We want your evidence to inform the development of Wales’ decarbonisation pathway to Net Zero. It will also provide an initial step towards potentially developing a Just Transition Framework for Wales. Please submit your comments by 15 March 2023 – Just Transition to Net Zero Wales | GOV.WALES
Hoffem glywed eich barn ar gyfer llywio’r modd y datblygir llwybr datgarboneiddio Cymru tuag at Sero Net. Bydd hefyd yn darparu cam cychwynnol tuag at y posibilrwydd o ddatblygu Fframwaith Pontio Teg i Gymru. Cyflwynwch eich sylwadau erbyn 15 Mawrth 2023 os gwelwch yn dda – Pontio Teg tuag at Sero Net Cymru | LLYW.CYMRU
Just Transition: Call for Evidence
On 6 December 2022 Welsh Government launched the Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Call for Evidence.
Delivering a just transition will mean, moving to a cleaner, stronger, fairer Wales, leaving no-one behind. This Call for Evidence is important to ensure plans are based on robust evidence. Evidence and research is needed to help inform the approach to just transition. This includes improving understanding of the impacts and opportunities for Wales.
Please email the climatechange@gov.wales mailbox should you have any questions.
Pontio Teg: Cais am Dystiolaeth
Ar 6 Rhagfyr 2022 lansiodd Llywodraeth Cymru y Pontio Teg tuag at Sero Net Cymru: Galwad am Dystiolaeth.
Nod Pontio’n Deg, wrth i ni symud at greu Cymru sy’n lanach, cryfach a thecach, yw bod neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl. Mae’r Cais am Dystiolaeth yn bwysig i sicrhau ein bod yn seilio’n cynlluniau ar dystiolaeth gadarn. Mae angen eich tystiolaeth a’ch ymchwil i’n helpu i wybod sut orau i bontio’n deg. Mae hyn yn cynnwys deall yn well yr effeithiau ar Gymru a’r cyfleoedd a ddaw iddi.
Anfonwch e-bost at y blwch post climatechange@gov.wales os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau.