November 26th, 10am-12.00pm
Environment Platform Wales are supporting Welsh Government to host a webinar giving you the opportunity to learn about the work of the ‘BioWill’ Interreg project.
The project, now in its final year has been seeking to develop a biorefinery that will use processed willow to produce pharmaceutical compounds, renewable energy in the form of methane, natural fertiliser and food packaging material.
Supported by EU Interreg funding and delivered by ten project partners (including three universities) from across four countries (Belgium, Ireland, France and UK) the project aims to bring benefit to SMEs through the creation of a competitive bio economy across north-west Europe.
The webinar will comprise a number of presentations covering:
- An introduction to the BioWILL project – Dr James Leahy, University of Limerick
- Willow breeding – Kevin Lindegaard, Crops4Energy
- Medical applications-salicin from willow bark – Dr John Prendergast, University of Limerick
- Packaging applications- moulded pulp products from willow. Dr Adam Charlton, Bangor University
- Energy production using Anaerobic digestion. – Dr Chen Deng, University College Cork
- Life Cycle Assessment of the BioWILL process. Laura Yonge, Materia Nova