1 in 5 Research Challenge: Civil Society Research Needs

On 25th November 2023, Environment Platform Wales marked Climate Action Day by inviting our partners Climate Cymru to present on research and evidence needs in Civil Society. You can watch recordings of our 2023-24 Insights Wales series, including this talk, at Insights Wales / Cipolwg Cymru – epwales.org.uk The talk featured spotlights on Climate Cymru members including Extinction Rebellion Cymru and the British Mountaineering Council.

Useful Links Shared during Webinar:

Climate activism | Laura Thomas Walters (lathowal.wixsite.com)

Natural Resources Wales / The National Peatland Action Programme

Clare James | Climate Cymru

Clare is Climate Cymru’s Network Coordinator, having previously worked for Shelter Cymru, Llamau, Techniquest and Greenpeace and has organised several large climate mobilisations.   

Outside of this role she’s a climate activist and campaigner on both global and local issues.

Through decades of experience in housing and homelessness, Clare has become a huge proponent of tackling social injustices as a means of solving the climate crises.

Lesley Punter | Extinction Rebellion Cymru

Lesley is a member of the XRCymru Political Engagement Team and has previously worked as a Special Advisor to Welsh Government and as a cilvil servant in the Planning Division.

Now retired, she uses her skills and knowledge to promote and lobby at national level for the 3 XR Demands: Tell the Truth, Act Now and Trust the People.

Eben Muse | British Mountaineering Council

Eben Muse is the Policy and Campaigns officer for the British Mountaineering Council in Wales. He’s an advocate for access to nature, and for the protection of our landscapes. Currently, he is campaigning for a Scottish-style Right to Roam to be extended to Wales, in order to better connect our people with our (natural) spaces and rural communities, including our farms and food systems.

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