Environment Platform Wales Activity Summary (2022-2024)

  • EPW have influenced, through promotion, facilitation of events, direct support on bids and project assessment panels, over £12,000,000 of research funding. This has involved:
    • Supporting successful UKRI funding bids worth £8.3m
    • Facilitating bids to other funders £243k
    • Encouraging and assisting environmentally focused research support from Welsh Govt. of £3.5m
  • Since 2021, three major conferences have been delivered by EPW:
    • Air Quality Conference (Swansea – 2022)
    • Better Water Quality for Wales Conference (Newport – 2023)
    • Marine Evidence Conference (Bangor – 2024)

All the conferences were run in hybrid format, attended for free by over 550 individuals from EPW core partners and other external bodies.

  • The EPW Researcher Database has been established providing rapid access for potential collaborators to 850 researchers across the EPW partnership.  

  • EPW have supported Welsh Government and NRW in providing and recruiting over 90 PhD students for three-month environmental research placements with more than 50% of places being filled by students at Welsh universities.

  • EPW staff have attended careers fairs at every institution in order to provide advice and guidance to more than 750 students wishing to pursue environmental careers.
  • EPW have established eight communities of research, involving academics (and external partners) from across the partner organisations. These include:
    • Coal Tip Safety
    • Water Quality
    • Reservoir Water Management
    • Environment and Peace
    • Designated Landscapes
    • Marine Evidence
    • Blue Carbon Forum
    • Earth Observation (Satellite Imagery)

In addition to regular routine online meetings of the above groups, EPW have facilitated face-to-face workshops in Cardiff, Aberystwyth and Wrexham. 

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