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Join Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Project Officer Matt Cooke, for an overview of Adder Ecology and Conservation in Wales. He will discuss current adder distribution patterns in Wales, habitat preferences, breeding and foraging behaviour, and their conservation status and challenges. Adder Identification and survey technique will also be covered, along with the work involved, and volunteer opportunities available, for his Adder Action Project that is active in Wales until April 2027 and aims to reverse the decline of this alluring, fragile species.
About the Speaker

Matt Cooke studied Zoology at the University of Bristol before completing a masters in Global Ecology and Conservation at Cardiff University and is now working on a PhD at Swansea University regarding Welsh Adder Ecology and Conservation. Professionally, Matt worked for over a decade as an Education Officer for the WWT and is currently employed as a project delivery officer for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.