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What is the condition of existing mountains, moorland, and heath habitat in land management units, measured against the yardstick set by Common Standards Monitoring?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
We have little knowledge of the current health of the ecosystems across much of the Mountains, moorlands and heath resource and must extrapolate from very few samples. A “broad and shallow” approach is needed to complement the “narow and deep” approach of existing terrrestrial monitoring.
Keywords (discipline, other): Mountains, moorland, and heath
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: External Partner: Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of existing semi-natural habitat within Enclosed Farmland: hedgerows, species-rich arable land, orchards, wood pasture, semi-improved grassland, veteran trees?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
There is limited data from GMEP/ERAMMP on hedgerow condition and semi-improved grasslands. There is no condition data available for the other habitats.
Keywords (discipline, other): Enclosed farmland
Semi-natural grassland
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of grassland habitat outside statutory protected sites?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Condition is a basic measure of stocks of natural resources and resilience. Very little is known about grassland condition outside SSSIs.
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of grassland SSSI features on statutory protected sites?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Condition is a basic measure of stocks of natural resources and resilience. Only a minority of grassland SSSI features have received recent detailed monitoring.
Keywords (discipline, other): Semi-natural grassland
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of inter-tidal habitats around Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Ecosystem resilience evidence needs encompass several needs from the other ecosystem and theme chapters.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of Section 7 marine habitats and species marine in Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Ecosystem resilience evidence needs encompass several needs from the other ecosystem and theme chapters.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of semi-natural habitats in Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Ecosystem resilience evidence needs encompass several needs from the other ecosystem and theme chapters.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Mountains, moorland, and heath
Semi-natural grassland
Coastal margins
Enclosed farmland
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the condition of sub-tidal habitats around Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
Ecosystem resilience evidence needs encompass several needs from the other ecosystem and theme chapters.
Keywords (discipline, other): Ecosystem Resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the contribution of non-agricultural sources of nutrient to land?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
To help inform future sustainable land management pratices
Keywords (discipline, other): Land use and soil
Enclosed farmland
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA
What is the contribution that Welsh-grown timber makes to a regenerative economy and the more efficient use of natural resources in Wales?
Summary of the Research Question / Evidence Need:
We have reliably information on timber flows into and out of the UK, but data on Welsh grown timber contributing to a regenerative economy in Wale is lacking. This evidence would help inform future policy and delivery options.
Keywords (discipline, other): Woodland
Land use and soil
Ecosystem resilience
Website/URL links: https://naturalresources.wales/evidence-and-data/research-and-reports/state-of-natural-resources-report-sonarr-for-wales-2020/evidence-needs-table/?lang=en
Looking for collaborators: n/a External Partner: Y Organisation: Natural Resources Wales
Contact Details
Name: n/a n/a Email Address: Phone: NA