Environmental Careers Guidance

These pages are intended to provide tips and guidance for developing an environmental career. We hope you find this useful. Please note that we are not qualified careers advisors; it may be worth booking an appointment with your university careers service for personalised careers advice and guidance.

Sustainability, Ethics and your career

When you think of the future, what types of skills gaps do you think there will be?

There are many possible futures we could imagine. Where do you fit in the bigger picture?

Taken from ‘Adverse impacts from human-caused
climate change
‘ diagram from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:AR6 Synthesis Report

Career events and recordings: ‘Find Your Future in an Environmental Career’

Many thanks to our ‘Find Your Future in an Environmental Career’ 2025 panelists Emily (Admiral Group Plc), Jack (ERM), Harriet (West Wales Rivers Trust), Saffron (Newport City Council) and Louise (Balfour Beatty plc) for their fabulous careers presentations.

Environmental Platform Wales hosted a series of events about chartered institutes within the environmental sector and how membership can benefit your career. Chartered Institute Membership – epwales.org.uk

You can find a link to past recorded careers talks here:  First Class – Assessment of Environmental Careers Panelists – epwales.org.uk The Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) recently ran a Careers Day: Interested in a Career in Weather and Climate?

Our Insights Wales / Cipolwg Cymru Talks provide insight on many different environmental topics from experts in the field:  Insights Wales / Cipolwg Cymru – epwales.org.uk

Where to find environmental career opportunities

Have you considered a career in:

Once you have some experience, you could also consider:

➡️Careers in Natural Resources Wales or Local and National Government

➡️Careers in Environmental NGOs / Not for profit

➡️Environmental Consultancy or Environmental Entrepreneurship

Join a Professional Institute

There are many benefits to joining a chartered institute including access to job opportunities, networking, training, CPD, events, activities and more. This year we have hosted panelists from the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, the Chartered Institute of Foresters and the Institute of Fisheries Management.

Some of the major environmental institutes include:

  • Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
  • Institute of Fisheries Management
  • Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  • Chartered Institute of Foresters
  • The Institute of Water

We hope that this page has provided some useful signposts for environmental careers. For any other environmental career queries, please contact a member of the EPW team via our contact form.

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