The Institute of Chartered Foresters

The Institute of Chartered Foresters is the Royal Chartered body for foresters and arboriculturists in the UK. It is the only UK body to offer the Chartered Forester and Chartered Arboriculturist titles.

The Institute:

  • Regulates standards of entry to the profession.
  • Supports members and provides guidance to professionals in other sectors.
  • Offers educational advice and training to both students and tree professionals seeking to develop their careers in the forestry and arboricultural industry.

The Institute works to foster a greater public awareness and understanding of forestry and arboriculture in order to serve a variety of commercial, recreational, environmental and scientific interests.

Find out about how membership to the ICF has benefitted the careers of its members in our career journey spotlights:

Students can join the ICF from just £15. This gives you access to all the events, training and networking opportunities provided by the ICF for it’s members.

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