Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs recruitment competition

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a recruitment competition last week to appoint a Chair and up to 9 Members to its new High-Level Science Advisory Group (HLSAG). The competition will close on 22nd August 2024 and interviews are scheduled for October 2024, with appointments being made early 2025.   

The HLSAG is a non-statutory expert science advisory group and is not a Public Appointment.  The scope of the HLSAG will be broad and focus primarily on the strategic direction of DAERA’s scientific evidence.  It will deliver independent high-level, cross cutting, strategic advice, and proportionate challenge to the DAERA CSA to help assure the scientific evidence used in DAERA’s policy development and delivery is relevant, fit-for purpose and impartial.

DAERA is looking for a broad range of expertise across its areas of interest, including but not limited to: agricultural science; animal science; marine, fisheries and aquatic systems; plant science; natural environmental sciences; climate adaptation and mitigation science; social sciences; and data science.

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