Deadline for applications: 14th November 2024

The WG has launched the Anti-racism Wales Action Plan (ArWAP)( Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol | LLYW.CYMRU Anti-racist Wales Action Plan | GOV.WALES), in June of 2022. Outlining a visionary path toward crafting an anti-racist Wales by 2030. This groundbreaking plan not only defines the essence of anti-racism but also distinguishes itself as a dynamic blueprint rather than a static strategy. In its first iteration the ArWAP referenced the need for inclusion of climate change and environmental matters for action. Reports on diversity in UK consistently identify that Environment, followed by Farming, Fishing and Forestry professions are the least diverse sectors in the UK. This complete lack of diversity in the sector speaks of deep systemic inequalities and lack of opportunity for people of ethnic minority background to pursue careers in these sectors or even to engage in the public debates of the issues.
For further information about the post and details of how to apply please download the following document: