Meet us at the All Wales Careers Fair to discuss green careers in research, policy and evidence
Thursday 14 Oct, 10am – 15.00pm
Environment Platform Wales will once again partner with all Welsh Universities and a host of other private and public sector organisations at the All Wales Careers Fair 2021. Hosted in tandem with GTI and Target Connect, it’s an opportunity for Welsh graduates and students to meet with employers, receive career-boosting advice and ideas for potential new and unexpected career paths.
By 2025, Gen z will make up 27% of the workforce
Forbes Magazine

As Gen Z lean towards careers with meaning and impact, roles in the environment and sustainability sector could be a great fit for those looking to align their working lives with their own values and ethical standards.
At the online careers fair, we’ll once again invite graduates to meet with us to talk about careers and training available for those curious about the kinds of roles in environmental science, research and policy-making. We’ll also offer advice on pursuing further study, whether that’s a Masters, PhD or professional qualification required for particular fields of study.
Glastonbury drug rivers, microplastics and a career in science & research: join Dr Christian Dunn for a talk on unconventional careers in environmental science
Dr Christian Dunn is an award-winning environmental campaigner and public speaker. He has given three TEDx talks and regularly appears on local and national TV, radio and press publications talking about environmental and climate issues. Being a former journalist he has written for a range of leading newspapers and magazines.
Being the Associate Director of the Bangor Wetlands Group, Dr Christian Dunn is an active researcher and lecturer in wetland science – in particular wetland ecology, peatland biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration and the use of constructed treatment wetlands. He is also the director of the Plastic Research Centre of Wales and has ongoing research projects looking at plastic and microplastic pollution. His research via Bangor University recently went global around the world, after surveying traces of MDMA and cocaine in the river running through the Glastonbury festival site before, during and after the festival. The news story was reported around the world, including in the New York Post, The Daily Beast, Reuters, BBC, ITV and People.
In his EP Wales-hosted talk at the All Wales Careers Fair in association with Welsh Universities and Open University, Christian will shine a light on how a career in science and discovery can bring forward some surprising and unexpected turns. He shares his insights for unconventional routes into the field, his top tips for bagging a career where passion and purpose collide and how your career path can literally change the world for good. This talk is for anyone looking for a challenging, stimulating and interesting career where your ideas can shape policy and public behaviour now and in the future. The talk touches upon the qualities and skills needed for a career in a range of scientific and environmental roles, from innovation to risk appetite and creativity.
EP Wales Director Andy Schofield will be on hand before and after the talk at the Environment Platform Wales (virtual) booth to discuss career possibilities, green employers, training routes and ideas for further study.