Developing Your Dissertation Ideas

If you are seeking to deliver an impactful dissertation topic, with direct relevance to environmental policy makers or, simply looking for inspiration for your final year project, you can search for ideas below.

You can search the research questions that have been directly submitted to us, or browse other collections of research ideas from partner organisation such as Natural Resources Wales and Climate Cymru.

If you do find a question of relevance and decide to address it through your dissertation, we would really like to know about it. Please fill out the form that can be found here.

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What are the different soil management practices and systems used in Wales and are these practices sustainable?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

To assess th extent to which soils are managed sustainably for tackling the Climate and Nature Emergency and to help inform future policy changes. Sustainable Soil management is an increasing concern for society.

Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Mountains, moorland, and heath
Coastal margins
Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Air quality
Climate change

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the distributions, abundances, and population structures of marine fish species in Welsh waters?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Data on marine fish is lacking for this assessment. We need data on the abundance, distribution, population structure and movements of fish in Welsh waters to develop a baseline for the SoNaRR assessment. The evidence need would build on Ellis et al (2012) and would inform our work in many areas

Keywords (discipline, other): Marine
Coastal Margins
Ecosystem resilience

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the downstream impacts of reducing nutrient to land?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

To assess the impact on soils and wider environment

Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Enclosed farmland
Air quality

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the ecological impacts of fine sediments on freshwater pearl mussel and salmonid fish?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Pollution from rural sources including nutrient and silt run-off is the second biggest factor in preventing Welsh rivers from achieving Good Ecological Status. In order to address this issue, we need to improve our understanding of the impacts of fine sediments in rivers.

Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the extent, severity and impacts of diffuse water pollution in the marine ecosystem?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

To inform our understanding of and advice on building resilient marine ecosystems. This would investigate the extent to which diffuse water pollution, from both agriculture and urban sources, including point sources and in combination effects, affects MPA condition. This could also include a case study in Milford Haven.

Keywords (discipline, other): Marine
Coastal Margins
Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil
Water efficiency
Ecosystem resilience

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the flood-risk benefits provided by coastal habitats?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

This work would comprise a technical assessment to bring together recent evidence and research relating to the flood risk benefits of different marine and coastal habitats in Wales. It would explore the wider well-being outcomes and produce a summary report and visual materials to share with wider stakeholders such as Welsh Government.
Next steps and progress: Likely to be contracted out

Keywords (discipline, other): marine science, flood-risk benefits, marine and coastal habitats, technical assessments, wellbeing

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay    Email Address:    Phone: NA



 What are the high risk human and animal pathogens found in soils? Where are they present and what is their extent?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Plant and animal diseases are predicted to change due to climate change. To assess potential risk to human, plant and animal health

Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Coastal margins
Mountains, moorland, and heath
Enclosed farmland
Invasive non-native species
Semi-natural grassland

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the impacts of abandoned, lost and / or discarded fishing gear in Welsh waters?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

This evidence review will build on Defra Impacts Evidence Group funded review of abandoned, lost, discarded fishing gear (ALDFG). This review would provide an assessment of this issue in Welsh waters and would include sections such as number of pots/nets lost and collate evidence of currently known impacts in Welsh waters.
Suggested level of research: PhD

Keywords (discipline, other): Marine science, impact, abandoned, lost, discarded fishing gear, ALDFG, pots, nets

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay    Email Address:    Phone: NA



 What are the impacts of intensive poultry units on water quality?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Pollution from rural sources is the second biggest factor in preventing Welsh rivers from achieving Good Ecological Status. In order to address this issue we need to develop an improved understanding of the impact of intesive poultry units on water quality, given the growth of this agricultural sector in Wales in recent years.

Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater
Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: n/a    External Partner: Y   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: n/a n/a    Email Address:     Phone: NA



 What are the impacts of intermittent sewage discharges into Marine Protected Areas and their catchments?

Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:

Intermittent sewage discharges enter the catchment and their effluent is carried to our Marine Protected Areas (MPAs); the discharges also enter directly to our MPAs. An analysis of data on intermittent discharges is required, including determining the volume and concentration (loading) from discharges from the wider catchment and determining if the assets are spilling only during wet weather. An assessment of the impacts of the discharges on MPA feature condition is required.
Next steps and progress: To be undertaken as part of the National Environment Programme

Keywords (discipline, other): Marine sciences, intermittent sewage discharges, Marine Protected Areas, catchments, effluent, analysis, data, volume, concentration, loading, wet weather, National Environment Programme

Website/URL links:

Looking for collaborators: Yes    External Partner: Yes   Organisation: Natural Resources Wales

Contact Details

Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay    Email Address:    Phone: NA




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