Welsh Uplands: past, present and future
Read more about the winners here
Environment Platform Wales is celebrating the Welsh uplands with images depicting people, places and nature. As part of the lead up to our 2020 conference: ‘Resilience in the Welsh Uplands: an Evidence Perspective’ we’re showcasing these important landscapes and the people living within them.
If you would like to participate, please submit an image that you feel represents one or more of the following categories. Winners in each category will receive £100 of Amazon vouchers to spend or donate as they wish.

Who are the people who live in the uplands? Demonstrate their personality and character – portraits and action shots are encouraged, as are group pictures and images of individuals.

Demonstrate the seasons, textures, colours and scenes depicting life in the uplands. What are the scenes you encounter on your commute or from your bedroom window?
Wildlife & Livestock

What animals and wildlife can you see in the uplands? How does this landscape sustain them? What role do they play in farming and local communities?
Under 18s

What’s it like being a teenager in the uplands? How do you socialise, learn and connect with others in the uplands? What future do you see for yourself?
Under 12s

What’s it like being a child in the uplands? What’s your favourite thing about living where you live? What do you want to be/see when you grow up?
You are also encouraged to submit images from the past that you feel paint a picture of the landscape and shape it’s social and environmental history. You are welcome to submit a group of three images under one category submission if you feel this more effectively paints a picture of the ‘past, present and future.’

Please do not e-mail or post your images. Image submissions should be digital only, using appropriate large file image sharing applications or software, for example – Google Drive, We Transfer, Send Big File, etc. Please send the image submissions to info@epwales.org.uk. Ensure your FULL NAME, address and email is included in the covering note/message as well as the category under which you are submitting an entry. Although routine ‘light touch’ editing is permitted, we do not encourage heavy digital manipulation / filters or graphically manipulated images and these will not be selected for our exhibition.
A panel of EP Wales board members will shortlist the entries submitted to the competition and entries will be gathered/displayed via a public gallery on our website. Successful shortlisted candidates will be contacted in advance of us announcing the category prize winners on line and via our social media channels.
By submitting an entry, you agree to us using your image in the public gallery, as part of a gallery slideshow and for marketing purposes – namely, via EP Wales’ social media channels. By entering the competition, you are consenting for us to potentially use your imagery as part of marketing efforts for this year’s ‘Environment Evidence 2020: Resilience in the Welsh Uplands – an evidence perspective’ conference. The gallery of submitted images will be live on our website for the duration of 2020 and beyond.
Please note that in line with Government Advice, YOU SHOULD NOT TRAVEL TO UPLAND AREAS TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS. We encourage people already living in Uplands areas to consider taking photos on their daily walks OR to submit photography taken before the lockdown. Photographs taken on previous visits to upland areas is also permitted.
Due to the current situation, we have relaxed the original deadline to enable more people across the upland areas and in our university networks to take part. We are aiming to publish a gallery of finalists at the end of May/Beginning of June, depending on the level of entries we receive. We’ve had some beautiful imagery so far – so if you haven’t already, trawl your archives and your phone snap collection to take part!
For more information or questions, please contact gemma.TF@epwales.org.uk