The show must go ON-line!
As you may have picked up via our previous newsletters and social media updates, our Environment Evidence 2020 (Resilience in the Welsh Uplands – an Evidence Perspective) conference is now gearing up for 100% digital experience. We’re looking forward to welcoming you between 14-18th September, for talks, Q&As and even virtual coffee breaks!
Be the first to know when tickets go on sale by pre-registering your interest.

Final call for Environment Evidence 2020 abstract submissions:
The deadline for abstract submission is tomorrow at 4pm. We welcome contributions from disciplines including (but not limited to) the natural sciences and engineering, social sciences, economics, arts and humanities.
We’re here to support you and appreciate that due to the current circumstances, it may be difficult to manage workloads and home life, so please get in touch if you are unable to meet this deadline but are still keen to get involved.
We’d like to hear about uplands research that addresses the past, present and future on themes including; sustainable agriculture, forestry, peatlands, fresh water, environmental monitoring, climate change impacts, communities, wellbeing, cultural heritage, conservation and ecology.
Can’t meet this deadline?
Get in touch with the team via to discuss options for your abstract and late submission or to find out other ways you can share and submit your work / get involved in the conference.
Welsh Uplands Past & Present Photography competition – now live!

We never imagined when we came up with the photography competition earlier this year, that a pandemic would unfold, scuppering our plans for our Senedd exhibition and tour of the summer shows. But instead, our little campaign has grown into something else completely.
We’ve been receiving submissions from people all over Wales keen to celebrate life and everyday beauty in the uplands before lockdown, whether that was on weekend walks or from their visits and work in uplands areas. Amateur photographers, professional photographers and Iphone snappers alike have shared some stunning imagery so far.
We’re keen to encourage more people to share their pre-lockdown pics and even ‘before and after’ pictures showing how the uplands landscapes have evolved and shifted over time.
Share your pictures!
There are five suggested competition categories and winners in each category will receive £100 of Amazon vouchers to spend or donate as they wish. We’d especially love to see the unique perspectives from people in isolation in the uplands at this moment in time, especially people portraits, selfies and doorstep portraits.
Get involved and head over to the competition page where you can find out how to submit entries.
Sponsors and supporters – we need you!

None of us knows what’s around the corner at the moment, as COVID continues to wreak havoc on the economy, the job market, existing and future projects – the only thing we can be certain of is that there’s more uncertainty on the way. But one thing hasn’t changed. We still need the support of businesses and organisations to help us host events like this now and in the future. We have a range of sponsorship options available and this support is vital for us to enable a range of digital options and experience for our delegates.
E-mail us on to find out more or head to the sponsorship page.
‘In:conversation’ web series – Episode 1 launching soon!

Since lockdown, we’ve been curating a lineup of monthly webcasts leading up to our September conference and we’re delighted to tell you that Episode 1 is launching on Tuesday 2nd June at 11.30am.
The topic for Episode 1 will be Covid-19, Brexit and climate change – the perfect storm? We’ll be joined by Dr Marecia Fraser (Aberystwyth University), Dr Tim Pagella (Bangor University) and Dylan Morgan (NFU Cymru).

Talks will be free and open to all, with post-broadcast access available via our website and social media channels. Initial In:conversation installments will cover topics relating to our September conference: Resilience in the Welsh Uplands, but these themes will be accessible and of interest even to new audiences who are not familiar with traditional academic events.
Pre-register your interest here and receive an invite to the live webcast
Keen to get involved in future In:conversation episodes?
E-mail to discuss your ideas.
Announcement of Opportunity: Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) on behalf of UKRI, welcome Notification of Intent and Full Proposals to its £12.4m SMMR programme. This call is in partnership with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Marine Scotland. Opportunity closes on Oct 6th. Notification of Intent closing date: 12:00 on 12 June 2020.
Covid Research Opportunities
This is a very challenging time for everyone and can particularly challenging if your research has been put on hold or the future of your funding is now uncertain. UKRI and other funders are refocusing their efforts on measures to reduce the impact of the virus on health, the environment and the economy. If you are looking for ways to make a positive contribution through a new idea or repurposing of existing project funding there are a variety of opportunities out there.
Citizen science collaboration grant
This call will support multidisciplinary research collaborations that spread citizen science methods into new fields of research and involve citizens to address societally-relevant issues. This is a single round funding scheme for projects lasting one to three years. Lead applicants can be from any discipline and must be of lecturer level or equivalent.
PhD in Environment and Sustainability, Universidade Nova De Lisboa
Applications now open until 17th July for this PhD at Universidade Nova De Lisboa. PDAS’ vision aims to empower change agents to support companies in achieving the necessary transformations to build a more sustainable future. PDAS is built on a strong research base anchored in two recognized research centers of excellence of the Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon (FCT -UNL): CENSE – Research Centre for Environment and Sustainability and MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre.
A pint of Science Podcast, S2 Ep1: The Psychology of Lockdowns Around the World
Nick Chater is Professor of Behavioural Science at Warwick Business School, author of The Mind is Flat: The Illusion of Mental Depth and The Improvised Mind, an advisor to the UK Government’s Behavioural Insights team (‘The Nudge Unit’) and scientist in Residence for BBC Radio 4’s The Human Zoo. Nick explains the psychology of lockdowns around the world, and how to message effectively.
Coronavirus: the science explained
Find out all the latest news and updates explaining the evidence and facts about the virus, the disease, the epidemic, and its control.
SAGE shows that public trust in science is as live a question as ever
Marking 20 years since a landmark report on public engagement in science, Debbie McVitty explores the state of the discipline.
Communicating research during Covid-19
Paul Manners breaks down best practice in engaging the public with research during the pandemic.
Degrowth UK Summer School
Members may find this series of talks interesting, hosted by UK ‘Degrowth’ – a concept/movement which centers on the call for radical social, political and economic transformation. They advocate for a democratically-led and equitable reduction of resource, material and energy, starting from the overdeveloped West and the movement is aimed at improving well-being, ecological sustainability and global justice.
Share your online events, call outs, blogs and opportunities for Environment Platform Wales members by contacting one of the team at