Dr Gary Walpole

Dr Gary Walpole (Co-Director of the Regional Innovation & Regeneration Centre at Cardiff Met) will outline the underpinning design and impact of the Cardiff Circular Economy Network (CCEN). CCEN created a CE community of practice within the Cardiff Council boundary, in collaboration with One Planet Cardiff. The pilot CCEN project brought businesses and schools together into an experiential learning network where they enhanced process innovation knowledge and skills to develop clean growth plans. The project team subsequently ‘mapped’ CE resources available for business to understand and develop their CE capabilities, through WIN funding secured on the impact of CCEN, the CE Capability Matrix can be viewed here. Gary will describe the pedagogy of the project and the content design, its impact and implications. The underpinning research and how ‘innovation networks, can enhance regional transition to a CE are outlined in a report commissioned by Innovate UK ‘Innovation for a Circular Economy’, which Gary will discuss.
About the speaker
Dr Gary Walpole is a Leadership and Management Development (L&MD) pracademic with an outstanding record of leading new ventures and large projects. He has a proven track-record of designing, developing and delivering leadership and management development programmes and organisational development initiatives. Gary is also a Director of Indycube CIC, the largest co-working provider in Wales.