From 27th to 29th June 2023, Environment Platform Wales will be hosting a conference focusing on better water quality for Wales. The main themes we will address in this conference are:
- Eutrophication of Freshwaters
- Emerging Contaminants
- Inland Bathing Waters
- Wastewater Treatment
If you have been working on any of these areas and want to share your research, we want to hear from you! Please fill in the form below if you would like to present at the conference and we will be in touch.
Is this conference
in person, if so, where?
or on-line?
Thanks for anything more you can tell me including the closing date for expressions of interest.
Our Wye Citizen Science groups are not currently part of a University project although we set up in collaboration with Cardiff Uni.
A possible topic would be “how to make CS data work for betterment of river” but would need to think through time commitment with colleagues.
Dr Christine Hugh-Jones Friends of the Upper Wye.
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your message.
The closing date for expression of interest is 1st April.
Our venue is yet to be confirmed, however likely to be in Cardiff. We are looking at a hybrid in person/online option too.
Kind Regards,
Please note, the first day of the event coincide with the last day of the Trwat the Water (TTW6) international conference held in in Oxford: https://score-network.eu/testing-the-waters-conference/
Would be great if the wastewater treatment topic was discussed on the second or third day.
Hi Kata,
Thanks for letting us know. We will bear this in mind when planning the schedule.