Welsh Government PhD Placement – Air Quality Evidence: development of national air quality targets for Wales.

Initial Deadline for applications: Thursday 29th of August @4pm. The Welsh Government team will welcome new applications and expressions of interest until Nov 2025.

The post holder will work within the team to develop, implement and manage evidence-based policy in relation to new air quality targets. This will involve working with partners to develop multi-pollutant emission reduction measures and modelling the associated benefits to underpin the feasibility analysis of new targets. Alongside this, the post holder will work with the team to commission associated independent expert advice from national expert advisory groups.

The post holder will work extensively with academia, public bodies, non-governmental organisations and across Welsh and UK governments.  With support and direction, the post holder will help to build valuable working relationships, broaden their knowledge and understanding of Welsh Government policy work and have the opportunity to identify and develop initiatives to support the effective delivery of evidence-based policy. The exact tasks required of the student will be dependent on the particular focus of the team at the time of the placement and the student will likely have the opportunity to become involved in other work areas where they have a specific interest.

Please note that the deadline for the first round of applications will be the 29th of August. However, Welsh Government will accept new applications for this advert until end of November 2025.

For further information about the post and details of the application process please download the following document:

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