Welsh Government PhD Placement: National Air Quality Targets

Deadline for submission of applications: Thursday 29th February @ 15:00hrs

The Air Quality Evidence, Monitoring and Assessment Branch is responsible for developing and implementing evidence-based air quality policy and legislation. Air quality is a high-profile policy area. The Programme for Government and Clean Air Plan for Wales include commitments to introduce a Clean Air Act for Wales and extend the provision of air quality monitoring. The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill, introduced in the Senedd in March 2023, gives effect to these commitments. The Bill includes a new national air quality target setting framework requiring the development of target proposals for a range of pollutants, including for fine particulate matter. New targets will help to drive and measure improvements in air quality, with associated benefits for public health, habitats and biodiversity.

The post holder will work within the team to develop, implement and manage evidence-based policy in relation to new air quality targets. This will involve working with partners to develop multi-pollutant emission reduction measures and modelling the associated benefits to underpin the feasibility analysis of new targets. Alongside this, the post holder will work with the team to commission associated independent expert advice from national expert advisory groups.

The post holder will work extensively with academia, public bodies, non-governmental organisations and across Welsh and UK governments.  With support and direction, the post holder will help to build valuable working relationships, broaden their knowledge and understanding of Welsh Government policy work and have the opportunity to identify and develop initiatives to support the effective delivery of evidence-based policy.

For further information about the role, and details of how to apply please download the following document:

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