Closing Date for Applications: 3rd February 2023
The ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership is consortium comprising of Cardiff University (the lead institution), Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, the University of Gloucestershire and Swansea University.
Building on a track record of successful social science doctoral training collaboration in Wales – the DTP and its predecessor have offered around 50 new postgraduate studentships every year. Preparing doctoral students for their future careers, through the generation of knowledge and building of intellectual capacities and research skills, ensures outstanding contributions are made to environmental, political, economic and social development.
This studentship project aims to explore what types of new woodland owners (e.g. farmers, pension funds etc.) are emerging in England and Wales and what their motivations for woodland management are, as a result of new types of drivers for woodland planting, such as incentives or carbon markets, and how these might be different to existing woodland owner typologies? It will also investigate the knowledge needs of these new owners and whether they are being adequately addressed through existing advisory and guidance mechanisms?
Information about the studentship and details of the application process can be found here.