With our first conference just over 2 months away we’re working hard to get everything ready for our delegates and speakers. Amongst all the emails, phone calls, ordering, checking and general organising we’ve taken a pause to think about what we’re looking forward to when the 17th of September finally arrives. So here it is…10 things we’re looking forward to at Environment Evidence 2019
Hearing about the Wales Marine Evidence Strategy
Let’s face it, this is the number one reason that most people are coming and EPW staff are no different. Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales have been working hard to pull together their evidence priorities for the marine and coastal environment. This conference will provide the first opportunity for a broad public discussion about the needs identified and what we can all do to address the evidence gaps.
Meeting new people
Growing our network so we can always find the right people for our members to work with is hugely important to EPW. We’ve received abstracts from all over the UK and Ireland and we’re really excited to bring these potential new collaborators into the EPW family.
Listening to a diverse range of presentations
One of the best parts of organising a conference is getting excited about all the interesting abstracts that people send in. There’s so much to learn and so many dots to join up, we can’t wait to hear the presentations and join in the Q&A
Attending thought provoking workshops
We’re so lucky to have some fantastic proposals for workshops on the future of offshore renewables, cross border marine spatial planning and the importance marine social sciences. These interactive sessions will be a great way to learn new approaches and work with colleagues from different disciplines and backgrounds.
Developing new projects and ideas
After all the talks and workshops we hope everyone will be buzzing with new ideas (we’re buzzing with new ideas already). EPW staff will be around throughout the conference to help you take your ideas forward, find those final consortium members and connect with the right stakeholders outside your organisation.
Visiting Swansea University’s new research vessel
Fingers crossed for good weather. Swansea University will be mooring their new research vessel in the marina behind the National Waterfront Museum. You’ll be able to sign up for tours at the conference registration desk. Don’t forget your boat shoes!
Drinks and networking in the National Waterfront Museum
What better way to spend an evening than discussing new ideas with a drink in hand in the inspiring surroundings of the Museum. The National Waterfront Museum is about so much more than just the water. With that in mind we’ll also be treated to a talk by celebrated historian Louise Miskell on the industrial heritage of South Wales.
Hearing from our guest speaker at the conference dinner
We can’t wait to share more news about our speakers…but we can’t spoil the surprise just yet. If you want to know more you’ll have to book on! We’ll no doubt have some sneak previews in the next week or so.
Taking time out on the beach
We all reach saturation point in conferences like this. You know, that point where our brains just can’t take any more in. Possibly the best thing about this conference venue is when you need that all important time out, you’re only a stone’s throw from the beach!
Working with our excellent steering committee and student volunteers
Last but by no means least we’re looking forward to working with a great team of people to deliver what we hope will be an unforgettable event. We can’t thank our steering committee members and volunteers enough for all their hard work. We really couldn’t do it without you.
If you’d like to be part of the conversation (and hopefully have a bit of fun as well) you can register here.