the capabilities of unmanned and autonomous systems in a range of hostile environments, obtaining a PhD in Autonomous System Navigation from Plymouth University in 2017. Tom is keen to continue to leverage the power of architectural visualisation and maximise the value of digital ecosystems to support cutting edge marine research.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.pml.ac.uk/People/Dr-Thomas-Mansfield

Name   Dr  Nathan Merchant                                        Institution            CEFAS                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Coastal ecology, Marine, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Underwater Noise Pollution / Dr Nathan Merchant’s work focuses on understanding and assessing the impact of underwater noise pollution on marine life. He helps to develop policies and management measures to reduce this impact through his advisory work with various national and international bodies (e.g. Defra, MMO, OSPAR, EU, UN). Nathan is the Principal Scientist and Team Leader for the Cefas Noise and Bioacoustics Team, and joined Cefas in 2014. Prior to this, he worked as a postdoctoral scholar in the Parks Bioacoustics Lab at Syracuse University in upstate New York. He received his PhD (on underwater noise from shipping) from the Department of Physics at the University of Bath, and also holds an MSc in Acoustics and Music Technology from the University of Edinburgh, and a BSc (Hons) in Physics and Astronomy from Durham University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cefas.co.uk/about-us/people/nathan-merchant/

Name   Dr  Rachel Mason-Jones                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Circular economy, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Dr Rachel Mason-Jones is a Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management. She joined the Cardiff Metropolitan University team in 2016 having previously spent 13 years at the University of South Wales as a Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management. Prior to joining academia Rachel had spent many years in industry working in the fields of automotive, aerospace and oil and gas. Her industrial experience was firstly established as a Mechanical Engineer and then she moved into Supply Chain Management. Rachel’s PhD was attained from Cardiff University and focused on the researching the impact of information sharing on the performance of supply chain’s. Rachel’s teaching experience has included Postgraduate and Undergraduate modules in sustainable supply chains, risk management, strategic operations management and commercial relationships. Rachel’s current research and teaching interests are in the areas of sustainable and resilient supply chains, ethics and CSR and its i

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiffmet.ac.uk/management/staff-profiles/Pages/Dr-Rachel-Mason-Jones.aspx

Name   Miss  Tilly Edwards                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem services, Plants

Summary of Research : 

I have an interest in conservation tools which can maintain biodiversity and increase the sustainability of ecosystems. My PhD will determine whether tropical epiphytes [bird’s nest ferns, Asplenium nidus] can help to restore ecosystem function in the oil palm plantations of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. I will be assessing the fern’s functionality based on the influence of fern leachate on soil biodiversity and biogeochemistry within and below the ferns, whilst monitoring the impact of increased functionality on palm oil yield. If my data show that increasing oil palm sustainability leads to increased palm oil productivity, then it will be possible to change policy and practice throughout the world’s oil palm plantations.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/tilly-edwards(e4fe22c7-0d73-4ac9-a7be-04f4b3ca783f).html

Name     Bridget Patterson                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecosystem services, Education, Invertebrates, Marine, Plants

Summary of Research : 

s a Fulbright student at Bangor University, I am pursuing my MSc in Marine Biology, focusing on seagrass and kelp ecosystems. I am fascinated by how climate change will affect the interactions between organisms and foundation species in these habitats, and how this will impact marine biodiversity and ecosystem services. I have a strong background in scientific research, having conducted my BA thesis at Bowdoin College with Dr. Katie DuBois on the causes of functional trait clustering in epifaunal communities in the Gulf of Maine. I also participated in an NSF REU at UC Davis, where I studied population genomics in eelgrass with Dr. Jay Stachowicz. Through these experiences, I have developed skills in invertebrate zoology, data analysis, and communication. Additionally, I have volunteered at the New York Aquarium and trained new tour guides at Bowdoin College, demonstrating my passion for education and outreach. My goal is to contribute to the advancement of marine science and ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/bridget-patterson/

Name     Rebecca Tod                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Coastal ecology, Marine, Plants

Summary of Research : 

Seagrave and carbon sequestration

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-tod-60265720a/

Name     Frazer Coomber                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Studying the population and distribution changes of British mammals

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/frazer-coomber-89b68b80/

Name     Lizzie Owen                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Fungi, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Fungal Communities

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name     Leo Burke                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Estuaries, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

PhD student studying the impacts of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on the ecology & chronobiology of intertidal organisms.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/leo-burke-220130172/

Name     Nguyen Chien                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Data Management, Hydrodynamics, Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

Lecturer in coastal engineering; also involves in many hydraulics engineering and flood management projects. Experienced hydrodynamic modeller. Uses CFD and GIS software on a regular basis. Satellite imagery frequent user. Writes computer programs (Python, Lua) to pre-process, analyse, extract, and summarise data. I obtained my PhD in Civl and Environmental Engineering from Nanyang Technological University and MSc in Coastal Engineering & Port Development from IHE-Delft. I am interested in developing numerical models to solve real-life engineering problems. I am also concerned with the use of machine learning to deal with very complex problems. I advocate research integrity, and in particular, reproducible research. I use web notebooks with Python/Julia programming to create interactive materials for students.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/chien-nguyen-b2559415b/

Name     Jack Egerton                                        Institution            Echology LTD                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Director and Senior Environmental Consultant at Echology Ltd

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-egerton-06b53527/

Name   Dr  Hannah Cliverd                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biogeochemistry, Carbon / Net Zero, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecosystem services, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Plants, Wetlands

Summary of Research : 

GHG inventories, coastal wetlands GHG emissions/removals / Hannah is an environmental scientist with a background in wetland hydrology and soil/sediment biogeochemistry. Her work focuses on a landscape approach to understand condition and ecosystem services of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the organisms they support. Hannah uses land use maps, hydrological models, and global climate model projections to assess climate change impacts on biota, and provide a quantitative framework to guide land restoration and management. At UKCEH, she leads the reporting of GHG emissions and removals from wetlands for the UK’s annual GHG inventory. This inventory is required for setting and tracking progress towards national and international emission reduction targets, and projection scenarios that underpin climate mitigation. Hannah is currently working on assessing the sources and sinks of GHGs from peatlands and blue carbon habitats (e.g. saltmarshes) for reporting in the GHG inventory.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/hannah-clilverd

Name     Céline Gamble                                        Institution            Zoological Society of London                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Freshwater, Marine, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Project Manager – Marine and Freshwater Conservation at Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Celine is a Project Manager at the Zoological Society of London, working on marine habitat restoration in the UK. Celine manages The Wild Oysters Project, a collaborative project between ZSL, Blue Marine Foundation and British Marine, establishing restoration hubs in England, Scotland and Wales. She also works to coordinate the Native Oyster Network (UK & Ireland), which aims to facilitate the restoration of our native oyster. Celine has been awarded visiting researcher status at the University of Portsmouth, as she supports restoration fieldwork and native oyster research carried out by the Universities Institute of Marine Science. She gained her BSc Zoology degree in 2015 and Conservation and Biodiversity MSc in 2017, from the University of Exeter, and spent her summer breaks volunteering in Cyprus as a research assistant for the Marine Turtle Conservation Project. Celine’s experience combines

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/c%C3%A9line-gamble/

Name     Sarah Perry                                        Institution            The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Marine Conservation and Research Manager at The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-l-perry/

Name   Miss  Francesca Mason                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Ecotoxicology, Fish / fisheries, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Parasitology, Pathogens, Pollutants, Sensors, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

My main research interests look to understand ecotoxicology of heavy metal and new emerging pollutants in elasmobranchs, their parasites and surrounding marine environments across the UK.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2780002-

Name   Dr  Sophie Ward                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Marine, Modelling, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

I am a physical oceanographer with special interest in ocean modelling. I have experience of applying models to a broad range of research topics including marine renewable energy, past climate conditions, marine biosecurity and the aquaculture industry. I have worked for several years as a physical oceanographer on a number projects, including: Convex Seascape Survey (current) Menai Offshore Subsurface Shellfish Systems Shellfish Centre ECOSTRUCTURE Cockles SEACAMS and SEACAMS 2 as well as contributing to external projects (e.g., Angle Shark Project: Wales and SIARC) as an hydrodynamic- and biophysical modeller. Particular areas of research interest include: numerical modelling (physical, biophysical), sediment dynamics, marine renewable energy, sea-level rise and climate change.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/sophie-ward-058396/en

Name   Dr  Kathryn Whittey                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Climate Change, Coastal ecology, Community-based approaches, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Since completing her PhD in coral reef ecology at Cardiff University, she has worked with Project SIARC developing an Equity Diversity and Inclusion strategy to better understand the disparity in participation in marine conservation in communities in North Wales. Her role with Project SIARC affirmed Kathryn’s belief in the need for equity in science and the need to work collaboratively in the face of current climate crisis.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/kathryn-whittey-646500/en

Name   Dr  Timothy Whitton                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Ecology, Fish / fisheries, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

I am marine ecologist with a particular interest in how species’ distributions and behaviour are driven by the environment and predators, with a recent focus on how human activities may shape and change these interactions (fishing activities, manmade structures and renewable energy devices). My research has spanned intertidal and subtidal benthic systems to pelagic ecology. My research methods involve both laboratory and field experiments, but I am often using research vessels to take measurements and collect samples at sea. Current Research My current research is with Prof Jan Hiddink investigating the potential impact of bottom fishing on benthic systems, which is often in collaboration with the fishing sector. Current work is specifically on bottom fishing effects on blue carbon. There is much uncertainty about the how towed bottom fishing may affect blue carbon sequestration across different seabed types and fishing gear.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/timothy-whitton-035436/en

Name     Eleanor Falch                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/eleanor-falch-104181/en

Name   Miss  Rebecca Gillmore                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  http://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-gillmore

Name   Mrs  Stephanie Green                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Miss  Sophie Marshall-Potter                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Marine

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Miss  Amy Stout                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – Masters student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour

Summary of Research : 

Masters Student at Bangor University | Masters of Zoology with Animal Behaviour Traveller | Wildlife Enthusiast | Aspiring Videographer Part Time Graphic Designer

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-stout-a46072253/

Name     Malaak Al Lawati                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Undergraduate

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal physiology, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

As an undergraduate studying Marine Vertebrate Zoology, I’m passionate about understanding the diverse array of species that inhabit our oceans. I’m also interested in marine conservation and working with indigenous communities to protect our oceans, as well as the intersection of marine science and technology.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/malaaklawati/

Name   Prof.  Ben Pontin                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Law / Legislation, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Specialism is in environmental law, with supporting interests in constitutional law and tort.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/pontinb

Name   Mrs  Bronwen Williams                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Coastal ecology, Coastal erosion / processes, Freshwater, Modelling, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Catchment to Coast Group Leader and site manager at UKCEH- Bangor. Her group activities cover a diverse range of areas from soil function to catchment management including those across the land – sea interface, coastal ecology and restoration and national scale monitoring and modelling for Wales and GB.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/bronwen-williams

Name   Prof.  Severine Sainter                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Law / Legislation, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

primary research interest is in the field of contract/commercial law with an interest in rivers and water law

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/saintiers

Name   Prof.  Severine Sainter                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Law / Legislation, Rivers and streams

Summary of Research : 

primary research interest is in the field of contract/commercial law with an interest in rivers and water law

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/saintiers

Name   Dr  Andrew Treharne-Davies                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Other

Special Interest Areas :      

Research Management

Summary of Research : 

a background in research and innovation funding and management, Andrew supports and contributes to the development of a wide range of research and innovation related funding bids and enterprise engagement initiatives, supporting academic colleagues across Cardiff Business School and their collaborative partners.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/daviesat4

Name   Prof.  Simon Rushton                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Research Management

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/rushtonsk

Name   Dr  Penny Neyland                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Carbon / Net Zero, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Plants, Soils /sediments, Uplands

Summary of Research : 

n Ecologist and Environmental Biologist, with a specific focus on community ecology and conservation, and extensive experience in teaching and working with industrial partners.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/p.j.neyland/

Name   Dr  Nicola Esteban                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Conservation / Wildlife, Fish / fisheries, Marine

Summary of Research : 

improving our understanding of spatial and habitat use by marine fauna, with a focus on sea turtles and fisheries, predominantly in the Caribbean and Indian Ocean but also closer to home in Swansea Bay.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/n.esteban/

Name   Prof.  Vincent Teng                                        Institution            Please select from one of the options listed                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Energy, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

tudy of nanoscale electronic materials and devices. This involves research into low-dimensional electronic materials, such as graphene, metal-oxide and nitride nanostructures etc, in the development of novel devices for applications in healthcare, optoelectronics and energy technologies.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/k.s.teng/

Name   Prof.  farooq Shah                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Bioengineering, Fungi, Parasitology

Summary of Research : 

specialise in managing economically significant insect pests, including crop pests and disease vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks. My research focuses on Integrated Pest Management, emphasizing insect pest monitoring and the development of biopesticides as eco-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/f.a.shah/

Name   Dr  shrikant pawar                                        Institution            Claflin                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 


Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.claflin.edu/academics-research/faculty-research/meet-our-faculty/dr.-pawar-shrikant#:~:text=Pawar%20is%20an%20Assistant%20Professor,and%20Biology%20at%20Claflin%20University.

Name   Dr  Ardeshir Osanlou                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Mathematics (inc. statistics), Remote Sensing / GIS

Summary of Research : 

an applied physicist with a special interest in holography.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://sites.google.com/view/ardieosanlou/home

Name   Dr  Bindu Jose                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI

Summary of Research : 

Computing and e-commerce

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://wrexham.ac.uk/staff-profiles/bindu-jose/

Name   Dr  Daniel Knox                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Citizen Science, Materials (incl. Biocomposites)

Summary of Research : 

product design and an eye for functional products that stand the test of time, I have enjoyed an exciting career within various industries of design and engineering. From creating performance fabrics to crafting premium electronic consumer goods and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://wrexham.ac.uk/staff-profiles/daniel-knox/

Name   Dr  Raj Nangia                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      


Summary of Research : 

a global authority on aircarft design.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/raj-nangia-14071329/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   MS  Elena Cassidy                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Arts, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

isual artist, a maker and storyteller whose work is concerned with site contextual or site responsive situations that are sensitive to time, place and people

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/elena-cassidy-smith-7032391a1/?originalSubdomain=uk

Name   Dr  Martyn Jones                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Energy

Summary of Research : 

Martyn currently runs the degree apprenticeship programmes in engineering (production, Mechanical, Electrical, Low Carbon energy) and acts as a link between industry and the University.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://wrexham.ac.uk/staff-profiles/martyn-jones/

Name   Dr  Nataliia Luhyna                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Science communication

Summary of Research : 

Composite materials reasearch, advanced manufacturing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://wrexham.ac.uk/staff-profiles/nataliia-luhyna/

Name   Dr  Phoeobe Teh                                        Institution            Glyndwr Wrexham University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Human behaviour, Informatics, Remote Sensing / GIS, Science communication, Social science

Summary of Research : 

research interest in social computing lies in understanding the intricate dynamics of human interactions within digital platforms and virtual communities

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://wrexham.ac.uk/staff-profiles/phoebe-teh/

Name     Hana Amir                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Hydrodynamics, Marine, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K )

Summary of Research : 

Marine biology, coral reef science, trophic ecology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/research-students/sos/hana-amir-128400/en#overview

Name   Miss  Ffion Evans                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Community-based approaches, Economics / finance / business, Human behaviour, Modelling, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Social science

Summary of Research : 

Circularity and GHG emissions in agriculture and farmer decision-making

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/research-students/ffion-evans-cf1e834a-be5e-4ac2-bd03-61cdcc1ae691/en

Name   Ms  Tina Rai                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Microbiology, Polar / glaciology

Summary of Research : 

My research interest includes study of psychrophiles from the supraglacial environment of a glacier especially from cryoconite of Arctic Glaciers.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/life-sciences/staff-profiles/listing/profile/tir5/

Name   Ms  Sandy Stevens                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

My social & behavioural science informed PhD research is engaging Welsh Farmers in conversations around just transitions whilst giving them the opportunity to voice concerns faced by the Welsh Farming Community at present.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Ms  Sandy Stevens                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Carbon / Net Zero, Science communication, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

My social & behavioural science informed PhD research is engaging Welsh Farmers in conversations around just transitions whilst giving them the opportunity to voice concerns faced by the Welsh Farming Community at present.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Joe D’Souza                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Birds, Conservation / Wildlife, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Ecotoxicology, Freshwater, Invertebrates, Pollutants, Rivers and streams, Urban water, Wastewater, Water quality, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Freshwater ecology, network ecology, ecotoxicology

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2779785-

Name   Mr  Owen Trimming                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Aquaculture, Chemistry, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Fish / fisheries, Freshwater, Pollutants, Risk assessment, Rivers and streams, Wastewater, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

My research concerns the effects of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment using in vitro fish models.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/trimmingo1

Name   Miss  Jess Duke                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Environmental Crime, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Law / Legislation, Nature Based Solutions, Pathogens, Pollutants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Sustainability / animal welfare / environmental impact

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/dukej

Name   Mr  Bingfu Ding                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Ecology, Ecosystem services, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Nature Based Solutions, Plants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Social science, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/dingb1

Name   Miss  Jess Duke                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Built Environment, Carbon / Net Zero, Circular economy, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Environmental Crime, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Law / Legislation, Nature Based Solutions, Pathogens, Pollutants, Remote Sensing / GIS, Renewables (incl. bio-renewables), Sustainable behaviours, Water supply

Summary of Research : 

Sustainability / animal welfare / environmental impact

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/dukej

Name   Miss  Jenny Woods                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Circular economy, Nature Based Solutions

Summary of Research : 

Bio-based coatings for food packaging

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/jenny-woods(526ca782-66ea-4a23-a02b-9b49aafd7a10).html

Name     Alexis Bennett                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Computing / AI, Human behaviour, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Physiology, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Environmental psychology, Cognitive psychology, Behavioural neuroscience, User experience, Public health, Wellbeing

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  John Voss                                        Institution            Cardiff Metropolitan University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Community Engagement, Computing / AI, Criminology / Forensics, Culture, Education, Environmental Crime, Fluid mechanics, Human behaviour, Mathematics (inc. statistics), Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Risk assessment, Social science

Summary of Research : 

Health Science, Engineering, Logistics, Leadership and Management

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Mr  Kevin Kendall                                        Institution            Aberystwyth University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Carbon / Net Zero, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecosystem services, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Nutrients (e.g. N, P, K ), Social science, Soils /sediments

Summary of Research : 

Food Systems

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-kendall-2473aa66/

Name   Dr  Afsanehsadat “Mary” Larimi                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Carbon / Net Zero, Catalysis, Chemistry, Energy, Materials (incl. Biocomposites), Renewables (incl. bio-renewables)

Summary of Research : 

My research lies between the domain of materials chemistry and reaction engineering, focusing on the synthesis, characterization and optimization of porous materials as well as design and optimization of reactors. I aim to manipulate the physicochemical properties of porous materials to optimize their performance as heterogeneous catalysts, underpinned by structure-function relationships. The overarching goal of my research is to develop novel (nano)materials as heterogeneous catalysts through educated design approaches, which possess the capacity to tackle issues of public concern in the fields of energy and the environment.

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Dr  Catherine Purcell                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Built Environment, Climate Change, Community Engagement, Culture, Human behaviour, Nature Based Solutions, Transport

Summary of Research : 

Active journeys and sustainable transportation

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/purcellc2

Name   Dr  Winnie Courtene-Jones                                        Institution            Bangor University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Animal behaviour, Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Marine, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pollutants, Science communication

Summary of Research : 

plastic pollution; Microplastics

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.bangor.ac.uk/staff/sos/winnie-courtene-jones-014870/en

Name   Dr  Matthew Tarnowski                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Biodiversity, Ecology

Summary of Research : 

Microbiology, Sequencing

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/m.j.tarnowski/

Name   Mr  Tyler Cuddy                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Animal behaviour, Animal physiology, Biodiversity, Biogeochemistry, Birds, Chemistry, Climate Change, Conservation / Wildlife, Ecology, Ecosystem services, Ecotoxicology, Genetics and genomics, Herptiles, Mammals, Nature Based Solutions, Rivers and streams, Science communication, Sensors

Summary of Research : 

Heavy Metal bioaccumulation in tropical mesocarnivores surrounding land use changes

Link to Institutional Research Profile : 

Name   Professor  Toni Gladding                                        Institution            Open University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Air quality, Human / Public health / Wellbeing, Microbiology, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pathogens

Summary of Research : 

Bioaerosols, sampling and analysis of airborne microorganisms in a variety of environments. Air quality and waste management (occupational and environmental)

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.open.ac.uk/people/tlg39

Name   Dr  Richard Cross                                        Institution            UK – Centre for Ecology and Hydrology                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Nanotoxicology, Pollutants

Summary of Research : 

Understanding the specific fate and behaviours of engineered nanomaterials and micro/nanoplastics and how this relates to their biological interactions. Establishment of robust and reproducible methods to quantify plastic pollution in the environment so that the evidence base for possible policy and societal interventions is sound.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/richard-cross

Name   Professor  Cathy Thornton                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Human / Public health / Wellbeing

Summary of Research : 

mmunological adaptation in pregnancy and antenatal determinants of immune health in childhood. This includes study of the placenta in health and in adverse obstetric conditions. Interests in these areas also supports global challenges research related to improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/c.a.thornton/

Name   Dr  Eva Junque Martinez                                        Institution            Other                 

Position           Senior Academic

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Chemistry, Contaminants / pollutants, Data Management, Fish / fisheries, Pollutants, Risk assessment, Rivers and streams, Science communication, Water quality

Summary of Research : 

Environmental pollution, Environmental chemistry, Policy

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.linkedin.com/in/evajunque/

Name   Mr  Thomas Allison                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Postgraduate – PhD student

Special Interest Areas :      

Catchments, Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Freshwater, Invertebrates, Marine, Modelling, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Pollutants, Risk assessment, Rivers and streams, Social science, Sustainable behaviours, Transport, Urban water, Wastewater

Summary of Research : 

Biodegradable materials, Microplastics, Environmental pollution, Material degradation behaviour

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/allisont2

Name   Ms  Millie Parks                                        Institution            Swansea University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Biodiversity, Coastal ecology, Ecology, Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing / GIS, Rivers and streams, Water resources

Summary of Research : 

Anthropogenic impacts to marine and freshwater environs.

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/m.v.parks/

Name   Dr  Rakhee Dhorajiwala                                        Institution            Cardiff University                 

Position           Early Career Researcher

Special Interest Areas :      

Agriculture / food production, Contaminants / pollutants, Ecotoxicology, Genetics and genomics, Invertebrates, Mining / minerals, Monitoring / sampling / analytical techniques, Plants, Pollutants, Sustainable behaviours

Summary of Research : 

Plant development, sustainable agriculture, metal-based pollution and its effect on invertebrates

Link to Institutional Research Profile :  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8667-3104

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