1 in 5 Research Challenge – Search for a Question

1 in 5 is a framework to allow the academic community to focus some of its collective brainpower on climate, biodiversity and sustainability. You can search questions that have been directly submitted to us below, or browse other collections of research ideas from partner organisation such as Natural Resources Wales and Climate Cymru.

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Research to inform and promote holistic education for Sustainable Development (SDG 4.7): A targeted piece of research to clearly show evidence of the links between peace, human rights, gender equality and sustainable development, supported by case studies.

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Work around climate change within the education sector tends to focus on environmental issues in isolation – issues such as plastic pollution and recycling. Whilst this is important, it would be beneficial to promote a more holistic approach, including climate justice and also making links between local and global issues such as peace, human rights and equality. This would support the realisation of Sustainable Development Goal 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”
Having some clear research and case studies could be the basis for writing some more comprehensive resources and developing a pilot project in Wales that would support children and young people in developing the above skills and taking on local and global projects that would make a difference.

Keywords (discipline, other): International Relations, politics, education, climate change, SDGs

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: WCIA

Contact Details

Name: Jane Harries    Email Address: janeharries@wcia.org.uk    Phone: NA



 Research to inform and promote holistic education for Sustainable Development (SDG 4.7): A targeted piece of research to clearly show evidence of the links between peace, human rights, gender equality and sustainable development, supported by case studies.

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Work around climate change within the education sector tends to focus on environmental issues in isolation – issues such as plastic pollution and recycling. Whilst this is important, it would be beneficial to promote a more holistic approach, including climate justice and also making links between local and global issues such as peace, human rights and equality. This would support the realisation of Sustainable Development Goal 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”
Having some clear research and case studies could be the basis for writing some more comprehensive resources and developing a pilot project in Wales that would support children and young people in developing the above skills and taking on local and global projects that would make a difference.

Keywords (discipline, other): Education, International Relations, climate change, peace, human rights

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: WCIA

Contact Details

Name: Jane Harries    Email Address: janeharries@wcia.org.uk    Phone: NA



 Research to show links between militarism in Wales (and beyond) and climate change.

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Published statistics on climate emissions don’t take into account the impact of activities by the military. For 2019, the carbon footprint of the UK military was estimated at 11 million tonnes of CO2 for 2018 (Conflict and Environment Observatory). This was before the war in Ukraine. Calculations of military emissions in Wales should include the impact of implementing low-fly zones, the testing of drones in West Wales, energy used by military bases and the production of components of arms which take place in Wales. This research would be a first step to being open and honest about the contribution of the military to climate emissions. It should lead to public debate about how much the armed forces cost, both today and for future generations.

Keywords (discipline, other): International Relations, Politics, carbon emissions, peace

Website/URL links: https://ceobs.org/the-militarys-contribution-to-climate-change/

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Cymdeithas y Cymod / Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales

Contact Details

Name: Awel Heddwch    Email Address: awel.heddwch@gmail.com    Phone: NA



 Researching people new to nature connection and how/if it changes behaviour and perspective on how to protect our natural environment.

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

When we see what we value being destroyed and not sustainably developed it might galvanise action, e.g., voting for a political candidate with green credentials, consuming less, influencing others.

Keywords (discipline, other): Psychology, politics, nature connection

Website/URL links: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/the-childrens-people-and-nature-survey-for-england-2022-update/the-childrens-people-and-nature-survey-for-england-2022-update

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Nature Connection and Forest Bathing

Contact Details

Name: Lucy McQuillan    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 We would like to establish the likely demand for communities to access land in and around the Pontypridd area. To explore what issues communities currently have with accessing land for the purposes of sustainable development; and how might these issues be overcome.

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Why it is important & how it might unlock some kind of action: We know that people already access land for a variety of purposes in our local area and when it comes to land that is held for the purposes of recreation or other public benefit then issues of access are less of an issue. But we are also aware that when communities would like to access land in order to tackle social or environmental issues then access can be more of an issue. We would like to explore how these access issues (perceived or real) can get in the way of communities taking action in the local area, and how Ty Pontypridd might play a role in addressing these issues. Are there specific communities struggling to identify or access specific sites, or are there areas of land that are considered to be important local assets that might be at risk of being lost?

Keywords (discipline, other): Geography. Land use, land access

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: No   Organisation: Ty Pontypridd

Contact Details

Name:     Email Address: littleeiffel@hotmail.com    Phone: NA



 What funding would be required to restore a number of poorly/under restored coal mining sites around South Wales?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

This would provide a point around which delivering on the restoration standards originally promised to surrounding communities could be campaigned for by CAN and other groups.

Keywords (discipline, other): Coal, politics, energy

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Coal Action

Contact Details

Name: Daniel Therkelsen    Email Address: daniel@coalaction.org.uk    Phone: NA



Once you have completed your research, don’t forget to get back in touch about your certificate and to provide us with some feedback about your experience at https://forms.office.com/e/MWWjrBkVgP

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