Many of the consequences of anthropogenic climate change will be social in nature. These will create tensions within and between communities in Wales – indeed in some cases they already are. This creates risks for ‘positive peace’ – that is, societies living without fear, were social resilience is balanced by individual rights and where social justice, respect and equality contribute to a society ‘at peace’ with itself. But these risks are poorly understood within Wales.
Over the past months, EPW and Academi Heddwch Cymru have been working with colleagues across Wales to better understand this challenge and to contribute to a debate which is only now beginning. This meeting/webinar will present some of the ideas developed and will form part of the development of this debate.

About the Speaker

Colin McInnes is Research Lead for Academi Heddwch Cymru, Wales’s Peace Institute, and is Emeritus Professor of International Politics at Aberystwyth University. He was Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, KE & Innovation at Aberystwyth until 2023, and was Chair of the UK National Commission for UNESCO.