The Environment Platform Wales Researcher Database aims to provide a comprehensive guide to who is researching what in Welsh environmental research.
I would like to make a change to my record.
We provide support for our members to expand their networks and make new connections. We aim to create opportunities for Welsh organisations to submit large scale funding applications that span different organisations, sectors and disciplines.
We want to increase Welsh engagement with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Strategic Priorities Fund and the Natural Environment Research Council Highlight Topics.
If you have an idea for a research sandpit we’d love to discuss it with you and see what we can do to make it happen.
If you are interested in developing a fellowship application? Would like support finding the right contacts in Welsh Gov, NRW or elsewhere? Would you like to meet and network with others developing applications?
Communities of Research
Environment Platform Wales aims to increase the quality and relevance of evidence available for environmental management and policy making in Wales. One of the ways that we do this is by establishing research groups with our university and research partners. If you would like to join one of our research groups (postgraduates +), or would like us to discuss setting up a new one, please contact us on
Find out more about our existing research groups:

Marine and Coastal Research

Blue Carbon Research

Reservoir Water Quality Research

Coal Tip Safety Research

Earth Observation and Sustainable Space Research

Plastic in the Environment Research

Designated Landscape Research

Environment and Peace Research