Closing date for submission of applications: Friday 22nd December @ 16:00hrs.
Welsh Government are seeking to appoint an Independent Chair to the Clean Air Advisory Panel. The Panel supports the development of evidence based policy and legislation, providing expert, independent advice on air quality matters in Wales.
The chair of the Clean Air Advisory Panel will co-ordinate a multidisciplinary group of policy makers, researchers, air quality and public health practitioners.
The chair will co-ordinate the Panel to;
- Advise on and provide scientific evidence to support the development of Welsh Government clean air policy.
- Support the establishment of targets for the reduction of air pollutant emissions.
- Collaborate with relevant government departments and other advisory groups at UK, Wales and local levels.
- Encourage and maximise opportunities for innovative solutions which help to improve levels of airborne pollution.
- Advise the Welsh Government on future evidence needs and how they can be met.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the range of the Panel’s work and high levels of technical expertise in one or more of the fields detailed below.
- Air quality monitoring, modelling and meteorology
- Emission inventories and projections
- Agriculture and rural land use
- Public health and socio-economic assessment relating to air quality.
- Impacts of air quality on ecosystems and biodiversity
- Transport
- Non-road mobile machinery
- Measurement technology and remote sensing
- Chemistry of air pollutants
- Sources, processes and measurement of gas-phase pollutants – particularly volatile organic compounds
- Industrial processes, including emissions to air, abatement, mitigation and technological solutions.
- Air quality and climate change
- Related science into policy
Period of appointment
The successful candidate will be appointed for an initial period of three years.
Remuneration and Allowances
£256 per day. Legitimate travel and other expenses will be fully reimbursed. As a guide, the chair will be required to work approximately 2 – 3 days per month, attending approximately 4-6 meetings per year, with the occasional ad hoc meetings as appropriate.
Further details about the role and application process can be found by downloading the following documents: