Free Online Event | Explore Environmental Careers | 4th March 2024 17:30 – 19:00
Have you ever considered a career in the environmental sector?
Environment Platform Wales are working with Cardiff University’s Student Futures team to bring you a careers panel with representatives from across the industry.

Tom Hall | Marine Energy Wales | Programme Manager

In his role as MEW Programme Manager Tom oversees the ongoing development and delivery of the MEW programme. Bringing together technology developers, the supply chain, academia and the public sector to establish Wales as a global leader in sustainable marine energy generation, making a significant contribution to a low carbon economy.

Zoë Jones | Wales and West Utilities | Resourcing Business Partner

Zoë started just over 4 years ago with Wales and West Utilities as a HR Apprentice and has developed into the role of Resourcing Business Partner. Right now, they are working on a range of projects and schemes that will help deliver a vision of a reliable, affordable and green whole energy system.

Tamzin Wood | RSK Environment SW and Wales | Director / Team Leader
Tamzin has more than 20 years of industry experience, within the sustainability / environmental management field and is currently Associate Director at RSK Environment Ltd, where she manages the South West and South Wales Environmental Management and EIA team. Tamzin has wide-ranging international experience, and has managed and participated in projects throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the Asia-Pacific and Middle East.

Michael MacDonald | RSPB

Michael studied for his PhD in Tasmania, and worked for some time with Forestry Tasmania. In 2005, he joined the RSPB’s Centre for Conservation Science and has remained there since, working on various topics, including the performance of British agri-environment schemes, and the ecosystem service benefits of nature conservation. Since 2019 he has been the RSPB’s Principal Conservation Scientist for Wales, supporting Welsh science needs.