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An estimated 12.7 million tonnes of microplastics enter the environment annually. Most of this pollution is emitted to land, yet we find microplastics in all parts of the environment, even in the deep ocean. How are they microplastics distributed and transported? What impacts do they have on the environment? and can alternative plastics, such as those which biodegrade, offer solutions to the plastic crisis?
About the Speaker

Dr. Winnie Courtene-Jones
Lecturer in Marine Pollution, Bangor University
Winnie is a marine biologist and plastic pollution expert whose research focuses on understanding the ecological impacts of global change. In particular her research broadly focuses on the environmental prevalence, fate and impacts of (micro)plastics on organisms and ecosystem functions, to assess environmental risk in a changing world and support effective interventions.
Prior to commencing her post as lecturer in Marine Pollution at Bangor University, Winnie spent 5 years at the University of Plymouth where she led research examining the global land-sea flows and movement of plastic pollution, and studied the environmental degradation and impacts of biodegradable and bio-based plastics (often termed as ‘bioplastics’ or ‘alternative plastics’).
Her research has led her to study plastic pollution in a variety of terrestrial and marine environments, from agricultural soils and coastline to some of the most remote parts of our planet including the deep sea and oceanic gyres.
Winnie is a passionate science communicator and authority on (micro)plastic pollution; she has spoken at the UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations and the British and European Parliament. She is an active member of the Scientist Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty, supporting the development of a legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution.
X: @WinnieCJ