December 3rd, 10-12am

Join our live event to see how Living Wales has developed unique capacity for Wales to address local to global challenges through Earth observations.
In partnership with Living Wales, Environment Platform Wales would like you to invite you to a virtual event on December 3rd 2020 (10 am to 12 noon) to learn new ways of viewing our ever-changing landscapes and how to understand, openly access and use the expanding resources of Living Wales.
Over the past three years, Living Wales has been undertaking research at Aberystwyth University to enhance capacity for national land cover and change mapping and monitoring through Earth observations. They are now ready to release their first openly available map products for Wales (for 2017, 2018 and 2019) as well as a large resource on the Welsh landscape and environment.
To celebrate this milestone, Living Wales would like to invite you to a virtual event on Thursday 3 December between 10am and 12 noon, where they will provide an overview of Living Wales concepts and methods, provide access to datasets and convey the short to long term benefits for Wales. The material presented will also be available for future reference on the Living Wales website.
Who should attend?
This event will be of interest to those with an interest in:
- Monitoring and observation
- Land management
- Habitats and biodiversity
- Landscapes, restoration, rewilding and ecology
- Farming and agriculture – policy and evidence
- Wellbeing, outdoor education, outreach work in the local community
The live event will cover a range of topics conveyed through an introduction, presentations and online videos brought to you by Prof. Richard Lucas and his team.
The live event will explore:
•Introducing Living Wales
•Satellite and airborne observations
•Environmental descriptors
•Land cover classifications for Wales
•Translation to habitats
•Evidence-based land cover change
•Living Wales on the ground
•Global engagement
•Ecosystem restoration and future landscapes
•Links to policy, economy, well-being and land management
•Education and outreach
•Driving and responding to national and international ambitions
Join us – register to attend!
This will be a closed event, hosted via Zoom and you must register in advance. Click the ‘Register your place’ button below to register via Zoom (you will be sent reminders).