Deadline for submission of applications: 28th October 2024 @ 15:00hrs

The Air Quality, Noise and Soundscapes Branch is responsible for a number of high-profile and interesting topic areas including Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), nitrogen dioxide emissions, anti-idling, promoting awareness of air pollution and behaviour change, and smoke control and domestic burning.
The post holder will have the opportunity to support various projects related to domestic burning and smoke control. The post holder will be able to support implementation of the Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Act 2024 by helping to draft smoke control guidance and analyse consultation responses. The post holder will also have the opportunity to assist in developing impact assessments for the domestic solid fuel regulations which are in development. Additionally, the post holder will have the opportunity to establish a procedure, with supporting guidance, for authorising fuels and appliances through an online system.
There are opportunities within this role to work with senior officials and provide advice to Ministers. The post holder will work with the team and colleagues within Welsh Government and will have the opportunity to work with the UK and other devolved Governments, academia, public bodies and non-governmental organisations.
With support and direction, the post holder will help to build valuable working relationships, broaden their knowledge and understanding of Welsh Government policy work, particularly related to assessing impacts of policy changes, which supports the effective delivery of evidence-based policy. The exact tasks required of the student will be dependent on the particular focus and priorities of the team at the time of the placement and the student will likely have the opportunity to become involved in other work areas where they have a specific interest.
For further information about the placement and details regarding the application process please download the following document: