We work in partnership with organisations across Wales to co-produce themed events covering a broad range of topics related to the environment and sustainability. We are currently looking for speakers to present their environmental research or evidence needs for our 2023-24 Insights Wales talk series.
If you have an idea, evidence gap, consultation, or policy direction you’d like to workshop or would like to experiment with new approaches to stakeholder engagement with environmental researchers and practitioners across the public private and third sectors – we can help!
Our membership includes 10 universities and research organisations specialising in the environmental sciences and a wider community of researchers, academics and environmental professionals across Wales and beyond. Our network is a powerful combination of representatives from a range of disciplines covering all aspects of sustainability and environmental science including engineering, social sciences, the arts and humanities.
We can work with you to reach the experts you need, host and manage events and promote your work to key stakeholders. Whether it’s an in person workshop, article or webinar – get in touch to see how we can help.
Alternatively, if you’d like to promote your work, our social media channels and newsletter are a great place to start.
If you are a student, you might be interested in our pick-a-project scheme where we can connect you with real-life research questions or a doctoral training placement.
If you would like to become an Environment Platform Wales partner, please fill out the form below.