Environment and Peace Research

Environment Platform Wales has developed a partnership with the Welsh Peace Academy, ‘Academi Heddwch’.

We are all aware of how changes to the climate and environment are creating tensions in communities – both locally within Wales and globally. In a highly interconnected and environmentally strained world, these tensions are unlikely to disappear in the foreseeable future and may generate conflict within and between societies, including the potential for violent conflict. Furthermore, achieving a degree of consensus to enable effective action appears increasingly difficult when communities are polarised and individuals feel alienated from society.

Consider some of these examples:


On the 21st November we will be co-hosting an exploratory workshop on the Environment, Climate Change and Peace. We will discuss the development of a programme of work exploring these tensions, and how we might mitigate the potential for conflict arising from them. We would hope that this would engage policy makers within Wales and more widely, as well as contributing to interdisciplinary research in this area.

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