The Reservoir Water Management Community of Research will be meeting online on Thursday 05/12/24 from 9:30 – 11:00. Please contact if you would like to join.

The Reservoir Water Management Community of Research was formed to enable water companies and other organisations with an interest in water regulation and reservoir management, to share experiences between themselves and researchers within the GW4 Water Security Alliance and Environment Platform Wales partners in order to better understand the issues and identify targeted management options associated with water reservoir management.
The Group’s aims are to:
- Promote communication and knowledge sharing between its water industry members and researchers in order to facilitate long-term partnerships to enable end-user directed research that increase the understanding and support the management of water quantity and quality issues – for example, in-reservoir water quality, drought resilience, downstream impacts of dams – throughout the UK, and beyond promoting the establishment of a holistic approach from upstream catchment management to in-reservoir solutions.
- Assess existing gaps of knowledge and data that prevents a clear understanding of the causes of unsatisfactory reservoir performance.
- Identify and secure resources to enable relevant research to take place.
The group met most recently on 18th – 20th April 2023. We were pleased to welcome academics and professionals from across Wales, the UK and Europe to exchange knowledge on reservoir water management. If you are a researcher or professional with an interest in reservoir management research and would like to become a member of the group, please contact us at

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