EPW are keen to ensure that as students and researchers, you are delivering projects with relevance and meaningful impact which link directly to the needs of Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

In addition to the evidence needs highlighted in the State of the Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR), Natural Resources Wales are seeking evidence for a series of high priority marine and coastal questions.
Natural Resources Wales / Marine and coastal evidence priorities
By aligning your research interests (at undergraduate or postgraduate level) with the evidence needs of NRW, you could provide important evidence to support those regulating and managing the Welsh Environment.
Additionally, it will provide you with impactful applied research experience, and added confidence when completing your CV and seeking future employment.
Once you have completed a 1 in 5 Research Challenge research project, we will seek to provide you with the opportunity to share your project experience, for example, by contributing a short presentation as part of our Insights Wales talk series.
If you have recently completed a 1 in 5 Research Challenge project, you can apply for a certificate at 1 in 5 Research Challenge Completion Form – epwales.org.uk