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Has the diversity, extent, condition and connectivity of river habitats changed across Wales since the baseline River Habitat Survey in the 1990s?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Ecosystem resilience evidence needs encompass several needs from the other ecosystem and theme chapters.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
Have agri-environment scheme measures been successful in creating new semi-natural grassland in Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Stocks of natural resources is a basic measure of sustainable management of natural resources. Agri-environment has been one of the main grassland creation mechanisms in Wales
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
Have agri-environment scheme measures been successful in improving condition of semi-natural grassland?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Condition is a basic measure of stocks of natural resources and resilience. Agri-environment has been one of the main mechanisms in Wales for maintaining and improving semi-natural grassland condition
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
Have grassland creation projects been successful in creating new semi-natural grassland in Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Stocks of natural resources is a basic measure of sustainable management of natural resources. A number of projects have included some grassland creation, but long-term success or otherwise of these is often not recorded
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
Have grassland projects been successful in improving condition of semi-natural grassland?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Condition is a basic measure of stocks of natural resources and resilience. A number of projects in Wales have included measures for maintaining and improving semi-natural grassland condition; results have not always been adequately recorded
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How are Welsh saltmarshes used by fish for example, for nursery areas and foraging?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
There has been little research into this ecosystem service within Wales.
Keywords (discipline, other): Coastal margins
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can building regulations be improved to deliver water efficiencies as standard?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Wales Low Carbon Action Plan launched in March 19 includes steps for social housing but has little on water efficiency.
Keywords (discipline, other): Water efficiency
Climate change
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can diffuse pollution into lowland wetlands be reduced?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Nutrient pollution is a major cause of decline in lowland peatlands via both waterborne (surface and groundwater) and aerial deposition. Are buffer zones effective and how extensive should they be? Source-pathway- receptor studies are required to determine best practice. This is likely to be site-specific due to varying hydrological conditions although a general review of practice elsewhere may lead to insights.
Keywords (discipline, other): Mountains, moorland, and heath
Ecosystem resilience
Enclosed farmland
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can earth observation technology/ remote sensing and ground based measures be used to monitor ecosystem condition more comprehensively than currently?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
We need this evidence to build a monitoring strategy for Wales that is capable of reporting on aspects of resilience across the whole landscape and which can support transformational management change.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
How can environmental interventions be used to benefit human health, without amplifying health and social inequalities?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
To improve our assessment of healthy places
Keywords (discipline, other): Healthy places
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA