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What is the quantified extent and location of river reaches in Wales that are disconnected from their floodplains?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Physical modification is the main reason for rivers Welsh rivers failing to achieve Good Ecological Status. Modifications to floodplains have significant impacts on ecosystem health and flood risk. However limited information is available on the extent and specific impacts of these modifications. This information is required to inform ecosystem resilience and restoration opportunities.
Keywords (discipline, other): Freshwater
Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the rate of carbon sequestration for coastal grasslands and coastal heath?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
This evidence to inform regulating ecosystem service in terms of carbon sequestration. There are no values for coastal grasslands and coastal heath.
Keywords (discipline, other): Coastal margins
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the relative carbon-sequestration benefit of shallow peat and organic soil or rapid forestry and how does this vary according to timescale for multiple crops, and timber afteruse?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
The balance of benefit for carbon sequestration between afforestation or retention of shallow peat and organo-mineral soils is complex and varies depending on assumptions, including timescales, cropping cycles, climate impacts and timber afteruse (Carbon sequestration). Current studies are often contradictory and further theoretical and emirical evidence and review is required to inform policy.
Keywords (discipline, other): Mountains, moorland, and heath
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the source apportionment of nutrients to Welsh estuarine and coastal waters?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
We need to investigate the sources and apportionment of nutrients coming into our estuaries and causing water quality failures there. Modelling is needed to identify those sources. Many of our transitional and coastal waters fail for Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) and five of our Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and their features are in unfavourable condition due to DIN. Any modelling would need to be able to represent diffuse and point sources, including continuous and intermittent discharges, entering these systems both direct and from the catchment. An additional part of the project would be to add aerial deposition of Nitrogen to the project to look at apportionment in the estuarine and coastal environment.
Next steps and progress: Some water body failures and SAC feature failures to be taken forward by the National Environment Programme; further investigation needed for other water bodies.
Keywords (discipline, other): Marine science, apportionment of nutrients, estuarine, coastal waters, water quality failure, modelling, transitional waters, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen, Special Areas of Conservation, SAC, diffuse source, point source, National Environment Programme
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/marine-biodiversity-collaborative-research-priorities/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: Yes External Partner: Yes Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Dr Kirsten Ramsay Email Address: kirsten.ramsay@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk Phone: NA
What is the spatial extent and types of recreational use of the coast?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
This evidence would help evaluate the importance of the coast for well-being and to the economy in terms of recreation
Keywords (discipline, other): Coastal margins
Land use and soil
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the spatial extent, rate and severity of soil loss in Wales? Do rates of soil loss exceed soil formation rates?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
This is a priority in order to assess the extent to which SMNR is being achieved. This relates to Aim 1. Are stocks of natural resources being maintained and enhanced.
Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Mountains, moorland, and heath
Coastal margins
Semi-natural grassland
Enclosed farmland
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the state of urban green spaces in Wales? An assessment of the quality of management of publicly accessible green space which has not been entered into the Green Flag or Blue Flag Award schemes.
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
People need to access urban green space daily to remain well, but poorly managed urban green space deters people from using it. It also fails to deliver other ecosystem servies such as heat regulation and air pollution control. Systematic sampling and monitoring will show if urban green space is being managed sustainably. Currently, only a minority of urban green spaces are assessed for management quality (Green, and Blue Flag Awards)
Keywords (discipline, other): Urban
Ecosystem resilience
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the status and potential long term trends of regional sediment budgets in coastal margins?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Evaluate extent of pressure and identify areas for intervention.
Keywords (discipline, other): Coastal margins
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the toxicity of pesticides being applied to land and the variety of pesticides used on a single crop?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Fera Science provides data on the weight and treated areas but there is limited data on the toxicity of pesticides. The weight of pesticides applied to land has decreased over past 25 years but the hectarage and the frequency of treatments have increased. This could be having impacts on ecosystems and the soil, especially if the toxicity levels have increased.
Keywords (discipline, other): Enclosed farmland
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the trend in airborne insect abundance and diversity in urban areas compared to in the wider landscape?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Insect abundance in the wider landscape has declined drastically. Comparing insect abundance in urban areas will indicate if urban areas are being managed more, or less sustainably than the wider landscape. This could help develop hypotheses to test why declines are happening, and how to arrest them. Focussing on insects as this is currently lacking.
Keywords (discipline, other): Urban
Climate change
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA