The Blue Carbon Forum for Wales will be meeting online on Tuesday 10/12/24 at 13:00 – 14:30. Please contact if you would like to join.
Name of Group: Blue Carbon Forum for Wales
Terms of reference:
The vision for the Forum is to be inclusive of all with an interest in blue carbon, with an aim to share information and knowledge, and to accelerate the already growing body of expertise and experience we have in Wales.
The group will meet 3 – 4 times a year. One meeting will be held face-to-face and the rest hosted online.
The forum is open to all. Please email if you would like to attend the next meeting on 10/12/2024.

Membership of Group
The group is not restrictive; the more diverse and inclusive the better.
- Policy-makers
- Government agencies
- Researchers
- NGOs
- Businesses and organisations
Purpose of Group
- Raise awareness and diversity of people/organisations working on different habitats and for various reasons.
- Sharing of knowledge, skills, and resources.
- Identifying synergies between people’s roles/work/research
- Identify opportunities for collaboration (for further research projects, or knowledge sharing, etc).
- Collation and sharing of data.
- Identify gaps in knowledge/data.
- Facilitate flow of information between Welsh Government, NRW and other stakeholders, providing advice if asked.
- Gives Wales a stronger voice.
Upcoming events:
10/12/24 at 13:00 – 14:30 on MS Teams.
Past Events:
The inaugural meeting was held on 17th September 2024 on Zoom:

Marine Evidence Conference 2024 | Bangor University
2.1.2 | Jenny Williamson, Hannah Cliverd & Rachel Nickerson | Saltmarsh mapping from space
2.1.3 | Dr. Cai Ladd | Selecting sites for costal restoration using the ‘Mini Buoy’
2.3.1 | Stijn den Haan & Reece Halstead | Seagrass restoration in North Wales first results