Developing Your Dissertation Ideas
If you are seeking to deliver an impactful dissertation topic, with direct relevance to environmental policy makers or, simply looking for inspiration for your final year project, you can search for ideas below.
You can search the research questions that have been directly submitted to us, or browse other collections of research ideas from partner organisation such as Natural Resources Wales and Climate Cymru.
If you do find a question of relevance and decide to address it through your dissertation, we would really like to know about it. Please fill out the form that can be found here.
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How can we assess cumulative effects at the plan level?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
We would like to develop a method for understanding cumulative effects across sectors (to include both existing activities and consideration of potential future activities scenarios). This would inform NRW advice and support Welsh Government’s spatial approach to marine planning.
Next steps and progress: NRW are currently collaborating on a JNCC-led project “Cumulative Effects Assessments to support marine plan development”. This contract will be completed by Summer 2024 and be used to inform development of next steps.
Keywords (discipline, other): Marine science, cumulative effects, plan level, spatial approach, marine planning
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/marine-biodiversity-collaborative-research-priorities/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: Yes External Partner: Yes Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay Email Address: kirsten.ramsay@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk Phone: NA
How can we calculate sustainable take for non-commercial species?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Currently little is known about sustainable catch/collection levels for several living marine resources that are not covered by Total Allowable Catch / quota. Work could take the form of a stock assessment and might include species such as seaweeds, razor shells and winkles. Acceptable take limits could be developed. Ecosystem impacts as a result of removal of these species should also be investigated, although other options could also be explored in project development.
Suggested level of research: MSc and above
Keywords (discipline, other): Marine Sciences, sustainability, fishing, no-commercial species, stock assessment, seaweeds, razor shells, winkles, limits, ecosystem impacts
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/marine-biodiversity-collaborative-research-priorities/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: Yes External Partner: Yes Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Kirsten Ramsay Email Address: kirsten.ramsay@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk Phone: NA
How can we effectively monitor river habitat structure and geomorphology?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Physical modification is the main reason for rivers Welsh rivers failing to achieve Good Ecological Status. Modifications to floodplains have significant impacts on ecosystem health and flood risk. However limited information is available on the extent and specific impacts of these modifications. This information is required to inform ecosystem resilience and restoration opportunities.
Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can we improve our knowledge of soils across Wales to supplement national monitoring to assess the spatial distribution of the sustainable use of soils? What platforms can be used to capture this?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
To improve our spatial understanding of the extent to which soils are managed and used sustainably.
Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Mountains, moorland, and heath
Coastal margins
Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can we manage saltmarsh to improve it as a habitat for fish?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
To identify opportunities.
Keywords (discipline, other): Coastal margins
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can we measure the resilience of freshwater-dependent ecosystems to climate change?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can we predict the underwater noise from wave and tidal energy devices?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
The development of noise propagation models for use in tidal waters is required to further reduce uncertainty regarding the potential impacts of commercial scale arrays of wave and tidal energy devices.
Suggested level of research: Postdoc or research programme
Keywords (discipline, other): Marine science, underwater noise, wave energy, tidal energy, tidal models
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/marine-biodiversity-collaborative-research-priorities/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: Yes External Partner: Yes Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Kirsten Ramsay Email Address: kirsten.ramsay@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk Phone: NA
How can we quantify the outcomes, km of river with intervention, and the biodiversity benefits, area of Ranunculion habitat with improved habitat structure, of river restoration measures at a reach and landscape scale?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Restoration of freshwater ecosystems is key to improving their resilience to multiple pressures and addressing the climate and nature emergencies. Knowledge and tools are required to facilitate sucessful and cost effective ecosystem restoration.
Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How cost effective are new water efficiency technologies, such as those for rainwater harvesting or grey water recycling?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Improved understanding synergies/trade-offs of recycling water
Keywords (discipline, other): Water efficiency
Ecosystem resilience
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How could sediment carbon sampling be incorporated into routine monitoring work to build the baseline evidence for blue carbon in Welsh marine habitats?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
There is growing recognition that benthic habitats play a significant role in carbon sequestration and storage, alongside other vital ecosystem services. The UK Blue Carbon Evidence Partnership, and UK Blue Carbon Forum, have identified a number of evidence gaps relating to the fundamental understanding of carbon fluxes, sequestration and storage by marine habitats, and there is an increasing need to develop policy on the status and / or protection of blue carbon stores. This project would test the feasibility (logistics, cost and analytical capability) of including carbon sampling in NRW’s routine sediment monitoring programs, perhaps initially as a pilot for one field season. Depending on the outcome, there would then be potential to roll a routine sampling programme out to other sites and water bodies.
Next steps and progress: NRW have initiated an in house project to assess the feasibility of this.
Keywords (discipline, other): Marine Science, Sediment carbon sampling, monitoring, baseline evidence, blue carbon, marine habitats, benthic, carbon sequestration, carbon storage ecosystem services, carbon fluxes, policy
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/marine-biodiversity-collaborative-research-priorities/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: Yes External Partner: Yes Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay Email Address: kirsten.ramsay@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk Phone: NA